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Visualising the Percent of a Quantity

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Learning text on the topic Visualising the Percent of a Quantity

Visualising a Percentage of a Quantity – Definition

When we talk about percentages, we are discussing a way to express a number as a fraction of 100. This is extremely useful in everyday life such as determining a discount during shopping, or figuring out what portion of a class voted for a certain option.

Percent is derived from the Latin phrase per centum, which means per hundred. In mathematics, it is represented by the symbol %.

Visualising a Percentage of a Quantity – Explanation

The fundamental concept of a percentage is that it represents a part of a whole divided into 100 equal parts. Understanding how to write a fraction as a percent can be very helpful when solving problems in the world. The formula that connects parts, wholes, and percentages is:

Illu request: $\text{Part} \div \text{Whole} = \frac{\text{Percentage}}{100}$

Term Definition
Part The segment or portion of the total quantity that is being considered.
Whole The total or complete quantity of something.
Percentage A ratio or fraction that represents a number as parts per hundred.

This formula helps us find missing values when two of the three are known.

Visualising a Percentage of a Quantity – Example

Let's explore how this concept is applied with a real-world example:

Example 1: Imagine you have a pizza divided into 10 equal slices, and you eat 2 slices. What percentage of the pizza did you eat?

Calculate the part of the whole.
Convert this fraction into a percentage.

Example 2: Imagine you took a quiz that had 20 questions, and you answered 15 of them correctly. What percentage of the questions did you get right?

Calculate the part of the whole.
Convert this fraction into a percent.

Example 3: Imagine a water tank that can hold 50 litres of water. If there are currently 30 litres of water in the tank, what percentage of the tank is full?

Calculate the part of the whole.
Convert this fraction into a percent.

Visualising the Percentage of a Quantity – Practice

Practice visualising a percentage and representing a fraction as a percentage.

Imagine you have 5 apples and you give away 1. What percentage of your apples did you give away?
If a book has 300 pages and you have read 90 pages, what percentage of the book have you read?
A class has 40 students, and 28 of them are wearing glasses. What percentage of the class is wearing glasses?
During a sale, a shirt's price is reduced from $£50$ to $£35$. What percentage of the original price does the sale price represent?
A survey completed by 200 people found that 150 people prefer summer over winter. What percentage prefers summer?

Visualising a Percentage of a Quantity – Summary

Key Learnings from this Text:

  • A percentage represents a fraction of 100.

  • The formula $\text{Part} \div \text{Whole} = \frac{\text{Percentage}}{100}$ is essential for solving problems involving percentages.

  • Visual representations, like the pizza example, can help solidify understanding of percentages.

Visualising a Percentage of a Quantity – Frequently Asked Questions

What does "percentage" mean?
How do you calculate a percentage of a quantity?
Can you use the percentage formula for any type of quantity?
What is the formula for calculating percentage?
How can understanding percentages help in everyday life?
What is a real-life example of using percentages?
Why is it important to visualise percentages?
Can percentages be greater than 100?
What does a 50% increase in quantity signify?
How do you convert a fraction to a percentage?

Visualising the Percent of a Quantity exercise

Would you like to apply the knowledge you’ve learnt? You can review and practice it with the tasks for the learning text Visualising the Percent of a Quantity.
  • Find the missing percent using the double number line.


    The percent is what the part would be if the whole were $100$.

    This is represented by the proportion, $\frac{\text{Percent}}{100}=\frac{\text{Part}}{\text{Whole}}$.

    Since there are $3$ increments on the top line before $12$ (including zero), divide $12$ by $3$ to find the distance between the increments.

    The percent is the number at the increment that matches with $100$.


    The percent is what the part would be if the whole were $100$.

    This is represented by the proportion, $\frac{\text{Percent}}{100}=\frac{\text{Part}}{\text{Whole}}$.

    Using the double number to work out the equivalent ratios, find the increments on the top line.

    Since there are $3$ increments before $12$, divide $12$ by $3$ to find that the distance between the increments is 4.

    Therefore, the top line increments are $0$, $4$, $8$, $12$, $16$, $20$.

    Since $20$ matches with $100$, there are $20$ parts per $100$ or $20\%$.

  • Complete the 10x10 grid.


    There are $100$ squares in a $10\text{x}10$ grid which represents the whole.

    A percent means parts per $100$. For example, $20\%$ is $20$ parts per $100$.

    This $10\text{x}10$ grid shows $10$ parts per $100$ or $10\%$.

    Make sure when you highlight, you start with the TOP ROW.


    Bonsai found $30$ items and $60\%$ are salty.

    We know the whole is $30$, the percent is $60$, but the part is missing.

    The part in this problem is the number of items that are salty.

    We can visualise this situation using a $10\text{x}10$ grid which represents the whole.

    Since there are $100$ squares in the grid, $60$ squares of the grid represent $60$ parts per $100$, or $60\%$.

    We can determine how many items one square gets by dividing the total number of items, $30$, by $100$.

    • $\frac{30}{100}=0.3$
    Each square gets $0.3$ of an item.

