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Number Bonds to Ten

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Basics on the topic Number Bonds to Ten

Number Bonds that Add to 10

The local bees are trying to figure out how many more bees can fit into each hive to make ten, but they need help to figure out how many more can fit! You can save the day by using number pairs to 10 to solve the problem!

There are nine different pairs of numbers that add together to make ten. They are one plus nine, two plus eight, three plus seven, four plus six, five plus five, six plus four, seven plus three, eight plus two, and nine plus one!

0 + 10
1 + 9
2 + 8
3 + 7
4 + 6
5 + 5

Number Bonds – Explanation

What are number bonds to ten? Number bonds to ten are pairs of numbers that, when added together, equal ten. When teaching number bonds to ten we say there are eleven different pairs of numbers that add together to make ten. They are zero plus ten, one plus nine, two plus eight, three plus seven, four plus six, five plus five, six plus four, seven plus three, eight plus two, nine plus one and ten plus zero! We can see them all here in this number bonds to ten display.


Number Bonds to 10 – Tens Frames

Let’s imagine that one of the hives already has four bees inside! We can use a tens frame to set this up with four counters.


To find the missing number, we can count the empty spaces on the tens frame to find the missing number pair for four that makes ten! There are six empty spaces, so the missing number pair to make ten here is six! 4 + 6 = 10!


Number Bonds to 10 – Summary

Remember, there are eleven pairs of numbers that make ten. However, you only have to memorise six of them because some are the same reversed. For example, one plus nine is the same as nine plus one!


Numbers that add to 10
0 10
1 9
2 8
3 7
4 6
5 5

To practise further, have a look at our number bonds to ten interactive exercises as well as our number bonds to ten worksheets and other activities after watching the video.

Transcript Number Bonds to Ten

"Hey! What's all the buzzing about here?" It appears the bees LOVE to be in groups of ten in their hives, but they need help working out how many more bees are needed for each hive! Let's help Mr. Squeaks sort the bees into groups of ten by learning about "Number Bonds to Ten". Number bonds to ten are pairs of numbers that can be added together to make ten. A tens frame like THIS can help us to make ten. There are eleven different pairs of numbers that add together to make ten. They are: zero plus ten, one plus nine, two plus eight, three plus seven, four plus six, five plus five, six plus four, seven plus three, eight plus two, nine plus one, and ten plus zero. However, you only need to remember six pairs of numbers because they can all be reversed apart from five plus five which stays the same. Zero plus ten is the same as ten plus zero. One plus nine is the same as nine plus one. Two plus eight is the same as eight plus two. What is the same as three plus seven? Three plus seven is the same as seven plus three. What is the same as four plus six? Four plus six is the same as six plus four. Now we are ready to help sort the bees into hives of ten. The first hive already has FOUR bees inside it. The tens frame has four counters to show this. We can count the empty spaces to find the missing number bond! Let's count. One, two, three, four, five, SIX! SIX is the missing number. FOUR plus SIX makes TEN. The next hive already has FIVE bees inside it. The tens frame has five counters to show this. Again, count the empty spaces. How many empty spaces are there? One, two, three, four, FIVE! FIVE is the missing number. FIVE plus FIVE makes TEN. The final hive already has THREE bees inside it. What is the missing number bond to make ten here? SEVEN is the missing number. THREE plus SEVEN makes TEN. While the bees head to their hives, let's review! Remember, today we learnt there are eleven pairs of numbers that make ten. They are: zero plus ten, one plus nine, two plus eight, three plus seven, four plus six, five plus five, six plus four, seven plus three, eight plus two, nine plus one, and ten plus zero.

"Erm...Imani, what are you doing?"

Number Bonds to Ten exercise

Would you like to apply the knowledge you’ve learnt? You can review and practice it with the tasks for the video Number Bonds to Ten.
  • Can you match the groups of bees?


    How many bees are in the tens frame? What do you need to add to that to get 10?

    Look at the number of spaces in the tens frame to help you.

    For example, if there were 9 bees in a tens frame, we could see that there is 1 space left, so we need to find a tens frame with 1 bee in to make 10.


