Adjacent Consonants l

Basics on the topic Adjacent Consonants l
Join Dee and Kala and learn how to read words containing adjacent consonants with the letter l.
Transcript Adjacent Consonants l
"Oh, this won't work!" "What's wrong, Dee?" "I don't have the colour that I need!" "Hm, you can mix the colours together to make what you need!" Dee and Kala are painting and will need to blend some colours together, much like consonant blends! Let's help them by learning about adjacent consonants with the letter l. You might know that consonants are letters that aren’t vowels and adjacent means that two things are next to each other. Blending is when you mix things together. But, did you know that you can blend letters that are adjacent to each other in words together? When you blend two adjacent consonants together, you hear the sound that each letter makes. Today we will look at adjacent consonants at the beginning of a word that have the letter l in them. When reading words that start with adjacent consonants containing the letter l, start by sounding out the first letter. Next, add the sound l makes! Finally, blend the two sounds together by repeating them faster. Now that we've learnt about adjacent consonants containing the letter l, let's help our friends! Dee needs to mix coral and light blue together. What do the letters c and l make when blended together? Start by sounding out the first letter. Our first letter is c which makes the /c/ sound. Next, add the sound the letter l makes! L makes the sound /l/. Finally, blend the two sounds together by repeating them faster. What do /c/ and /l/ make when blended together? /C/ and /l/ make the blend /cl/! Like in the words clap, or clip! Next, Dee is blending sea green and light blue to make a teal colour. What do the letters s and l make when blended together? Start by sounding out the first letter. Our first letter is s which makes the /s/ sound. Next, add the sound the letter l makes!
Adjacent Consonants l exercise
Which words have adjacent consonants?
HintsLook at the first two letters of each word.
Only highlight the pictures when the first two letters are pl.
SolutionThe words that start with pl are play and plant.
Paper does not start with adjacent consonants.
Which adjacent consonants are in each word?
HintsRead the word out loud, which two letters do you hear first?
Look carefully at the first two letters in each word.
Look at the word clip. First you sound the /c/, then you sound the /l/. The adjacent consonants are cl. From cl we can sound out the rest of the word.
SolutionClown and cloud start with the adjacent consonants cl.
Block and blink start with the adjacent consonants bl.
Flow and flip start with the adjacent consonants fl.
What are the words?
HintsSound out the first two letters and then blend them together to read the adjacent consonants.
After this, you can sound out the rest of the word. Look out for digraphs.
SolutionThe words are flush, black, class and sleep.
Can you find the missing words?
HintsRemember, the first thing you do when blending two consonants is saying the first letter to find the sound it makes.
The next thing you do is say the second letter's sound to find the sound it makes then blend these two sounds together.
Look out for digraphs and split digraphs when reading the words.
SolutionThe sentences are:
- I found a clue on the treasure hunt.
- I went down the slide at the park.
- My dog got under the blanket.
Which words have adjacent consonants containing the letter l?
HintsLook at the first two letters of each word.
Is the first letter a consonant followed by the letter l?
There are four correct options.
SolutionThe words glad, clock, flat and slug all start with adjacent consonants containing the letter l.
Fish and lamp do not.
How are these words spelt?
HintsAll of these words begin with adjacent consonants.
The second letter in each word is l.
Think about digraphs and trigraphs when sounding out the rest of each word.
SolutionBloom is spelt b l o o m.
Club is spelt c l u b.
Flight is spelt f l i g h t.
Sloth is spelt s l o t h.

Rhyming Words

The Letter S

The Letter A

The Letter T

The Letter P

The Letter I

The Letter N

The Letter M

The Letter D

The Letter G

The Letter O

The Letter K

The Letter H

The Letter E

The Letter R

The Letter U

The Letter L

The Letter B

The Letter F

The Letter J

The Letter Q(u)

The Letter W

The Letter V

The Letter X

The Letter Y

The Letter Z

Consonant Letter Sounds

Matching Letters to Consonant & Vowel Sounds— Let's Practise!

CVC Words: The Initial Consonant

CVC Words: The Middle Vowel

CVC Sounds: The Final Consonant

CVC Words

Long and short Vowel sounds

Words, Syllables & Sounds

Consonant Blends

Onsets & Rimes

Decoding: Look at the Picture

Decoding: Stretch out the Word

Counting & Segmenting Syllables

Final 'E' and Split Digraphs

Adjacent Consonants _r

Adjacent Consonants s_

Adjacent Consonants _t

Adjacent Consonants l

The Soft C

The Soft G

Alternative Pronunciation y (I)