Sorting Objects into Categories— Let's Practise!

Basics on the topic Sorting Objects into Categories— Let's Practise!
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Sorting Objects into Categories— Let's Practise! exercise
Which objects are desserts?
HintsWords that belong in the same category are similar. Which of these objects belong in the same category?
An example of other desserts includes brownies and pie.
SolutionIce cream and cake are desserts. A car is not a dessert.
Can you find the shapes?
HintsWords that belong in the same category are similar to each other. Which of these objects belong in the same category?
An example of other shapes includes a circle and a rectangle.
SolutionA square and a hexagon are shapes. A bike is not a shape.
Can you spot the animals?
HintsWords that are in the same category are similar. Which words are similar to each other?
An example of other animals includes a sheep and a turkey.
Make sure you spell the words correctly. Use the header image to help you with spelling.
SolutionA pig and a cow are animals. A bus is not an animal.
Find the insects.
HintsCategories are groups that are similar. Which of these objects belong in the same category?
An example of other insects includes a fly and a grasshopper.
Make sure you spell the words correctly. Use the header image to help you with spelling.
SolutionA butterfly and an ant are insects. A flower is not an insect.
Which word could also fit into this category?
HintsThe category in this question is clothes. Which word out of bed and jumper will fit into the category of clothes?
Here are some items that fit into the category, clothes. Would a jumper or a bed also fit into this category?
SolutionThe correct answer is jumper.
The category is clothes. Words that fit into this category are trousers, t-shirt and jumper.
Bed does not fit into this category as it is a piece of furniture, not an item of clothing.
Winter sports.
HintsWhich of the images are played during the winter time? Which two need ice or snow?
Make sure you spell the words correctly. Use the header image to help you with spelling.
SolutionSkiing and ice skating are winter sports. Beach volleyball is not a winter sport.

Sorting Objects into Categories— Let's Practise!

Identifying Characters & Setting— Let's Practise!

What are Settings?

Pictures Add Information!

Understanding Setting From Illustrations and Words

Using Context Clues and Illustrations to Find Meaning

Main Topic

Understanding Story Plots from Actions and Dialogue

Character Points of View

How Characters Respond to Events

Author's Purpose

How Characters' Actions Affect a Story

Compare and Contrast: Themes

Illustrations: Mood, Characters and Setting

Understanding Characters from Actions and Dialogue

A Character's Thoughts, Words and Actions

Character Traits: Describing What a Character is Like

Making Inferences in a Story

Making Inferences from a Narrative Text

Functions of Adjectives

Finding the Main Idea Using Key Details

Strategies to Determine the Main Idea in an Informational Text

Types of Figurative Language

Finding Evidence in Information Texts

Supporting the Author's Reasons

Making Inferences in Information Texts

Context Clues: Definitions, Examples or Restatements


What is an Idiom?—Let's Practise

Similes and Metaphors

Comparing Two Sources on the Same Topic

Author's Point of View

Whose point of view? — Let's Practise!

Identifying Text Features

Making Predictions About a Story

Greek Mythology and Allusions

Adages and Proverbs

Third Person Point of View: Limited, Omniscient, and Objective
very easy video 5 questions correct for me !!!!!😃
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