CVC Words: The Initial Consonant

Basics on the topic CVC Words: The Initial Consonant
In this video on the initial sound of CVC words
Dee and Kala are visiting a sculpture garden. When they try to read about the artwork, they notice that the first letter of each CVC word is missing! However, they are not sure how to help fix this. Join Dee and Kala as they learn about CVC initial consonant sounds and write the initial sound to match the picture for each CVC word.
CVC meaning
CVC words are special words that follow a pattern. They start with a consonant, followed by a vowel and end in another consonant. Consonants and vowels are the names for the two types of letters in the alphabet. Vowels are the letters a, e, i, o, and u. Consonants are all the other letters that are not vowels. Some examples of CVC words are fun, pot and can.
When we say the initial consonant, we are talking about the first sound a letter makes when we say the word.
Initial sound fluency
Let's practise an initial sound activity with initial sound pictures. Here is a CVC word where the first letter is missing: _ e n. To work out the initial consonant, look at the picture and say the word aloud: hen.
Next, touch and say the first sound you hear: /h/.
Then, name the letter that makes that sound. What letter says /h/? H says /h/!
Finally, let's write the letter h where it belongs! H, E, N spells hen!
Summary: CVC initial sounds
To work out the first letter of a CVC word:
- First, we say the word aloud.
- Next, we touch and say the first sound we hear.
- Then, we name the letter that makes that sound.
- Finally, we write the letter in its place.
Initial sound fluency activities
To continue practising initial sound sorting, have a look at our CVC words with pictures on our CVC worksheets as well as initial sound worksheets, initial sound match and initial consonant sound worksheet.
Transcript CVC Words: The Initial Consonant
Dee and Kala are visiting a sculpture garden.
But when they try to read about the artwork, they notice that the first letter of each
Let's help Dee and Kala by learning about "
Consonants are all the other letters that are NOT vowels.
When we say 'INITIAL consonant', we are talking about the FIRST sound a letter makes when we say the word, but how do we work out the first letter? Let’s practice together! Let’s look at this sculpture of a HEN. Oh no! The first letter is missing on the nameplate! To find out what the initial consonant is, first, let's say the word aloud: HEN. Next, let's touch and say the FIRST sound we hear /h/.
Then, let's name that letter.
What letter says /h/?
Dee and Kala have finished! But who is this walking over to them?
Whilst they find out who this is, let's remember!
Today we learnt about the first consonant in a
It was the sculpture artist coming over to Dee and Kala! He was so thankful for all of their hard work, he has a surprise for them, a brand new masterpiece to add to the sculpture garden!
CVC Words: The Initial Consonant exercise
Which are consonants and which are vowels?
HintsConsonants and vowels are the names for the two types of letters in the alphabet. CVC words are made up of a consonant, then a vowel, then a consonant.
The word dog is a CVC word. The d and the g are consonants. The o is a vowel.
Vowels are the letters, a, e, i, o, and u. Consonants are all the other letters that are not vowels.
SolutionVowels are the letters, a, e, i, o, and u.
Consonants are all the other letters that are not vowels. The consonants in this picture are, b, f, g, h, j, m, p, s, t, z. -
Which words have the same initial consonant?
HintsLook at each picture. Say the word aloud. What is the first sound you hear?
Touch the first sound you hear. What letter makes that sound?
There are four words for each initial consonant.
SolutionC Initial Consonant - can, cat, car, cup
M Initial consonant - mud, man, map, mop -
Fill in the gaps with the correct letter.
HintsDid you say the word aloud? Look at the picture and say the word aloud.
Touch the first sound you hear. What letter makes that sound?
SolutionTo work out the first letter of a CVC word:
- First, we say the word aloud.
- Next, we touch and say the first sound we hear.
- Then, we name the letter that makes that sound.
What are the missing sounds?
HintsDid you say the word aloud? Look at the picture and say the word aloud.
Touch the first sound you hear. What letter makes that sound?
What do scissors do? What initial sound do you hear when you say the word?
SolutionTo work out the first letter of a CVC word:
- First, we say the word aloud.
- Next, we touch and say the first sound we hear.
- Then, we name the letter that makes that sound.
- Finally, we write the letter in its place.
Which letter is the initial consonant?
HintsIs the initial consonant the first sound or the last sound you hear when you say a word aloud?
Consonants and vowels are the names for the two types of letters in the alphabet. Vowels are the letters, a, e, i, o, and u. Consonants are all the other letters that are not vowels.
In the word met, m is the initial consonant.
SolutionWhen we look for the initial consonant, we are talking about the first sound a letter makes when we say the word.
In the word hot, the initial consonant is h. -
Can you find the matching pairs?
HintsRemember, all of the words in this example are CVC words.
How can we work out the initial consonant? What part of the word should you listen to?
As an example, in the word cat, the initial consonant is c.
SolutionWe can find the initial consonant by listening to the first sound in a word.
- Mug and mud both start with m.
- Bat and bag both start with b.
- Pig and pan both start with p.
- Log and leg both start with l.

Rhyming Words

The Letter S

The Letter A

The Letter T

The Letter P

The Letter I

The Letter N

The Letter M

The Letter D

The Letter G

The Letter O

The Letter K

The Letter H

The Letter E

The Letter R

The Letter U

The Letter L

The Letter B

The Letter F

The Letter J

The Letter Q(u)

The Letter W

The Letter V

The Letter X

The Letter Y

The Letter Z

Consonant Letter Sounds

Matching Letters to Consonant & Vowel Sounds— Let's Practise!

CVC Words: The Initial Consonant

CVC Words: The Middle Vowel

CVC Sounds: The Final Consonant

CVC Words

Long and short Vowel sounds

Words, Syllables & Sounds

Consonant Blends

Onsets & Rimes

Decoding: Look at the Picture

Decoding: Stretch out the Word

Counting & Segmenting Syllables

Final 'E' and Split Digraphs

Adjacent Consonants _r

Adjacent Consonants s_

Adjacent Consonants _t

Adjacent Consonants l

The Soft C

The Soft G

Alternative Pronunciation y (I)