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One More Than

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Basics on the topic One More Than

Do you know what ‘one more than’ means? In this text you will learn what ‘one more than’ means. Additionally, watch this video and practise with ‘one more than a number’ worksheets to learn about adding more.

Adding 1 More Than – Definition

Adding 1 to any given number means that you end up with one more than before.

When we talk about ‘more’ we are adding to what we already have. Adding one means to put another item in the group that you already have.

Imagine you have two sweets, and a friend gives you one more. Now you have three sweets! One more than two is three.

One More Than – Method

When adding one more than;

  • Always start with the first number.
  • Then, add one more by counting.
  • Finally, find the total number.


One More Than – Examples

‘One more than’ strategy works for any number - no matter how small or large. Let’s have a look at a couple of examples. Find one more than a given number:

Starting number One more than the starting number
5 6
22 23
0 1
125 126
99 100

One More Than – Importance in Foundational Maths

Just like learning to walk before you run, understanding ‘one more than’ helps you become a maths superstar as you grow. Understanding ‘one more than’ lays the foundation for secure number sense and place value understanding. With secure understanding of these areas, one is able to successfully move on to working with bigger numbers and more sophisticated maths questions.

Practical Applications of ‘One More Than’

Let's see how we use ‘one more than’ in our daily lives!

‘One More Than’ is a straightforward strategy to apply when shopping. When you're in a toy shop and you have one toy, but you pick up another one, you now have ‘one more than’ the first toy.

It is also easy to use ‘One More Than’ in real-life situations, when talking about age, height and other measurements. On your next birthday, you'll be ‘one more than’ your age now. So, if you are 4 years old now, you'll be 5 on your next birthday.

One More than – Summary

Every big journey starts with a single step. In our maths journey, ‘one more than’ is that important step. It's like a magic key that opens the door to bigger and more fun maths adventures.

To be able to use the method of adding 1 to get to one more than successfully, always remember to use the following steps:

Step # What to do
1. Always start with the first number
2. Add one more by counting.
3. Find the total number.

For more, have a look at our adding one more worksheets, adding one more activities as well as interactive exercises.

One More than – Frequently Asked Questions

What does ‘one more than’ mean in maths?

How is the concept used in real life?

Is ‘one more than’ related to ordinal numbers?

What about numbers below zero?

Transcript One More Than

"What are you doing, Henry?" "I'm preparing for our picnic! "What are you making?" "Lemonade!" "That sounds great, but maybe we should add one more thing?" Skylar and Henry are preparing for a picnic and want to bring lots of things. Let's help them learn about 'one more than.' Has anyone ever said to you ‘one more minute!’ or “one more treat, and then you’re done!’ What does ‘one more’ even mean? When we talk about ‘more’ we are adding to what we already have. If someone says one more minute that means we are adding more time. Another way to think about one more is birthdays! If you are three years old and you have one more birthday, how old are you? Four! So, one more than three is four. Now that we know a bit about one more, let's help Henry and Skylar create the perfect picnic. Henry is making brownies for pudding. He has five right now, but wants to add one more. What is one more than five? There are many ways to find one more. Let's use a number line first! Start by circling the first number, five. Next, count one more. That's the answer! How many brownies will Henry bring? Six! One more than five is six. Next, Skylar wants to bring some teddy bears. She has seven small bears and wants to bring one more. How many bears will she have altogether? This time we can count to find the answer. Start with seven fingers. Then, add one more. The number of fingers you have in total is the answer! What is one more than seven? Eight! Finally, Henry is gathering some toy trains to play with. If he has eight trains and wants to add one more, how many trains does he have? This time we can use drawings to help count. We can use a circle for each train. Start by drawing eight circles for the first number. Next, draw one more circle, for one more train. The number of circles you have is the answer! How many circles are there? Nine! So, Henry will bring nine trains with him. Before we go on our picnic, let's review. Today we learnt about one more than. Remember the word 'more' means addition, and that you can use different ways to count on to find the answer. Always start with the first number. Then, add one more. Finally, find the total number. That's the answer! Now, I think it's time for a picnic! "Henry? Can you carry the backpack? It's too heavy for me!" "I don't think I can..." "I guess we'll have to take the train instead of walking then!"

One More Than exercise

Would you like to apply the knowledge you’ve learnt? You can review and practice it with the tasks for the video One More Than.
  • What is one more than three?


    Use your fingers to find one more.

    Hold up 3 fingers then add one more.


    One more than three is four!

    Use your fingers to find one more.

    1. Hold up three fingers.
    2. Hold up one more finger.
    3. You have four fingers up altogether.
    So, one more than three is four.

  • Which is the correct cake?


    One more means adding one to what you already have.

    The correct cake has one more than 6.

    Can you use your fingers to help you?


    One more than 6 is 7.

    • You can draw 6 circles then add one more to get 7.
    • You could put 6 fingers up, then put one more finger up to get 7.
  • How many lemonades does each friend want?


    Draw pictures to help you find one more.

    For example, one more than 7 is 8.

    • Draw circles to represent the given number.
    • Add one more.
    • Count how many you have altogether.

    You can use a number line, pictures, or your fingers to find one more.

    • Look at the given number.
    • Add one more.
    • Count how many you have altogether.
  • What is one more than each of these numbers?


    Use a number line, pictures, or your fingers to find one more.

    Draw the given number using pictures, then draw one more. How many do you have altogether?


    One more means we add one to the given number.

    • One more than 5 is 6
    • One more than 8 is 9
    • One more than 3 is 4
    • One more than 10 is 11
    You can use a number line, pictures, or your fingers to find one more.

  • What does one more mean?


    When you add one more the number gets bigger.

    Adding one more means you add to what you have.


    One more means adding one to what you have.

    If you have 2 apples and you add one more, you would have 3 apples.

    You can use a number line, pictures, or your fingers to find one more.

  • Can you find two more than the given number?


    Use your fingers to find two more like Skylar did.

    • Show the given number on your fingers.
    • Add two more fingers.
    • How many have you got altogether?

    You can use your fingers to find out one more and two more.

    • Two more than 5 is 7.
    • Two more than 3 is 5.
    • Two more than 8 is 10.
    • Two more than 2 is 4.

    You can:

    • Hold up the given number on your fingers.
    • Add two more fingers.
    • Count how many you have altogether.