Alternative Pronunciation y (I)
Basics on the topic Alternative Pronunciation y (I)
Sometimes the letter y can work as a vowel sound, like when it is at the end of words such as 'cry' or 'why'. Learn more in this video.
Transcript Alternative Pronunciation y (I)
Dee, Kala and their friend,
Alternative Pronunciation y (I) exercise
Is y making an I sound?
HintsSound out each word with y making a /y/ sound and y making an I sound, which sounds correct?
Remember, y often makes an I sound at the end of words.
There are two words to highlight.
SolutionIn the words dry and spy, y makes an I sound.
In the word yoghurt, y makes a /y/ sound.
Can you match the words and pictures?
HintsSound out each word with y making an I sound and y making a /y/ sound.
Which way sounds correct?
Remember, y often makes an I sound at the end of a word.
There are two words where y makes an I sound and two words where y makes a /y/ sound.
SolutionIn the words yell and yak, y makes the /y/ sound.
In the words fry and cry, y makes the I sound.
What sound is y making?
HintsSound out each word with y making an I sound and y making a /y/ sound. Which one sounds correct?
Remember, y at the end of a word often makes an /I/ sound.
There are three words where y is making an I sound and three words where y is making a /y/ sound.
SolutionIn the words spy, rely and sly, y is making an I sound.
In the words yap, yard and yelp, y is making a /y/ sound.
Can you complete the sentences?
HintsRemember, if you hear an /I/ sound at the end of a word, it is often made with the letter y.
The missing word in the last sentence is a tricky word so think carefully about the spelling.
SolutionI am going camping in July.
I will reply to your letter.
You can come with me.
In which of these words does y make an I sound?
HintsSound out each word with y making an I sound and y making a /y/ sound.
Which sounds correct?
Remember, y often makes an I sound at the end of a word.
There is only one correct option.
SolutionY makes an I sound at the end of the word shy.
In yes, yum and yuck, y makes a /y/ sound.
How do we make the I sound?
HintsIf you hear the I sound at the end of a word, it is often a y making it.
The second word follows the same spelling pattern as hike.
The third word follows the same spelling pattern as right.
SolutionThe sound I can be made in different ways, here are the correct spellings for these words.
Try is spelt t r y.
Bike is spelt b i k e.
Light is spelt l i g h t.
Rhyming Words
The Letter S
The Letter A
The Letter T
The Letter P
The Letter I
The Letter N
The Letter M
The Letter D
The Letter G
The Letter O
The Letter K
The Letter H
The Letter E
The Letter R
The Letter U
The Letter L
The Letter B
The Letter F
The Letter J
The Letter Q(u)
The Letter W
The Letter V
The Letter X
The Letter Y
The Letter Z
Consonant Letter Sounds
Matching Letters to Consonant & Vowel Sounds— Let's Practise!
CVC Words: The Initial Consonant
CVC Words: The Middle Vowel
CVC Sounds: The Final Consonant
CVC Words
Long and short Vowel sounds
Words, Syllables & Sounds
Consonant Blends
Onsets & Rimes
Decoding: Look at the Picture
Decoding: Stretch out the Word
Counting & Segmenting Syllables
Final 'E' and Split Digraphs
Adjacent Consonants _r
Adjacent Consonants s_
Adjacent Consonants _t
Adjacent Consonants l
The Soft C
The Soft G
Alternative Pronunciation y (I)