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Describing Words (Adjectives)

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Learning text on the topic Describing Words (Adjectives)

Adjectives – Definition

Adjectives are words that describe or give more information about a noun. Nouns are words that name people, places, things or ideas. An adjective can tell you about a noun. It can say what kind, which one, how many or how much.

An adjective is a word that describes a noun by providing additional information about its qualities or characteristics.


Understanding Adjectives – Explanation

Adjectives are important because they make our sentences more interesting and informative. They help us to be more precise and descriptive in our communication. Let’s explore some examples of adjectives as well as how to use them well.

How to Use Adjectives

Here are some simple ways to use adjectives in sentences:

  1. Before the noun:

    • She has a red apple.
    • He is a brave boy.
  2. After the verb 'to be' (is, am, are):

    • The dog is happy.
    • They are tired.

Types of Adjectives

Type Examples
Colours red, blue, green
Sizes big, small, tall
Shapes round, square, flat
Feelings happy, sad, excited
Numbers one, two, three

Adjectives – Examples

Here are some examples of adjectives and how they can be used in sentences:

Colours: red, blue, green

  • The red balloon is flying.

Sizes: big, small, tall

  • The big elephant is eating.

Shapes: round, square, flat

  • The round ball is rolling.

Numbers: one, two, three

  • I have two pets.

Feelings: happy, sad, excited

  • She feels happy today.


Adjectives – Practice

Let’s practise! Look around you and find something you can describe. Use an adjective to say more about it. For example:

  • I see a fluffy cat.
  • I have a cold drink.
Use an adjective to describe your favourite food.

Adjectives – Summary

Key Learning from This Text:

  • Adjectives are describing words that tell us more about nouns.
  • They can describe colour, size, shape, feelings and numbers.
  • Adjectives make our sentences more interesting and detailed.

Remember, adjectives are a fun and easy way to make your sentences come alive. Happy describing! For more, learn about comparative adjectives, verbs and comparative adverbs.

Frequently Asked Questions about Adjectives

What is an adjective?
How do adjectives improve our sentences?
Can adjectives describe numbers?
Where do adjectives usually appear in a sentence?
What are some examples of adjectives that describe feelings?
How can I practise using adjectives?
Why are adjectives important in writing?
Can adjectives describe shapes?
How do I know if an adjective is appropriate for a noun?
Are adjectives used in everyday conversation?

Describing Words (Adjectives) exercise

Would you like to apply the knowledge you’ve learnt? You can review and practice it with the tasks for the learning text Describing Words (Adjectives).
  • What adjective completes the sentence?


    What colour are the ducks?

    The ducks are white and yellow.

    The ducks are not purple.

    Let's count the ducks.

    How many ducks do you see?


    There are four ducks.

  • Which painting shows something round and blue?


    Something round looks like a circle or sphere.

    Which pictures show something round?

    These things are round.

    Which one is blue?


    The ball is round and blue.

  • Can you help Koko?


    If you were using your nose to describe the socks, what might you say?

    If you are sad you are not happy.

    Which picture shows someone who is not happy?


    Sad describes the boy.

    Sweet describes the candy floss.

    Smelly describes the socks.

    Square describes the window.

  • Which words are adjectives?


    We can put an adjective before the word it describes.

    The adjective yellow describes the word fish.

    The words elephant and mouse are nouns. They are the names of animals.

    They are not adjectives.

    Think about how you can describe an elephant.

    What size is it?

    How does it smell?

    What colour is it?

    How is it feeling?

    Now look at the sentence, what describing word or adjective do you see for the elephant?

    There are two adjectives in the sentence.


    The adjectives in the sentence are big and small.

    Big describes the elephant.

    Small describes the mouse.

  • How would you describe Skylar the fox?


    What colour is Skylar?

    Skylar is orange.

    Skylar is not green.

    Look at Skylar.

    How is she feeling?

    Is she happy, sad, nervous or cross?


    The word happy describes Skylar the fox.

    Happy is an adjective.

  • Can you match the adjective to the category it belongs to?


    Red and orange are examples of colours.

    Happy and sad are examples of feelings.

    Medium and large are examples of sizes.

    Four and five are examples of numbers.


    Pink is a colour.

    Sleepy is a feeling.

    Two is a number.

    Small is a size.


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