Adjacent Consonants s_

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Join Dee and Kala and learn about reading words with adjacent consonants containing the letter s.
Transcript Adjacent Consonants s_
"What flavours are you going to get, Dee?" "I don't know... I'm stuck between two!" When you blend two consonants together, you hear the sounds that each letter makes. Dee and Kala are blending together ice cream flavours, much like blending adjacent consonants with the letter S. You might already know that consonants are letters that aren’t vowels. And that adjacent means two things that are next to each other. You also might know about blends, when you mix things together. Maybe you have blended a smoothie, brownie mixture or colours together. Did you know that you can blend letters together? We can use what we know about letters and the sounds that they make to work out the new sound that adjacent consonant blends make! Let's take a look at the first flavours our friends are mixing to learn more. It looks like Kala is blending salted caramel with nuts! She needs to blend S and N together to name her new flavour. When reading words that start with adjacent consonants containing the letter S, always start with the letter S and say its sound /s/. Next, say the sound of the second letter out loud, here it is N which says /n/. Finally, blend the two letters together and say it faster to find the new blend! What do /s/ and /n/ make when blended together? /s/, /n/, /sn/, /s/ and /n/ blend together to make /sn/. Like in the word snug, Kala's name for her flavour! Dee is mixing together chocolate and marshmallow to make s'mores! He needs to blend the letters S and M for his new flavour. Remember, when reading words that start with adjacent consonants containing the letter S, always start with the letter S and say its sound, /s/. Next, say the sound of the second letter out loud, here it is M which says /m/. Finally, blend the two letters together and say it faster to find the new blend! What do /s/ and /m/ make when blended together? /s/, /m/, /sm/, /s/ and /m/ make the blend /sm/! Like in the word smell or s'mores. Finally, the wise turtle is blending salted caramel and toffee together. Our friend needs to blend the letters S and T for his flavour. What new blend will he make? Remember to start with /s/! Then say the next letter sound out loud and blend it with the first! What do /s/ and /t/ make when blended together? /s/, /t/, /st/, /s/ and /t/ make the blend /st/. Like in the word stir! Before we see if our friends like their flavours, let's review. Today we learnt about adjacent consonants containing the letter S. When reading words that start with adjacent consonants containing the letter S, always start with the letter S and say its sound, /s/. Then say the next letter sound out loud, finally blend it with the /s/ sound and say it faster to find the new blend! I wonder if Dee and Kala have made more ice cream mixes? "Aw, they got my order wrong, this isn't what I wanted." "My ice cream!" "Didn't you want a different flavour anyway? Now you can go and get it!" "Oh yeah, that's right!"