Decoding: Stretch out the Word

Basics on the topic Decoding: Stretch out the Word
Join Dee and Kala and develop your reading skills.
Decoding: Stretch out the Word exercise
Match the word you hear to the word you read.
Hints- Slow down
- Sound out each letter
What is the first sound you hear? Find that sound at the beginning of the word.
SolutionYou can stretch out a word to help you when reading a word you do not know.
Match the word you hear to the correct text.
HintsLook at the written word and stretch out the sounds.
What sounds do you hear?
Blend the sounds to say the word.
Solution- c o t --> cot
- s l ee p --> sleep
- s w i m --> swim
- p l a n --> plan
What is the missing word?
HintsListen carefully to the sounds in the sentence, what can you hear?
What is Kala holding? What sound does that begin with?
SolutionKala has a book.
Assign each sentence to the matching audio.
HintsFirst of all, is the sentence about a cat or a dog?
Next, listen carefully to the last word in the sentence? What does it start with?
SolutionStretching out a word can help you figure out words you don't know when reading.
- The cat can j u m p. --> The cat can jump.
- The dog can r u n. --> The dog can run.
- The dog can s i t. --> The dog can sit.
- The cat can s l ee p. --> The cat can sleep.
Decode the word by stretching it out.
HintsSound out each letter.
Try to say the sounds a bit faster
Blend the sounds together to say the word.
SolutionThe correct choice is pat.
Match the sentence you read to the sentence you hear.
HintsWhat word do you hear when you stretch out the word?
- Use the picture to help you decode the word.
- What is this a picture of? A monkey.
What word do you hear when you stretch out the word?
Listen carefully to all of the words. As you listen, read the sentence and check if it is the same.
SolutionThe monkey went to sleep.

Rhyming Words

The Letter S

The Letter A

The Letter T

The Letter P

The Letter I

The Letter N

The Letter M

The Letter D

The Letter G

The Letter O

The Letter K

The Letter H

The Letter E

The Letter R

The Letter U

The Letter L

The Letter B

The Letter F

The Letter J

The Letter Q(u)

The Letter W

The Letter V

The Letter X

The Letter Y

The Letter Z

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