Compare 3 Digits (<, >, = )

Basics on the topic Compare 3 Digits (<, >, = )
Comparing and Ordering 3 Digit Numbers
When you are asked to compare 3 digit numbers, there are certain rules and steps to follow. This text teaches you everything you need to know about 3 digit number comparisons. You can display three digit numbers in a chart. This makes it easier to compare three digit numbers. For example, the number 103 looks like this:
hundreds (h) | tens (t) | ones (o) |
1 | 0 | 3 |
Comparing 3 Digit Numbers – Steps
To compare three-digit numbers, you start by comparing the greatest place value you have, in this case the hundreds. If the hundreds are equal, you move to compare the tens and if the tens are equal you move to compare the ones.
Comparing 3 Digit Numbers – Example
When comparing 3-digit numbers, first set up a place value chart for each number, and place the numbers you are comparing inside them. Like in this one, we are comparing one hundred and fifty-two with one hundred and fifty-two.
First, start in the hundreds place value and compare the numbers. We see one here in both places, so we can move to the tens place value because they are equal.
Now we can compare the tens place value. We see five here in both places, so we can continue to the ones place value because they are equal.
In the ones place value, we can see the number two in both places. This means they are equal.
We have finished comparing, and we know every digit is equal to each other in each place value. This means that one hundred and fifty-two is equal to one hundred and fifty-two.
Comparing 3 Digit Numbers – Summary
Step # | What to do |
1 | Start with the greatest place value, the hundreds. |
2 | If the hundreds place digits are the same, move to the tens place. |
3 | If the tens place digits are the same, move to the ones place |
4 | Compare using appropriate symbol ( > < = ) |
When comparing and ordering 3 digit numbers, you start in the highest place value. You compare each digit from left to right until you find a value that is greater. Then use the greater than, less than, or equal to signs to compare the numbers.
Below, you will find comparing 3-digit numbers activities and comparing 3-digit numbers worksheets for year 3 levels.
Transcript Compare 3 Digits (<, >, = )
Dundee is visiting Skylar and Henry and they are hungry! Dundee asks for food but will only eat food from whoever brings the most! Let's feed them by comparing three digit numbers. We can use the greater than, less than, or equal to symbols when comparing. A place value chart can help compare three digit numbers. We compare starting in the hundreds place, then the tens place and finally the ones place. We stop comparing when we find a digit that is greater than or less than the other. If all place values are the same, the numbers are equal. For example, to compare these two numbers, start with the greatest place value, the hundreds. Check if the hundreds place digits are the same or different. There is one hundred in both, so move to the tens place. Check if the tens place digits are the same or different. There are five tens in both, so move to the ones place. Check if the ones place digits are the same or different. There are two ones in both, making these numbers equal because all the place value digits are the same. One hundred and fifty-two is equal to one hundred and fifty-two. Oh, it looks like it's time to feed Dundee! Skylar gathered two hundred and ten blueberries and Henry gathered one hundred and ninety-two! Starting in the greatest place value we see two hundreds and one hundred! Two hundreds is greater than one hundred so we do not need to continue comparing in the tens or ones places. Two hundred and ten is greater than one hundred and ninety-two. Dundee will guzzle up Skylar's bowl of blueberries because it has more! Now Skylar and Henry have gathered grapes! Skylar gathered one hundred and five grapes and Henry gathered one hundred and thirty-seven grapes. Start comparing in the hundreds place. Is one hundred greater than, less than or equal to one hundred? One hundred is equal to one hundred so move to the tens place and compare the digits. Are zero tens greater than, less than or equal to three tens? Zero tens are less than three tens. We stop comparing here because we found a digit that is greater than or less than another! Is one hundred and five greater than, less than or equal to one hundred and thirty-seven? One hundred and five is less than one hundred and thirty-seven. Henry's bowl has more grapes so Dundee devours his bowl of grapes! Before we see if Dundee is satisfied, let's review! Remember, when comparing three digit numbers start with the greatest place value, the hundreds and compare. If the hundreds place digits are the same, move to the tens place and compare. If the tens place digits are the same, move to the ones place and compare. Finally, compare using the appropriate symbol, greater than, less than or equal to. "Be very quiet Henry...we can't keep feeding him all of our fruit!"
Compare 3 Digits (<, >, = ) exercise
Can you help Dundee?
HintsRemember to start comparing in the hundreds place, and work your way along each place value column.
Can you place 143 and 217 into a chart like this to compare them?
Remember to look carefully at the symbol and which way round the bowls are.
Use this example to help you.
SolutionThis is the correct answer.
217 is greater than 143.
If we start comparing these numbers with the hundreds we see that 200 is greater than 100, therefore 217 is greater than 143.
We do not need to compare the digits in any other place value column this time.
Can you compare the bowls?
HintsWhere do we start comparing 3-digit numbers?
If the hundreds are the same, look at the digits in the tens column. If these are the same, look at the digits in the ones column.
SolutionHere are the correct answers.
- 172 is greater than 133. The hundreds are the same but when we compare the tens we see that 70 is greater than 30, therefore 172 is greater than 133.
- 197 is less than 208. When we compare the hundreds we see that 100 is less than 200, therefore 197 is less than 208.
- 320 is equal to 320. The hundreds are equal so we compare the tens. The tens are also equal so we compare the ones. The ones are also equal, therefore 320 is equal to 320.
- 286 is greater than 284. The hundreds are the same so we compare the tens and see that these are also the same. We then compare the ones and see that 6 is greater than 4, therefore 286 is greater than 284.
Is Dundee eating the correct bowls of fruit?
HintsRemember to start by looking at the digits with the greatest value and comparing them.
If all place values are exactly the same, the numbers are equal.
Solution- 341 is actually less than 351 and not equal, so this one should have been highlighted. It should read 341 < 351.
- 427 is greater than 423 so this one was correct.
- 101 is actually less than 110 and not greater than, so this one should have been highlighted. It should read 101 < 110.
- 277 is equal to 277 so this one was correct.
Which symbol is missing?
HintsPut the numbers into a place value chart to compare them more easily.
Start by comparing the hundreds, then the tens, then the ones.
If the symbol is < the number on the left is less than the number on the right.
If the symbol is > the number on the left is greater than the number on the right.
SolutionHere are the correct answers:
- 290 < 301
- 317 < 318
- 416 > 414
- 452 > 448
- 378 > 341
- 280 > 260
- 104 = 104
- 112 = 112
- 217 = 217
Who gathered the most blueberries?
HintsRemember to start comparing in the hundreds column.
Remember, Dundee wants to eat the bowl with the most blueberries, so make sure his mouth is facing the right way!
SolutionHenry had collected more blueberries!
We start comparing the numbers in the hundreds place. We see that 200 is greater than 100, so we know that 217 is greater than 124.
We then put < in between the bowls to show that 217 is greater than 124.
Compare the numbers.
HintsHere is an example of comparing a set of three numbers.
If the symbol is < you need to order from smallest to largest.
If the symbol is > you need to order from largest to smallest.
Look for the largest or smallest number in each set and start from there.
Are any of the numbers equal to each other in the set?
SolutionThe sequences should read as follows:
1. 135 < 139 < 142
2. 390 > 386 > 372
3. 422 = 422 < 425
4. 219 < 234 = 234