    Now we can find the part by adding the items in these $60$ squares together or calculating $60$ times $0.3$.

    • $60(0.3)=18$
    There are $18$ items in the rubbish that are salty.

  • Complete the diagram.


    There are $10$ evenly sized pieces in the diagram and each piece represents $10\%$.

    A percent means parts per $100$. For example, $70\%$ is $70$ parts per $100$.

    Since each piece represents $10\%$, this diagram represents $20\%$.


    Given the percent and part, a diagram can be used to find the whole by splitting it up into evenly sized pieces.

    There are $10$ evenly sized pieces in the diagram and each piece represents $10\%$.

    Shade $5$ pieces in the diagram to represent $50\%$.

    This shaded section represents $22$ items.

    To find the number of items each piece represents, divide $22$ by $5$.

    • $\frac{22}{5}=4.4$
    There are $4.4$ items per piece.

    Counting up all of the items in each piece, we see that all $10$ pieces represents a total of $44$ items.

    • $10(4.4)=44$

  • Interpret the diagrams.


    In a double number line, the top line represents part and the bottom line represents whole. The percent is what the part would be if the whole were $100$.

    In these diagrams, each piece represents $10\%$.

    The $10\text{x}10$ grids represent the whole and each white box represents the part. The percent is what the part would be if the whole were $100$.

    This diagram represents $30\%$.


    Double Number Lines

    • In a double-number line, the top line represents the part and the bottom line represents the whole. The percent is what the part would be if the whole were $100$.
    • The first double number line represents $75\%$ since $75$ on the top line corresponds with $100$ on the bottom line.
    • The second double number line represents $40\%$ since $40$ on the top line corresponds with $100$ on the bottom line.
    Tape Diagrams
    • In these diagrams, each piece represents $10\%$
    • The first diagram represents $50\%$ since there are $5$ shaded blocks.
    • The second diagram represents $80\%$ since there are $8$ shaded blocks.
    $\bf{10\text{x}10}$ Grid
    • The $10\text{x}10$ grids represent the whole and each shaded box represents the part. The percent is what the part would be if the whole were $100$.
    • Since there are $55$ shaded blocks in the first grid, the percent is $55\%$.
    • Since there are $65$ shaded blocks in the second grid, the percent is $65\%$.

  • Identify the equation representing a percent.


    The equation shows two equivalent ratios. The percent is what the part would be if the whole were $100$.

    One ratio represents percent and the other represents the part to the whole.

    In the following equation, $20$ represents the percent: $\frac{20}{100}=\frac{5}{25}$


    The equation shows two equivalent ratios:

    • $\frac{\text{Percent}}{100}=\frac{\text{Part}}{\text{Whole}}$
    The percent is what the part would be if the whole were $100$. This means that percent relates to part and therefore has to line up to the numerator. Since $100$ relates to the whole, it has to line up with the denominator.

  • Solve the word problems using a diagram.


    For the first word problem, each square in the 10x10 grid represents $0.32$ because $\frac{32\text{ items}}{100\text{ squares}}=0.32$.

    For the second word problem, there are increments of $20$ on the bottom line from $0$ to $100$. If $40$ pupils is $100\%$, divide $40$ by $5$ to fill in the missing increments on the top row. This will help you find the solution.

    For the third word problem, the tape diagram can be split up into $4$ blocks each representing $25\%$.


    1. Last year, the Fighting Bees football team won $75\%$ of their games. The team played a total of $32$ games. How many games did they win?

    Use a $10\text{x}10$ grid to help you answer the problem.

    • Since the team won $75\%$, fill in $75$ out of $100$ squares.
    • Each square represents $0.32$ because $\frac{32\text{ items}}{100\text{ squares}}=0.32$.
    • Multiply $0.32$ by $75$ to find the number of games that the football team won.
    • $0.32(75)=24$
    • Therefore, the Fighting Bees football team won $24$ games last year.
    $~$ 2. On the last day of school, $40$ pupils in the Year 6 at Rockville School competed in a bench ball tournament. Mrs. Matthew's class had $12$ pupils who participated. What percentage of Mrs. Matthew's pupils played in the tournament?

    Use a double-number line to help you answer the problem.

    • In the double number line, the top line represents the part and the bottom line represents the whole.
    • In this word problem, the part is the number of pupils that participated from Mrs. Matthew's class, and the whole is the total number of pupils that competed in the tournament.
    • The increments on the bottom line are $0, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100$.
    • The increments on the top line are $0, 8, 16, 24, 32, 40$.
    • Since the percent is what the part would be if the whole were $100$, the percent is $30\%$.
    $~$ 3. Ramona needs a new backpack for school and is looking for a good sale. She searched the internet for a discounted bag and found one for $25\%$ off! Ramona ended up saving $15$ pounds. What was the original price of the backpack?

    Use a tape diagram to help you answer the problem.

    • Split the diagram into $4$ pieces, each representing $15$ pounds and $25\%$.
    • Counting up all the items in the $4$ pieces, $15+15+15+15=60$, means that the original price was $60$ pounds.

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