    Here we can see that 6 + 4 = 10.

    The tens frame with 6 bees in has 4 spaces, meaning we need to add 4 more to it to get 10.


    • 5 + 5 = 10
    • 3 + 7 = 10
    • 2 + 8 = 10

  • How many more bees are needed for each hive?


    Use the tens frames to help you. How many spaces are there in each one?

    For example, this tens frame has 5 spaces so we would need to add another 5 to make 10.

    Remember, it doesn't matter which way round a part whole model goes.


    The hive on the left needed 2 more bees.

    • There were 8 bees already in it and there were 2 spaces left in the tens frame, meaning we needed to add 2 more.
    • The number bond is 2 + 8 = 10.
    The hive on the right needed 7 more bees.
    • There were 3 bees already in it and there were 7 spaces left in the tens frame, meaning we needed to add 7 more.
    • The number bond is 3 + 7 = 10.

  • Which of these hives have 10 bees?


    Solve the number sentences. If the answer is 10, highlight it in green.

    You could draw out your own tens frames to help you to solve the problem.

    For example, if you were solving 6 + 4:

    • draw 6 circles
    • draw 4 circles
    • count the number of circles - this is the answer!

    There are 5 hives with 10 bees in.


    These bee hives have 10 bees in them.

    • 6 + 4 = 10
    • 7 + 3 = 10
    • 0 + 10 = 10
    • 5 + 5 = 10
    • 9 + 1 = 10
    These bee hives do not have 10 bees in them.
    • 3 + 6 = 9
    • 2 + 9 = 11

  • How many more bees do the hives need?


    Pick out the key information.

    How many bees do we need in the hive?

    How many bees are already in the hive?

    We know that each hive needs 10 bees.

    We can draw out part whole models to help us like this one.

    What do we add to 4 to make 10?

    We could then use or draw a tens frame to help us.

    We can draw 4 bees as we know there are 4 already in the hive and then count the spaces left to work out what we need to add to 4 to make 10.

    How many spaces are left in this tens frame?

    • The first hive needed 6 more bees. 4 + 6 = 10
    • The second hive needed 9 more bees. 1 + 9 = 10
    • The third hive needed 7 more bees. 3 + 7 = 10
    • The fourth hive needed 10 more bees. 0 + 10 = 10
  • How many more bees does this hive need?


    The hive already has 7 bees, how many more are needed to get to 10? Use the tens frame to help you.

    Count the number of spaces in the tens frame.

    Here the blue spots represent the bees already in the hive. How many red spots are there? This is the number of bees needed to make 10.


    The hive needed 3 more bees.

    7 + 3 = 10

    We could see in the tens frame that there were 7 bees and 3 spaces, so that means we needed 3 more bees to make 10.

  • Can you solve the bee dilemmas?


    Look for the key information. How many bees are in the hive at the beginning? Did more join or did some fly away?

    • If more bees joined then we need to start with an addition e.g. 3 + 2
    • If some bees flew away we need to start with a subtraction e.g. 7 - 5

    Once you have worked out how many bees are in the hive now, you need to find out what we add to that number to make 10.

    • 3 + 2 = 5; 5 + ? = 10
    • 7 - 5 = 2; 2 + ? = 10

    For the final question, you will need to subtract and then add.


    For the first hive

    • We started with 3 bees and then 2 more joined, so we need to add 3 + 2 which equals 5.
    • We then need to solve 5 + ? = 10.
    • 5 + 5 = 10
    For the second hive
    • We started with 7 bees and then 5 flew away, so we need to subtract 5 from 7 which equals 2.
    • We then need to solve 2 + ? = 10.
    • 2 + 8 = 10.
    For the third hive
    • We started with 10 bees and then 6 flew away, so we need to subtract 6 from 10 which equals 4.
    • 2 bees then flew back in, so we need to add 4 + 2 which equals 6.
    • We then need to solve 6 + ? = 10.
    • 6 + 4 = 10
    Phew! All of the bees are in their hives!