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What is Percent & Part of a Whole as a Percent?

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Learning text on the topic What is Percent & Part of a Whole as a Percent?

Understanding Percent as a Part of a Whole

A percent is a unit of measurement used in mathematics to express how a number relates to $100$. It is crucial in everyday life, helping us understand everything from financial discounts to statistical data and more.

Percent: A percent is written with the symbol % and represents a part of a whole divided into $100$ equal parts.

Understanding Percent as a Part of a Whole – Explanation

Percentages are a fundamental concept in expressing proportions and ratios. They provide a clear, standardised way to compare different quantities and measure parts of a whole.

The relationship between a part, the whole, and the percent can be expressed with the proportion:

$\frac{\text{Percent}}{100} = \frac{\text{Part}}{\text{Whole}}$

Understanding Percent as a Part of a Whole – Example

To fully grasp how percents relate to parts of a whole, let’s look at a practical example:

Example 1: Imagine a garden that is divided into $4$ equal sections. If $1$ section is planted with flowers, what percent of the garden is used for flowers?

Identify the part and the whole in this scenario.
Convert this scenario into a percentage.

Example 2: A parking lot has $50$ spaces, and $15$ of them are occupied by cars. What percent of the parking lot is currently used?

Identify the part and the whole in this scenario.
Convert this scenario into a percentage.

Example 3: A small tank can hold $20$ litres of water, but currently, it has $12$ litres. What percent of the tank is full?

Identify the part and the whole in this scenario.
Convert this scenario into a percentage.

Understanding Percent as a Part of a Whole – Practice

Now take some time to try some of these on your own!

Convert $\frac{2}{5}$ to a percent.
Convert $\frac{1}{8}$ to a percent.
Convert $\frac{3}{10}$ to a percent.
Convert $\frac{7}{50}$ to a percent.
Convert $\frac{1}{3}$ to a percent.
Convert $\frac{5}{20}$ to a percent.
Convert $\frac{9}{100}$ to a percent.
Convert $\frac{4}{25}$ to a percent.

What is Percent & Part of a Whole as a Percent – Summary

Key Learnings from this Text:

  • Percentages represent a ratio or proportion expressed as a fraction of $100$.
  • Understanding how to calculate percentages from a fraction of a whole allows for clearer, more applicable insights in both academic and real-world scenarios.
  • The formula $\frac{\text{Percent}}{100} = \frac{\text{Part}}{\text{Whole}}$ is essential for solving many percent word problems involving ratios and proportions.

Here you will see some common parts and whole ratios and their percentages.

Part Whole Percent
1 2 50%
1 3 33.33%
1 4 25%
1 5 20%
1 6 16.67%
1 8 12.5%
1 10 10%
2 5 40%

What is Percent & Part of a Whole as a Percent – Frequently Asked Questions

What does "percent" literally mean?
How do you convert a number to a percent?
What is the formula for finding the percent of a part from the whole?
Why are percentages useful in real life?
Can a percent be more than $100$?
What does a 50% increase mean?
How can you visualise percentages?
What is the difference between a percentage and a fraction?
How do you simplify a percentage?
Is it possible to have a negative percent?

What is Percent & Part of a Whole as a Percent? exercise

Would you like to apply the knowledge you’ve learnt? You can review and practice it with the tasks for the learning text What is Percent & Part of a Whole as a Percent?.
  • Find the percent of the total.


    Remember, to find the percent of a total, you need to solve the equation: $\frac{\text{Part}}{\text{Whole}}$ = Percent

    The part is 350 and the whole is 1,000. You need to solve the equation $\frac{350}{1,000}$ = Percent

    Once you solve $\frac{350}{1,000}$, you need to multiply the result by 100 to get the percent


    $\frac{\text{Part}}{\text{Whole}}$ = Percent

    $\frac{350}{1,000}$ = Percent

    $0.35$ = Percent

    $0.35\times100$ = Percent

    $\bf35%$ = Percent

  • Find the percent donated.


    The part is $£750$ because this is only a piece of the total donated money, while $£5,000$ is the goal so this is the whole.

    If you divide the part by the whole, you must multiply the decimal product by 100 to get the percent.


    $\frac{\text{Part}}{\text{Whole}}$ = Percent

    Which value is the part? 750 Which value is whole? 5,000 Therefore, our equation is: $\frac{\textbf{750}}{5,000}$ = Percent

    Divide 750 by 5,000 to find the percent. 0.15 = Percent

    Now multiply to find the percent. $0.15\:\times$ 100 = Percent

    15% = Percent

  • Find the number of respondents.


    135 is the total, which is 100% of people.

    Remember, what you do to one side, you must do to the other side too. This means if you divide one side by 100, you must divide the other side by 100 too.


    81 people responded to the invitation.

  • Find 100% of the total.


    First set up an equation for: Part = Percent $\times$ Whole

    When you set up the equation with the values, it should look like this:


    We can solve the equation by multiplying both sides by the reciprocal fraction to isolate $x$.

    The reciprocal of $\dfrac{40}{100}$ is $\dfrac{100}{40}$, which must be added to both sides of the equation.

    After isolating $x$, the equation should now read:

    $\dfrac{100}{40}$ * 2,000 = $x$


    Part = percent $\times$ whole

    $2,000$ = $\dfrac{40}{100}$ $\times$ $x$

    $\dfrac{100}{40}$ $\times$ $2,000$ = $\dfrac{100}{40}$ $\times$ $\dfrac{40}{100}$ $\times$ $x$

    $\dfrac{100}{40}$ $\times$ $2,000$ = $x$

    $2.5$ $\times$ $2,000$ = $x$

    $£5,000$ = $x$

  • Find the number of respondents.


    First set up a table to help solve the problem.

    With your table set up, find what 1% of the people and percent is. To do this, think about what you need to divide 100% by to get 1%, and do the same for the people column.

    1% of people is 1.5. You need to multiply 1.5 by 30 to find 30% of the people.


    First divide the total number of people, 150 by 100 and 100% by 100.

    This gives us 1.5 people and 1%.

    Then multiply what 1% of people is by 30, to get 30% of people.

    Next, do the same to the number of people: $1.5 \times 30$.

    $1.5 \times 30$ = 45 people.

  • Find the goal total.


    When finding the part, both the percent and whole are important.

    The formula Part = percent $\times$ whole can help.

    The current amount raised can help you find the goal total.

    Remember, $\frac{100}{70}$ $\times$ $\frac{70}{100}$ cancels itself out by cross multiplication.

    $\frac{100}{70}$ is asking you to solve 100 divided by 70, and then multiply this value by the total raised so far.


    Part = percent $\times$ whole

    $\frac{100}{70}$ $\times$ £4,900 = $\frac{100}{70}$ $\times$ $\frac{70}{100}$ $*$ $x$

    $\frac{100}{70}$ $\times$ £4,900 = $x$

    £7,000 = $x$

    The goal total is £7,000


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