The Soft C
Basics on the topic The Soft C
Join Dee and Kala and learn about soft C.
Transcript The Soft C
"Dee! What on Earth is going on in here?!" "Oh. I am trying to soften the letter C." "You don't soften C by warming it up! You do it by putting certain letters after it!" Let's learn what Kala means by explaining the soft C. You may already know that the letter C says c as in cake, cot, click or cucumber. But, the letter C can also make another, softer sound. It can say s just like the letter S. But this doesn't happen all the time. It can happen when the letter C is followed by one of three specific letters. E, I or Y. Let's say them with Kala! CE, CI, CY, S. The E, I and Y work their magic on C, softening the sound it makes in a word. Let’s look at some CE examples! C says S in celery, face and ice because the letter E comes straight after the letter C in each of these words. If we read these words with the hard c sound, that would be incorrect. For example, kelery doesn't sound right. Now let’s look at some CI examples! The first C in circus and circle says S because the letter I comes straight after the first C in each of these words. The second C in both of these words still makes the hard c sound because other letters come after them. Finally, let’s look at CY examples! C says S at the beginning of cycle and the end of spicy because the letter Y comes straight after C in both examples. Now that we know about the soft C, let's try sorting words with hard and soft C sounds. The first word is cement, does this word have a hard or soft C? It has a soft C since it is followed by the letter E which makes it say S, cement. How about the word cat, does this word have a hard or soft C? It has a hard C since it is not followed by an E, I or Y. It is followed by an A, so it says c, cat. What about the last example, city? It has a soft C since it is followed by the letter I which makes it say S, city. Now that Dee knows the correct way to soften the letter C, let's remember! Today we learnt about the soft C which makes the sound S. C can say S when an E, I or a Y comes straight after it in a word. When it is followed by any other letter, the C makes the harder c sound. "Um, I will be right back, Kala." "Why? Where are you going?" “I need to get the letter G out of the bath.” "The bath?!” “Yes, I was trying to soften it too, but now I realise that’s probably not how you do it either.” "You are correct, Dee, but we'll talk about that another time!"
The Soft C exercise
Which letters follow c when it makes a soft sound?
HintsLook at the pictures next to each gap. What is the next letter in each of those words?
Listen to the words being said.
Read this word:
Does it start with a /c/ sound or a /s/ sound?
The word cat starts with a /c/ sound so if the letter a comes after c, the c makes a hard sound, not a soft sound.
SolutionIf c is followed e, i or y, it makes a soft, /s/ sound.
Choose the correct spelling.
HintsEven though you might hear the /s/ sound in these words, is it a letter s that is making that sound?
A word often has a soft c in when the c is followed by e, i or y.
There are three words with the soft c in them.
SolutionThe words ice, pencil and fancy all contain the soft c sound. In these words, c is followed by e, i and y.
The word sad is spelt with an s. The /s/ sound is followed by /a/.
Can you find the matching pairs?
HintsSound out each word with a hard c and a soft c, which one sounds correct? Then match the correct sounding word with the picture.
Remember to look for digraphs and split digraphs when sounding out.
If c is followed by an e or i, it often makes a soft sound.
There are two words with a soft c, and two words with a hard c.
SolutionHere we can see the pictures sorted correctly.
Circus and mice have soft c sounds. The first c in circus is soft, it is followed by i. The second c is hard.
Coconut and cook have hard c sounds.
Which words have a soft c and which words have a hard c?
HintsSound out each word with a hard c and a soft c, which one sounds correct?
Let's look at this word: exciting.
If we sound it out with a hard c, we get the word exkiting.
If we sound it out with a soft c, we get the word exciting.
Which one is correct?
Remember, if c is followed by an i or y, the c makes a soft sound.
SolutionCrane, cutlery and clap have a hard c sound.
Bouncy, racing and exciting have a soft c sound.
Which words have a soft c sound?
HintsListen carefully, do you hear a /c/ sound like in can or a /s/ sound like in ice?
There are two correct choices.
SolutionFace and tracing have soft c sounds.
Can you find the soft c words?
HintsSound out each word with a hard c and a soft c, which one sounds correct?
Remember to look for digraphs, trigraphs and split digraphs when sounding out.
Remember, if a c is followed by e, i or y, it often makes a soft sound.
There are four words with the soft c sound in them.
SolutionCity, ace, cereal and fence have the soft c sound in them.
Rhyming Words
The Letter S
The Letter A
The Letter T
The Letter P
The Letter I
The Letter N
The Letter M
The Letter D
The Letter G
The Letter O
The Letter K
The Letter H
The Letter E
The Letter R
The Letter U
The Letter L
The Letter B
The Letter F
The Letter J
The Letter Q(u)
The Letter W
The Letter V
The Letter X
The Letter Y
The Letter Z
Consonant Letter Sounds
Matching Letters to Consonant & Vowel Sounds— Let's Practise!
CVC Words: The Initial Consonant
CVC Words: The Middle Vowel
CVC Sounds: The Final Consonant
CVC Words
Long and short Vowel sounds
Words, Syllables & Sounds
Consonant Blends
Onsets & Rimes
Decoding: Look at the Picture
Decoding: Stretch out the Word
Counting & Segmenting Syllables
Final 'E' and Split Digraphs
Adjacent Consonants _r
Adjacent Consonants s_
Adjacent Consonants _t
Adjacent Consonants l
The Soft C
The Soft G
Alternative Pronunciation y (I)