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A Fraction as a Percent

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Learning text on the topic A Fraction as a Percent

Fraction as a Percent – Definition

Understanding how to convert between fractions and percentages is an essential skill in mathematics and everyday life. Whether you're working out discounts, analysing data, or comparing statistics, knowing how to switch between these formats can provide clearer insights and more accurate calculations. Further, explore this concept with What is Percent & Part of a Whole as a Percent.

Fraction: A mathematical expression representing a part of a whole, denoted as $\frac{\text{numerator}}{\text{denominator}}$.Percent: A way of expressing a number as a part of $100$, denoted by the symbol %.

Fraction as a Percent – Explanation

Converting a fraction to a percent involves a simple multiplication by $100$, as you are converting a part out of one whole into a part out of one hundred. Conversely, converting a percent back into a fraction involves dividing by $100$ and simplifying if necessary.

Converting a Fraction to a Percent

Imagine you have completed $\frac{3}{4}$ of a project. To find out what percent of the project is complete, you would convert the fraction to a percent.

Convert $\frac{3}{4}$ to a percent.

Try some more like this on your own!

Convert $\frac{5}{8}$ to a percent.
Convert $\frac{2}{3}$ to a percent.
Convert $\frac{1}{5}$ to a percent.
Convert $\frac{7}{10}$ to a percent.

Converting a Percent to a Fraction

If a survey shows that $25$% of people prefer reading to other hobbies, we can convert this percent into a fraction to simplify data analysis.

Convert $25$% to a fraction.

Practice converting percent to a fraction.

Convert $40$% to a fraction.
Convert $75$% to a fraction.
Convert $20$% to a fraction.
Convert $60$% to a fraction.

Converting Between Fraction and Percent

Conversion Type Formula Example
Fraction to Percent $\left(\frac{N}{D}\right) \times 100$ $\frac{1}{2} \rightarrow 50\%$
Percent to Fraction $\frac{Percent}{100}$ $50\% \rightarrow \frac{1}{2}$

Fraction as a Percent – Summary

Key Learnings from this Text:

  • Understanding how to convert between fractions and percentages is crucial for practical applications in real-life scenarios.
  • The formulas for converting from a fraction to a percent and vice versa are straightforward but essential for accurate data representation.

Fraction as a Percent – Frequently Asked Questions

What is a fraction?
What is a percent?
How do you convert a fraction to a percent?
How do you convert a percent to a fraction?
Why is it important to convert fractions to percentages?
Can any fraction be converted into a percent?
What does it mean when a percent is over $100$?
How do you simplify a fraction before converting it to a percent?
What tools can help convert fractions to percentages?
Is there a difference between converting improper fractions and proper fractions to percentages?

A Fraction as a Percent exercise

Would you like to apply the knowledge you’ve learnt? You can review and practice it with the tasks for the learning text A Fraction as a Percent.
  • Understanding the importance of fractions and percent.


    Remember that fractions show how many parts of a whole there is.

    The same is true with percentages.

    $\frac{3}{5}$ and $\frac{60}{100}$, or 60%, are linked. With this information, how many parts out of 5 does 60% represent?


    A percent represents a part of something out of 100. When converting a fraction to a percent, it tells us how many parts out of 100 the fraction represents.

    For example, $\frac{3}{5}$ as 60% means that 3 out of every 5 parts make up 60% of the whole. This helps us understand the fraction's relationship to a whole hundred.

  • What is the correct order of steps to convert a fraction to a percent?


    We always start off by setting up our tape diagram with 0%, 100% and the total parts that make up 100%.

    How many parts do we need to divide the diagram into?

    How many parts do we need to shade?

    What does the shaded part represent?


    Set up a tape diagram, or bar model, marking 0%, 100% at the top, and 0 and the whole underneath. In this example, the whole would be 2.

    Now divide the tape diagram by the number of the whole provided. Here, we would divide it into two parts. We notice this is halfway, so mark 50% at the top.

    Next, shade in how many parts of the whole the fraction has. The fraction in the example has one part of the whole, so shade in one part.

    Finally, write the percent as shown by the number of parts shaded in. In this example, 1 part of 2 is equal to 50%. This means $\frac{1}{2}$ = 50%.

  • Which answer shows $\frac{2}{8}$ as a percentage?


    Remember, set up a tape diagram to help.

    Find what 25%, 50% and 75% would be on the tape diagram.


    If we shade in one part of the tape diagram up to $\frac{2}{8}$, we see that it is equal to 25%.

    This means $\bf{\frac{2}{8}}$ as a percent is 25%.

  • What percentage are these fractions equal to?


    Remember to set up tape diagrams like this one for $\frac{1}{2}$ to help you.

    Then shade in 1 part. $\frac{1}{2}$ is equal to 50%.


    Here we can see the correct pairs.

  • Which answer represents the displayed fraction as a percent?


    Set up a tape diagram like this to help you.

    Divide 100 by 10, to get 10. Each block is worth 10%.

    Now shade in the total parts of the fire Olivia put out, which is 8.


    With the tape diagram set up, shade in 8 parts, since each block represents 1 part.

    Now look at the matching % at the top.

    We can see that $\bf{\frac{8}{10}}$ is equal to 80%.

  • Enter the values that make this step by step solution true.


    Remember that the numerator represents the parts of the whole, and the denominator represents total parts that make up the whole.

    What must you multiply the denominator, 20, by to get 100? You need to multiply the numerator by the same value.


    First, we find out how much of the fire remains. 5 parts of the fire remain, so this is our numerator. The denominator is represented by how many parts in the whole. Here, it is 20, so our fraction is $\frac{5}{20}$.

    Next, we need to create a fraction with 100 as the denominator. To do this, we multiply 20 by 5 to get 100. We must multiply the numerator by the same value; 5 multiplied by 5 is 25. The new fraction is $\frac{25}{100}$.

    Finally, we can convert $\frac{25}{100}$ to a percent. A percent represents out of 100, so $\frac{25}{100}$ as a percent is 25%. This means that 25% of the fire remains.


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