Comparing Numbers to 1,000 — Let's Practise!

Basics on the topic Comparing Numbers to 1,000 — Let's Practise!
Join Razzi and practise comparing numbers up to 1,000!
Transcript Comparing Numbers to 1,000 — Let's Practise!
Razzi says get these items ready because today we're going to practise comparing numbers to one thousand! It's time to begin! Let's compare two hundred and eighty-four and two hundred and eighty-four. Pause the video to work on the problem and press play when you are ready to see the solution! Compare the hundreds place first two and two are equal. Compare the tens place next eight and eight are equal. Compare the ones place last four and four are equal. Use the equal to symbol. Did you also get two hundred and eighty-four is equal to two hundred and eighty-four? Let's tackle the next problem! Compare four hundred and fifty-six and seven hundred and thirty-eight. Pause the video to work on the problem and press play when you are ready to see the solution! Compare the hundreds place four is smaller than seven. Stop comparing here since we found different numbers. Use the less than symbol. Did you also get four hundred and fifty-six is less than seven hundred and thirty-eight? Let's do one more! Compare three hundred and forty-six and three hundred and twenty-nine. Pause the video to work on the problem and press play when you are ready to see the solution! Compare the hundreds place three and three are equal. Compare the tens place four is greater than two. Stop comparing here. Use the greater than symbol. Did you also get three hundred and forty-six is greater than three hundred and twenty-nine? Razzi had so much fun practising with you today! See you next time!
Comparing Numbers to 1,000 — Let's Practise! exercise
Can you compare the numbers?
HintsStart comparing in the hundreds place, then move to the tens if the digits are the same. If the tens digits are the same, move to the ones. If the ones digits are also the same, use the = symbol.
Remember, the opening of the greater than and less than symbols always faces the larger number.
For example, 432 is greater than 379, so we would write 432 > 379.
Solution- 217 < 342
- 568 = 568
- 874 > 863
Choose the correct number or symbol.
HintsStart comparing in the hundreds place. If the hundreds are the same, move onto comparing the tens place and then the ones place.
For example, if we were comparing 319 to 312, we can see that the hundreds are the same so we move to the tens. The tens are also the same so we move to the ones. 9 is greater than 2 so 319 > 312.
If we are looking for a number that is greater than 720, we would start by seeing if there is a number that has a hundred greater than 7. If not, we would see if there is a number that has a 7 in the hundreds but a number greater than 2 in the tens.
Solution- 981 > 891
- 723 = 723
- 417 = 417
- 525 > 471
- 101 < 110
Compare the numbers.
HintsRemember, the opening of the greater than and less than symbols always faces the larger number.
Look at the hundreds place first to compare the numbers.
If the numbers in the hundreds place are the same, move to compare the digits in the tens place.
If the numbers in the tens place are the same, move to compare the digits in the ones place.
For example, 456 > 453 as even though the hundreds and tens places are the same, 6 > 3 therefore 456 > 453.
Solution- 979 < 981
- 654 > 652
- 345 < 645
- 867 = 867
- 321 > 231
Choose the correct number or symbol.
HintsRemember, we compare the greatest place value first. If these are the same then we can look at the other digits.
If you are looking for a missing number, check the symbol. Are you looking for a number that is greater than, less than or equal to the number given?
Solution- 988 > 898
- 967 < 968
- 565 = 565
- 218 = 218
- 352 > 350
- 291 > 219
Which number goes in the box?
HintsWhich way is the symbol facing? Are you finding a number that is greater than 345 or less than 345?
The opening of the symbol is facing 345, meaning you are looking for a number that is less than 345.
Try each number and see if it works. Start comparing in the hundreds place, then move to the tens and then the ones if you need to.
Solution345 > 321
321 is the correct answer.
354 and 445 are both greater than 345 so wouldn't fit.
Can you solve the problems?
HintsFor questions 1 and 2, look at the direction of the symbol. Which side does the greater number need to go on.
Find the greater number by comparing the hundreds place, then the tens place, then the ones place.
For question 3, you need to find the number that when added to 420 makes 1,000. You could do this by subtracting. 1,000 - 420 = ?
Solution- Tim was baking a cake. The recipe said he needed 425 g of flour but he put 437 g of flour in. Can you fill in the gaps with these numbers to show Tim if he needs more or less flour? 425 < 437
- Rupi was building a model. She needed 318 wooden sticks. She has 303. Can you fill in the gaps with these numbers to show Rupi whether she has too many or not enough? 318 > 303
- Cal wanted to walk 1,000 steps. So far he has walked 420. Can you fill in the gap to show Cal how many more steps he needs to walk? 420 + 580 = 1,000