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Rhyming Words

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Basics on the topic Rhyming Words

Rhyming Words

What are rhyming words? Sometimes, words end on the same sound. That makes them sound similar. When words end on similar sounds, we say they rhyme. Rhyming words are often used in music and poems. Let’s learn more about rhyming words (for kindergarten) and how to teach rhyming words with the following explanation.

Rhyming Words – Definition

Here is a helpful definition for rhyming words:

Rhyming words are words that have the same ending sound. An ending sound is the part of the word we hear last.

Here is a small overview of sounds and their matching rhyming words.

Rhyme sound Rhyming words
-ug mug, jug, bug
-et jet, net, bet, set
-an pan, fan, can

Rhyming Words – Examples

When teaching rhyming words, it’s best to start with an example. Let's practise with the word: cat. The word cat ends with the sound -at. Other words that end the same are hat, bat, and rat. These words all rhyme because their last sound is the same: -at.


Words like shoe or bird do not rhyme with cat because they all have different ending sounds.


It can also be useful to show rhyming words for kindergarten with pictures. This helps children with learning rhyming words in kindergarten. In the image below, there are pictures along with the words mug, bug, and net.


To identify the rhyming pair, first say the words aloud, using the pictures to help, and listen to the ending sounds. The rhyming words are mug and bug because they share the same ending sound: -ug.


Rhyming Words – Summary

Rhyming words can be more than just fun in games, music and poems. You can learn a lot about spelling with rhyming words. Find out whether or not two words rhyme with this overview:

  • Rhyming words are words that have the same ending sound.

  • An ending sound is the part of the word we hear last.

  • We can figure out if words rhyme by listening carefully to see if the final sounds in each word are the same.

Have you practised with our rhyming words worksheets yet? On this website, you can find interactive exercises on rhyming words for kindergarten and rhyming words worksheets.

Rhyming Words exercise

Would you like to apply the knowledge you’ve learnt? You can review and practice it with the tasks for the video Rhyming Words.
  • What are rhyming words?


    Examples of rhyming words are:

    sock, clock

    Look at this rhyme: He sat by the cat. Sat and cat rhyme. What do you notice?


    Rhyming words are words that have the same ending sound. Remember, the ending sound is the part of the word we hear last. For example, cup and pup rhyme.

  • Which two words rhyme?


    Say the words out loud, and listen to the ending sounds. Which words rhyme?

    Remember, rhyming words have the same sound at the end.


    The rhyming words are shell and bell, because they share the same ending sound, /ell/.

  • Find the rhyming pairs.


    Remember, rhyming words have the same ending sound.

    An example of a rhyming pair is: clock, sock.


    These rhyming words have the same ending sound!

    Skip and lip both end in /ip/.

    Ball and fall both end in /all/.

    Dish and wish both end in /ish/.

    Kick and pick both end in /ick/.

  • Which words rhyme?


    Remember, pair the words that have the same ending sound.

    Say each word out loud. Which words sound the same at the end?


    Here we can see the matching rhyming pairs:

    fox and box

    can and man

    cold and gold

    brave and cave

    sunny and bunny

  • Which word rhymes with lunch?


    What sound is at the end of the word, lunch? Say it out loud. Which word here has the same ending sound?

    Find the word that ends in unch.


    The rhyming word is crunch!

    Lunch and crunch rhyme, because they both end in /unch/.

  • Sort the words.


    Remember, you are placing the word in the circle with the same ending sound.

    For example, if the circle had the ending sound at, the words you would place there could be cat, sat, bat and rat.

    Say the ending sounds out loud, then say the word out loud. Which ending sound does it have?


    The rhyming words all have the same ending sound:

    • The words that end in ing and rhyme are: sing, cling, string, king
    • The words that end in it and rhyme are: sit, bit, pit, kit