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Identifying Characters & Setting— Let's Practise!

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Basics on the topic Identifying Characters & Setting— Let's Practise!

Join Goopaw and have a go at identifying characters and settings.

Identifying Characters & Setting— Let's Practise! exercise

Would you like to apply the knowledge you’ve learnt? You can review and practice it with the tasks for the video Identifying Characters & Setting— Let's Practise!.
  • What are characters and settings?


    Here is an example of a character.

    This is an example of a setting.

    This is an example of a character.


    A character is a person, animal, creature or thing that plays an important part in a story.

    A setting is where a story takes place, such as a forest or a castle.

  • Is it a character or a setting?


    Snow White is the main person in this story.

    Remember, the setting is where the story takes place. A story can have more than one setting.


    In this story, Snow White and the Witch are both characters.

    The setting includes a forest and a cottage.

  • Where are the characters?


    This is an example of a character.

    This is an example of a setting.

    Check your spellings carefully:

    • character
    • setting


    In this image, the Prince and the King are the characters.

    The castle wall shows the setting.

  • Decide whether each word is a character or setting.


    Remember, the setting is where the story takes place. A story can have more than one setting.

    A character is a person, animal, creature or thing that plays an important part in a story.


    The correct answers are shown in this table.

  • Decide if it is a character or a setting.


    A character is a person, animal, creature or thing that plays an imporant part in a story.

    A setting is a place where a story happens.

    Here we can see the setting is the iceberg and the characters are the penguins.

    • The characters are: the wizard, the dragon, the mouse and Red Riding Hood.
    • The settings are: the funfair and the palace.
  • What are the stories about?


    A character is a person, animal, creature or thing that plays an important part in a story.

    A setting is where a story takes place, such as a forest or a castle.

    • This story is about a detective in a library. The setting is the library and the character is the detective.
    • The action in this story happens when a toad casts some magic in a pond. The character is the toad and the setting is the pond.
    • In this story, a boy goes to the beach and meets a mermaid. They swim in the sea. The characters are the boy and the mermaid and the settings are the beach and the sea.