Concrete Noun or Abstract Noun? — Let’s Practise!

Basics on the topic Concrete Noun or Abstract Noun? — Let’s Practise!
Today we are practising concrete noun or abstract noun with Goopaw! This video contains examples to help you further practise and grow confident in this area.
Transcript Concrete Noun or Abstract Noun? — Let’s Practise!
Goopaw says get ready for concrete noun or abstract noun? Here is a noun. Baby. Is baby a concrete noun or an abstract noun? Baby is a concrete noun because you can see, hear, touch and smell a baby. Let's look at another noun. Calmness. Is calmness a concrete noun or an abstract noun? Calmness is an abstract noun because it is a state of being. Here is the next noun. Affection. Is affection a concrete noun or an abstract noun? Affection is an abstract noun because it is a feeling you have toward something or someone. Here is another noun. Castle. Is castle a concrete noun or an abstract noun? Castle is a concrete noun because you can see and touch a castle. Here is the next noun. Talent. Is talent a concrete noun or an abstract noun? Talent is an abstract noun because it is an ability that a person has. Here is the next noun. Cake. Is cake a concrete noun or an abstract noun? Cake is a concrete noun because you can taste, touch, smell and see a cake! Here is the final noun. Friendship. Is friendship a concrete noun or an abstract noun? Friendship is an abstract noun. While you can see that people have a friendship, it is usually a bond or connection people have with each other! Goopaw had so much fun practising with you today! See you next time!
Concrete Noun or Abstract Noun? — Let’s Practise! exercise
Concrete or abstract noun?
HintsConcrete nouns are things that we can touch and feel. We can have more than one concrete noun, for example a car or three cars.
Abstract nouns are things that we cannot touch; they are often feelings or abilities.
Solution'Baby' is a concrete noun because we can touch a baby.
'Fear' is an abstract noun because we cannot touch or feel fear.
'Kindness' is an abstract noun because we cannot touch or feel kindness.
What type of nouns are they?
HintsAbstract nouns are things that we cannot touch; they are often feelings or abilities.
An example of an abstract noun is happiness. This is something that we cannot touch or see but is a feeling that we have.
An example of a concrete noun is teddy. We can see and touch a teddy.
SolutionExcitement and love are abstract nouns. We cannot touch or see these but they are feelings that we have.
Playroom and friend are concrete nouns. We can touch and see a playroom and a friend.
What am I?
HintsConcrete nouns are things that we can see, such as a person.
Abstract nouns cannot be seen; they are feelings or abilities, such as love or intelligence.
SolutionWhat am I? I am never seen but am often in the room. I can be talented, thoughtful or even brave. I am an abtract noun.
What am I? I can been seen and felt by many. I can be hard like a stone, soft like velvet or bright like a lamp. I am a concrete noun.
Choose the right word.
HintsRemember that anything that we can see, touch or hear are concrete nouns.
Abstract nouns are things that we cannot see or touch but are often feelings or qualities.
Use the word bank to find the noun and check the spelling carefully.
SolutionThe abstract nouns are: sorrow, bravery and anger.
The concrete nouns are: tears, knight and vase.
Which is a concrete noun and which is an abstract noun?
HintsThe abstract nouns are abilities or feelings that we have.
The concrete nouns are things that we can see and touch.
Is love a thing that you can touch?
SolutionThe car and the pen are concrete nouns. We can touch and see these.
Talent and love are abstract nouns. We cannot see and touch them but they are abilities and feelings.
Abstract and concrete nouns.
HintsRemember that anything we can see, touch or hear are concrete nouns.
Abstract nouns are things that we cannot see or touch but are often feelings or qualities.
Use the word bank to find the noun and check the spelling carefully.
SolutionThe abstract nouns are: beauty, freedom and pride.
The concrete nouns are: horse, statue and medal.

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