Adjacent Consonants _r

Basics on the topic Adjacent Consonants _r
Join Dee and Kala and learn how to blend adjacent consonants containing the letter r.
Transcript Adjacent Consonants _r
It looks like Dee is having a sweet dream. He's mixing different ice cream together to make milkshakes for a stand! Each flavour has its own taste, but when mixed together make a new one like consonant blends! Let's learn about adjacent consonants with the letter R. You might already know that consonants are letters that aren’t vowels and adjacent means that two things are next to each other. Blending is when you mix things together. But, did you know that you can blend letters that are adjacent to each other in words together? When you blend two adjacent consonants together, you hear the sound that each letter makes. Today we will look at adjacent consonants at the beginning of a word that have the letter R in them. When reading words that start with adjacent consonants containing the letter R start by sounding out the first letter. Here the first letter is G which makes the sound /g/. Next, add the sound R makes! R makes the /r/ sound. Finally, say the two sounds together to work out the blend! /G/ and /r/ blended together make the /gr/ sound. Like in the words grew or grass. Let's help Dee blend some letters and milkshakes! His first milkshake blends chocolate and raspberry together. And the scoops have the letters C and R on them! What sound do C and R make when blended together? Start by sounding out the first letter. What sound does the letter C make? C makes the /c/ sound. Next, add the sound the letter R makes! R makes the /r/ sound. Then, blend the two sounds together. C and R blended together make /cr/! Like in the words crab or crayon. I wonder what Dee will blend together next? It looks like he is blending dates and raspberry ice cream! And the scoops have the letters D and R on them! What sound do the letters D and R make when they are blended together? Remember to start by sounding out the first letter. The letter D makes the /d/ sound. Next, add the sound the letter R makes! What sound does R make? R makes the /r/ sound. Finally, say the two sounds together to work out the blend! D and R make the /dr/ sound when blended together! Like in the words drum or drip. It seems that Dee is mixing one last milkshake of blueberry and raspberry ice creams together. The scoops have the letters B and R on them. What do the letters B and R make when blended together? Remember to start by sounding out the first letter. Next, add the sound the letter R makes! Then, blend the two sounds together. Did you also get the sound /br/? Before we wake Dee up, let's review. Today we learnt about blending adjacent consonants that have the letter R in them! To identify or find the blend start with the first letter and find the sound that it makes. Next, add the sound the letter R makes. Then, blend and say the two sounds together! Now, is Dee awake yet? "Kala, I dreamt that we opened a milkshake stand!" "Oh, that sounds nice, Dee!" "Wait a second..."
Adjacent Consonants _r exercise
Can you find the adjacent consonants?
HintsRemember, adjacent means next to each other and consonants are all of the letters in the alphabet that are not vowels.
Here the consonants can be seen in green.
Here are some words with adjacent consonants in them:
- grass
- crab
- drip
SolutionThe adjacent consonants are:
- cr
- dr
- gr
- ad - a is a vowel.
- co - o is a vowel.
Which words have adjacent consonants?
HintsFind the letter r in each word and then look to see if there is a consonant next to it.
Remember, the consonants can be seen here in green.
There are four words with adjacent consonants and two words without.
SolutionDrink, crush, brush and pram all have adjacent consonants in them.
- dr, cr, br and pr are all adjacent consonant pairs containing the letter r.
Can you match the pictures with the words?
HintsStart by sounding out the first letter.
Next, add the sound the letter r makes.
Finally, say the two sounds together to work out the blend and then read the rest of the word.
Listen to all five words being said, one of them does not have a matching picture.
brick, frog, brew, drill, cross
SolutionHere we can see the matching words and pictures.
Can you complete the sentences?
HintsStart by reading the first sound and then add the sound the letter r makes.
Blend these sounds together then read the rest of the word.
Look out for digraphs and split digraphs.
Listen to the sentence as many times as you like.
SolutionThe sentences are:
- Kala was happy and had a big grin.
- My dog had a groom.
- I won a prize.
- We went on a train.
Which words have adjacent consonants?
HintsRead each word carefully. Does it have an r in it?
If it does have an r, is there another consonant next to it?
Remember, the consonants are the letters seen in green here.
There are three words with adjacent consonants in them.
SolutionThe words with adjacent consonants are:
- drop
- bring
- gram
Can you spell the words?
HintsListen carefully to each word. They all start with adjacent consonants.
r is the second letter in each word. Listen carefully for the first sound and then spell the rest of the word.
Here are some letters placed correctly to help you:
- tr_ _ _
- _ru_ _
- _r_n_
- gr_p_ _
SolutionThe correct spellings are:
- trick
- trust
- grapes

Rhyming Words

The Letter S

The Letter A

The Letter T

The Letter P

The Letter I

The Letter N

The Letter M

The Letter D

The Letter G

The Letter O

The Letter K

The Letter H

The Letter E

The Letter R

The Letter U

The Letter L

The Letter B

The Letter F

The Letter J

The Letter Q(u)

The Letter W

The Letter V

The Letter X

The Letter Y

The Letter Z

Consonant Letter Sounds

Matching Letters to Consonant & Vowel Sounds— Let's Practise!

CVC Words: The Initial Consonant

CVC Words: The Middle Vowel

CVC Sounds: The Final Consonant

CVC Words

Long and short Vowel sounds

Words, Syllables & Sounds

Consonant Blends

Onsets & Rimes

Decoding: Look at the Picture

Decoding: Stretch out the Word

Counting & Segmenting Syllables

Final 'E' and Split Digraphs

Adjacent Consonants _r

Adjacent Consonants s_

Adjacent Consonants _t

Adjacent Consonants l

The Soft C

The Soft G

Alternative Pronunciation y (I)