Collective Nouns— Let’s Practise!

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Transcript Collective Nouns— Let’s Practise!
Goopaw says get ready to practise identifying collective nouns. Remember, collective nouns refer to a group of people, animals or things. Here is a sentence. Zayne ate a bunch of grapes at lunch. What is the collective noun in this sentence? The collective noun is a bunch of grapes. Let's look at another sentence. The herd of elephants rolled in the mud. What is the collective noun in this sentence? The collective noun is herd of elephants. Get ready for the next sentence! My family plays board games on Friday evenings. What is the collective noun in this sentence? The collective noun is family. Get ready for another sentence. The crowd cheered for the band of musicians. What is the collective noun in this sentence? The collective noun is band of musicians. Here is the final sentence. The audience clapped at the end of the performance. What is the collective noun in this sentence? The collective noun is audience. Goopaw had so much fun practising with you today! See you next time!
Collective Nouns— Let’s Practise! exercise
What is a collective noun?
Can you spot the collective noun in the sentence?
Help Goopaw decide which of the following sentences contains a collective noun.
Which sentences contain a collective noun?
Can you find the collective noun in the sentence?
Can you identify the collective nouns in the sentences?