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Tools for Measuring Length - Let's Practise!

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Basics on the topic Tools for Measuring Length - Let's Practise!

Today we are practising tools for measuring length with Razzi! This video contains examples to help you further practise and grow confident in this topic.

Transcript Tools for Measuring Length - Let's Practise!

Razzi says get these items ready because today we're going to identify the best Tools for Measuring Length! It's time to begin! Razzi wants to measure a pencil case. Which tool makes the most sense, a ruler, a yardstick, a metre stick, or a tape measure?

A RULER makes the most sense because the pencil case isn't too big! Did you also say a ruler? Let's identify the next one! Razzi wants to measure a surfboard. Which tool makes the most sense, a ruler, a yardstick, a metre stick, or a tape measure?

A TAPE MEASURE makes the most sense because surfboards can be very long! Did you also say a tape measure? Let's identify the final tool! Razzi wants to measure a school desk. Which tool makes the most sense, a ruler, a yardstick, a metre stick, or a tape measure?

A METRE STICK makes the most sense because school desks like this are usually around one metre long! Did you also say a metre stick? Remember, there is no right or wrong answer, some tools just make more sense! Razzi had so much fun practicing with you today! See you next time!

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  1. 100$

    From Leo, 9 months ago