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Finding Evidence in Information Texts

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Basics on the topic Finding Evidence in Information Texts

Finding Text Evidence – Definition

When reading information texts for school, we are often asked to answer questions to show understanding of the text. To answer these questions correctly, we need to find text evidence. We use it to justify our answers and support our ideas or opinions

Text evidence consists of facts, examples, data and expert opinions. Those are the things we need to look for in the text while reading. This evidence helps you in analyses if you need to prove an argument about a text.


Sometimes text evidence is directly stated in the text, and it is easy to find it. Other times, you will use evidence to make an inference about the text. An inference is a logical conclusion based on evidence.

Finding Text Evidence – Strategy

There are three steps you can follow to find evidence that supports your answer, idea, or an opinion. Have a look at the overview chart below. It features some helpful steps to help you find text evidence:

Step # What to do
1 Read the questions and highlight keywords that build background knowledge about the topic.
2 Read the text thoroughly and highlight or make notes of key details connected to the questions.
3 Before answering the question, read it again and refer back to the text to find the supporting evidence.

You need to follow these steps both when you are looking for direct evidence and when making inferences.

Finding Text Evidence – Examples

Let's have a look at the example text about maglev trains and practice answering the following questions using text evidence:

  • How is a maglev train different from regular trains?
  • What could the future of maglev trains look like?

First, let’s highlight keywords in the questions. In the first question, we can highlight maglev train, different and regular trains. While reading the text, we need to look for related keywords. In the second question, we highlight could and future of maglev trains. The verb could tells us that we have to infer based on the textual evidence. We need to look for details that describe the possible future of maglev trains.

Now, let’s read the text and highlight the key details related to the questions:

Maglev trains, or magnetic levitation trains, are different from other trains in how they move. Unlike regular trains that use wheels on tracks, maglev trains float on a magnetic field of the tracks, without actually touching them. This allows maglev trains to go faster and more smoothly. Despite being faster and safer than other trains, there are not many maglev trains in the world. They are mainly used in big cities with dense populations, as they are considerably more expensive than regular trains. Nevertheless, with the increasing global population and technological progress, the production of these trains is expected to become cheaper, while the demand will only increase.

Now we can go back to the text and refer to evidence before answering the questions. For the first question we highlighted how they move and float on a magnetic field of the tracks. Therefore, the answer to the first question How is a maglev train different from regular trains? will be:

Maglev trains are different from regular trains in how they move: they float on a magnetic field of the tracks.

For the next question, we highlighted, production of these trains is expected to become cheaper and demand will only increase. From this evidence, we can infer that there could be more maglev trains in the future because of decreased production costs and high demand. So the answer to the question What could the future of maglev trains look like? is:

In the future there could be more maglev trains due to decreased production costs and high demand.

Additional Information about Finding Text Evidence

Finding Textual Evidence – Summary

Let’s review what we have learnt about finding text evidence.

When answering questions about an information text, we need to find the text evidence to make sure our answers are correct. We can use text evidence to justify our answers, ideas, or opinions. There are four types of text evidence: facts, examples, data and expert opinions.

To find the text evidence, follow these steps:

Steps to Find Text Evidence While Answering Questions Action
1 Read the questions and highlight keywords that build background knowledge about the topic.
2 Read the text thoroughly, highlight and make notes of key details connected to the questions.
3 Before answering the question, read it again and refer back to the text to find the supporting evidence.

Sometimes, the evidence is directly stated in the text. Other times you can use it for making inferences from text evidence.

Now you know how to find text evidence and answer questions about an information text. If you want more practice, check out our video, worksheets and activities!

Frequently Asked Questions about Finding Text Evidence

What is text evidence?
What are the types of text evidence?
How to find text evidence?
What is the difference between paraphrasing and quoting?
How can I effectively analyse text evidence to strengthen my argument?

Finding Evidence in Information Texts exercise

Would you like to apply the knowledge you’ve learnt? You can review and practice it with the tasks for the video Finding Evidence in Information Texts.
  • Identify types of text evidence.


    What is a chart like this used to show?

    Facts are one type of text evidence that you can use to demonstrate understanding.

    There are four correct answers.


    Text evidence can be: facts, examples, data and expert opinions.

  • Recall how to answer a question using text evidence.


    It is a good idea to highlight key words in the question so you know what sort of text evidence you are looking for.

    Rereading a question is always a good idea!

    Look in the text for answers to the question.


    Read the question and highlight key words.

    Re-read the text thoroughly and make notes of key details.

    Read the question again and refer back to the text to locate the supporting evidence.

  • Find evidence to support the questions.


    Questions 1 and 2 ask about how frogs and toads move. Some types of movement are running, walking, jumping or crawling.

    Questions 3 and 4 ask about where frogs and toads live.


    To find text evidence for questions 1 and 2, look for details supporting the key word move. Then, highlight the answers found near that word.

    To find text evidence for questions 3 and 4, look for details supporting the key word live. Then, highlight the answers found near that word.

  • Highlight text evidence in a paragraph.


    To identify text evidence:

    • First, read the questions and identify the key topics to look for in the text.
    • Next, read the text.
    • Look for answers that connect back to the key topics from the questions.

    There are five green highlights to support Question 2.

    All highlightable text needs to be coloured.


    The text evidence to support the answer to each question is as follows:

    1) What is a flock of birds?
    This text should be highlighted in yellow:

    • groups of individual birds flying together

    2) Why do birds flock together?
    This text should be highlighted in green:

    • guide migration to warmer weather
    • protection from predators
    • confuse a predator
    • enable the flock to attack the predators with stronger force than if the bird was on its own
    • tell one another where to find prey

    3) What causes birds in a flock to fight?
    This text should be highlighted in violet:

    • if they are stressed
    • overcrowding, lack of food and proper nutrition as well as boredom

  • Explain how to find text evidence.


    Highlighting can identify key details and help build knowledge.

    You should always read the question first.

    There are three correct choices.


    When looking for text evidence, you should:

    1. Read the question.
    2. Read the text thoroughly.
    3. Highlight key words that build background knowledge around a topic.
  • Match text evidence with a question.


    Tides are when the ocean expands or shrinks from the beach.

    Earth is not made of just oceans. Land will impact tides as well.


    The text evidence is matched to the questions as follows:

    What causes high tides?
    *The moon's gravitational pull causes water to swell on the side of the Earth closest to the moon.

    How might the presence of continents affect tides?
    *The Earth is not a perfectly smooth ball. Of course, tides are affected by land masses and the depth of the ocean at certain points.

    Will the location of the sun have any impact on tides?
    *When the Earth, moon and sun line up twice a month. This causes a spring tide which creates incredibly high tides at some places on earth and very low tides in other places.

    What is the effect of climate change on the tides?
    *As the Earth grows warmer, sea levels are rising. This will cause tides to reach further and further inland.