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Consonant Blends

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Basics on the topic Consonant Blends

Join Dee and Kala and learn how to blend adjacent consonants.

Transcript Consonant Blends

Kala and Dee are heading into the woods for a long walk. To make sure that they don't get hungry whilst walking, they are making smoothies to take with them and are blending different fruits together to try out new flavours. Each fruit brings it's own special flavour to the drink much like consonant blends. What are consonant blends? You might already know that consonants are any letter that isn't a vowel and that vowels include the letters a, e, i, o and u. Consonant blends are when there are two consonant letters in a row that blend together to make a new sound. In this new sound you can hear the sound that each letter makes, kind of like the fruits in a smoothie! Let's see what Dee and Kala are blending together first. It looks like they are blending together blueberries and lemons! But what's this? There are the letters b and l on the fruit! We need to find out what sound these consonants make when blended together. To do that, start by making the sound for each letter. Here, we have the letter b which makes the sound /b/ and l which makes the sound /l/. Next, say the sounds quickly together to find the new blend! If we blend the letters b and l together, what sound do you think it will make? The letters b and l blend together to make the sound /bl/ like in the words blue or block. Dee wants to make his own smoothie now and is blending figs and raspberries together! His fruit has the letters f and r on them. What consonant blend do the letters f and r make together? Remember to start by making the sound for each letter. Then, say the letter sounds together quickly to find the new blend! The letter f makes the sound /f/ and the letter r makes the sound /r/ which means the letters f and r make the blend /fr/ like in the words frog or friend. Finally, Dee and Kala are mixing together star fruit and tangerines! These fruit have the letters s and t written on them. What consonant blend do the letters s and t make together? When blended together, s and t make the sound /st/ like in the words stop or star. Before we see how the smoothies turned out, let's review. Today we learnt about consonant blends which is when two consonant letters in a row blend together to make a new sound. We learnt that to find the new blend first, make the sound for each letter then, say the letter sounds together quickly to find the new blend! Now, let's see how those smoothies turned out! "This is it, Kala! This is the one!" "It is pretty tasty." "It wins first prize!"

Consonant Blends exercise

Would you like to apply the knowledge you’ve learnt? You can review and practice it with the tasks for the video Consonant Blends.
  • Which fruits begin with a consonant?


    Think carefully about the sound that the fruit starts with, is it a consonant or a vowel?

    For example, we would highlight the pear as p is a consonant.

    We would not highlight the avocado because a is a vowel.

    Here we can see the consonants in green.


    The consonants above are:

    • b
    • s
    • r
    • t
    a and o are vowels.

  • Can you might the consonant blends?


    Highlight two letters in each word. These two letters must both be consonants.

    For example, in the word vest, we would highlight st as this is a consonant blend.

    Remember, consonants are the green letters.

    The consonant blends you are looking for are:

    • st
    • gl
    • fl
    • tr
    • In the word flip, fl is the consonant blend.
    • In the word best, st is the consonant blend.
    • In the word trip, tr is the consonant blend.
    • In the word glad, gl is the consonant blend.
  • Can you match the words and pictures?


    Look for two consonants next to each other. Sound them out and blend them together.

    The consonant blend is at the beginning of each of these words.

    Look for digraphs and split digraphs to help you read the rest of the word.


    The consonant blend gl can be found at the beginning of glass and glue.

    The consonant blend pl can be found at the beginning of plate.

    The consonant blend cr can be found at the beginning of crab.

  • Which consonant blend is in the word?


    Remember, these letters in green are consonants. Look for two of them next to each other in each word.

    For example, in the word vent, there is the consonant blend nt so we would put vent into the nt group.

    There are two words for each consonant blend.



    • blob and black have the consonant blend bl.
    • clam and clock have the consonant blend cl.
    • dent and sent have the consonant blend nt.
    • desk and skip have the consonant blend sk.

  • What is the word?


    What sound does the word start with?

    Look at the word, cl is the consonant blend.

    Which word has the cl sound in?


    The correct word is clap.

  • Listen and spell.


    Listen carefully to all of the sounds in the word. Where are the consonant blends?

    Remember, ou makes an ow sound in the word cloud.

    At the end of the word sky, y makes an igh sound.

    The consonant blends in these words are:

    • cl
    • pl
    • sk
    • pr and nt

    The words are:

    • cloud
    • plan
    • sky
    • print