Measuring in Centimetres

Basics on the topic Measuring in Centimetres
Measuring in Centimetres
Sometimes we need to measure things very accurately. Centimetres are a unit used for measuring smaller distances. Let's learn about measuring in centimetres.
A centimetre is a small unit of measurement used to describe how long, wide, or tall something is. It can be used to find the size of things like mobile phones, laptops, trading cards and food. Centimetre can be abbreviated with the letters cm.
To find an object's length in centimetres, we can use a ruler to find its length. Rulers are tools that give us precise, or exact, measurements in a given unit.
Measuring with a Ruler
To practise finding how many centimetres long something is using a ruler, let's use the order in the image below. First, line up one end of the food with the zero mark of the ruler.
Next, find the other end of the food and look carefully to see which mark it is closest to.
Then, read the number at the centimetre mark to find the length of the object. Here it lines up with the number sixteen.
Lastly, record the measurement by writing the number and labelling it with centimetres or cm.
Measuring Centimetres using a Ruler – Summary
To measure using a ruler, follow these steps:
Step # | What to do |
1 | Line up one end of an object up with the zero mark of the ruler. |
2 | Find the other end of the object and determine which mark it is closest to. |
3 | Read the number at the centimetre mark to find the length of the object. |
4 | Record the measurement by writing the number and labeling it in centimetres or in cm. |
Have you practised yet? On this website, you can find further interactive activities practising measuring in centimetres with rulers. After watching the video, you can also find worksheets for measuring in centimetres using a ruler.
Transcript Measuring in Centimetres
Freddie and Zuri decided to get sandwiches for lunch today.
Zuri ordered the Tuna Toastie which is twelve centimetres long.
Freddie ordered the Mega Melt which is fourteen centimetres long.
They decided to share the yum yum which is sixteen centimetres long.
But when the delivery arrived, all the food was wrapped in the same packaging!
Let's learn about "Measuring in Centimetres" to see if we can help Freddie and Zuri tell the orders apart!
A centimetre is a small unit of measurement used to find length. We can measure all sorts of things in centimetres.
We could measure the length of a pencil or a paper clip for example.
Centimetres can be abbreviated with the letters "
Now we can measure the final sandwich! The first end of the sandwich is lined up with the ZERO mark of the ruler. What number mark is the other end of this sandwich lined up to?
It is lined up to eighteen. So this sandwich is eighteen centimetres long. "Wait a second, the Tuna Toastie was supposed to be TWELVE centimetres!" Before we sort out the sandwich situation, let's remember! Today, we learnt about measuring in centimetres. A centimetre is a small measurement which can be used to determine how long, wide, or tall something is. To find an object's length in centimetres, we can use rulers to measure it exactly. To measure using a ruler: First, line one end of an object up with the ZERO mark of the ruler. Next, find the OTHER end of the object and determine which mark it is closest to. Then, read the number at the mark to find the length of the object. Finally, record the measurement by writing the number and labelling it in centimetres. "Who could that be?" "It was the delivery driver, turns out that WASN'T our order." "That explains the sandwich that was eighteen centimetres long. I guess we'll have to measure them all over again." "Why don't we just open them this time?"
Measuring in Centimetres exercise
How can we write centimetres?
HintsWhen we abbreviate centimetres, we are writing a shortened version.
What letter does centimetres start with? This is what the abbreviation should start with.
SolutionCentimetres can be written using the abbreviation cm.
Measure the sandwich.
HintsRemember, to find the total number of centimetres, look at the end of the object.
What number on the ruler is the end of the sandwich lined up with?
SolutionThe sandwich is 7 cm long.
Which ruler is measuring correctly?
HintsRemember, when measuring using a ruler, place one end of the object being measured on the zero.
Make sure that the sandwich is lying flat and read what number the other end is lining up with.
SolutionFreddie will place one end of his sandwich at the 0 mark of the ruler. Then, he can find the other end of the food and determine the number it is lined up with. Now, he can read the number at the centimetre mark to find the length of his sandwich! His sandwich is 8 cm.
Find the length in centimetres.
HintsFirst check that the wrap is lined up with the 0 marker on the ruler. Then, look at where the end of the wrap is lined up with.
Read the number that is in line with the end of the wrap to find its length.
SolutionZuri must be hungry, the wrap is 11 cm long!
Highlight the objects.
HintsRemember, a centimetre is a small unit of measurement.
Which of these items would you use a ruler to measure?
There are 100 centimetres in a metre, anything longer than 100 cm we would measure in metres.
SolutionThe correct answers are: the phone, the laptop and the sandwich.
An centimetre is a small unit of measurement, used to measure things like phones, laptops, or food. A car is large and it would not make sense to measure it in centimetres.
Use a ruler to find the length.
HintsRemember, look at where the object ends on the ruler.
Measure to the widest part of the item.
SolutionThe banana split is 6 inches long.