Adding with Objects

Basics on the topic Adding with Objects
Adding with Objects
What is an addition using objects? Did you know that you can use objects to help you learn how addition works? Let’s learn more about single digit addition with objects and how to use maths cubes for addition with the following explanation.
Revision – Addition
Adding means putting two or more numbers together to make a larger amount. When adding objects, we use things we can touch to show us the numbers we are putting together. These help us count out the new amount. In maths, we can use lots of objects to help us show numbers, like counters, place value blocks and maths cubes.
Adding with Objects – Example
Let’s use maths cubes with the example two plus three. These objects will help! To start, we will use maths cubes to show the first number, two.
Then, we will use maths cubes to show the second number, three.
Next, bring the two cubes and the three cubes together into one, bigger group, and count them all!
Five is the answer so we write it after the equals sign.
Adding with Objects – Summary of Steps
Using objects such as maths cubes may help you to depict addition in maths. If you want to use maths cubes for addition, these are the steps to follow:
Step # | What to do |
1 | Use maths cubes to represent the first and the second number. |
2 | Bring both sets of cubes together and count them all! |
3 | Write your answer next to the equal sign. |
- Use maths cubes to show the first number.
- Then, use maths cubes to show the second number.
- Next, bring both sets of cubes together and count them all!
- Write your answer next to the equals sign.
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Transcript Adding with Objects
Mr. Squeaks and Imani are playing games at the arcade. They each win a few tickets but don’t have enough for any of the prizes unless they add their tickets together! Let's teach them all about adding with objects to get them the best prize. Adding means putting two or more numbers together to make a larger amount. When we add with objects, we use things we can touch to show us the numbers we are putting together. These help us count out the new amount. In maths, we use lots of objects to help us show numbers, like counters, place value blocks or base ten and maths cubes. Today we will use maths cubes to help Mr. Squeaks and Imani. After playing their first round of games, Imani won two tickets and Mr. Squeaks won three. If we add two plus three together, how many tickets will they have altogether? Let's try adding with objects to help! To start, we will use maths cubes to show the first number, two. Then, we will use maths cubes to show the second number, three. Next, bring the two cubes and the three cubes together into one, bigger group and count them all! One, two, three, four, five! Five is the answer so we write it after the equals sign. Mr. Squeaks and Imani play some more arcade games. This time Mr. Squeaks and Imani both win four tickets. If we add four plus four together, how many tickets will they have in total? Begin by using maths cubes to show the first number, four. Then, use maths cubes to show the other four. Next, bring both sets of cubes together and count them all! One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight! Eight is the answer so we write it after the equals sign. In the last round of games, Imani won six tickets and Mr. Squeaks won three. Let's work out how many tickets they will have in total if we add six and three together. How many maths cubes do we need to show the first number? Six! How many maths cubes do we need to show the second number? Three! When we put the six cubes together with the three cubes, how many cubes do you count? Nine! Finally, write nine after the equals sign. While Mr. Squeaks and Imani go to the prize booth, let's remember! Today we learnt about adding with objects. Adding means putting two or more numbers together to make a larger amount. To add with objects: use maths cubes to show the first number. Then, use maths cubes to show the second number. Next, bring both sets of cubes together and count them all! Write your answer next to the equals sign. " Ooo! Let's get these, Imani!" "Mr Squeaks? Where are you!?" "Excuse me sir, have you seen my friend?"
Adding with Objects exercise
Which pictures show addition?
HintsHere is an example of addition. What do you notice?
When you see an addition sign (+), remember it means two or more numbers are being added together.
SolutionThese are both examples of addition.
In both of these pictures, we can see two numbers being added together to make a larger number.
We can also see the addition symbol (+) in both images too.
How many tickets do Mr Squeaks and Imani have?
HintsRemember, count all of the maths cubes to find the answer.
Use your finger to count each cube to find the total number of cubes. This will tell you the total number of tickets.
SolutionMr Squeaks and Imani have 7 tickets.
4 + 3 = 7
First, count the 4 maths cubes. Then, count on 3 more maths cubes. The total is 7 math cubes.
How many tickets do Mr Squeaks and Imani have altogether?
HintsRemember, count all of the maths cubes to find the total.
In this example, we would count all of the maths cubes to find that 2 + 3 = 5.
SolutionImani and Mr. Squeaks have 6 tickets altogether!
We can count 2 maths cubes, plus 4 maths cubes, which equals 6 maths cubes in total. Therefore, they have 6 tickets.
How many tickets are there in total?
Hints- How many orange tickets are there?
- How many green tickets are there?
- How can you find out how many there are altogether?
Remember, count the tickets one by one to find out how many there are in total.
SolutionThey found 10 tickets in total.
We can count 4 orange tickets and 6 green tickets.
If we count them all, we get 10 tickets.
How many prizes do Mr Squeaks and Imani have?
HintsRemember, add the maths cubes to find the total.
Count with your finger how many cubes there are altogether. This will tell you how many prizes they have.
SolutionMr Squeaks and Imani have 3 prizes in total.
How much food did Mr Squeaks and Imani eat?
HintsHow many slices of pizza did Imani eat? You need to find this many slices of pizza.
How many pretzels did Mr Squeaks eat? You need to find this many pretzels.
Remember, the objects represent the numbers 5 + 3.
SolutionThere are 5 pizza slices and 3 pretzels.
These objects show 5 + 3, which equals 8.