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What Is an Opinion?

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Learning text on the topic What Is an Opinion?

Opinion – Definition

An opinion is what you think or feel about something. It can be different from what other people think. Opinions are not facts; they are personal feelings or beliefs.

An opinion is what you think or feel about something.

What is an Opinion?

An opinion is your personal view or feeling about something. It can be about anything, like a favourite colour, food or activity. For example, you might say, "I think pizza is the best food." Others might disagree with your opinion, but that does not mean that your opinion is wrong.

How to Form an Opinion

Here are the steps to form and share your opinion:

  1. Think about things you like or dislike.
  2. Decide which of these things you will share an opinion about.
  3. Explain your choice by using the word because.
  4. Write your opinion down.

Subordination in Opinions

When giving reasons for your opinion, you can use words like when, if, that or because. These words help explain why you feel a certain way.

  • When: I am happy when I eat ice cream.
  • If: I like ice cream if it is chocolate.
  • That: I think that ice cream is the best dessert.
  • Because: I like ice cream because it is sweet and cold.

Opinion – Example

Let’s look at how to write an opinion using these steps.

Decide what your opinion will be about. Write it down.

Explain why you feel this way using because.

Write your opinion in a complete sentence.

Examples of Opinions

Steps Example
Think I like playing football.
Decide I will share my opinion about football.
Explain using because I like playing football because it is fun.
Write I like playing football because it is fun.

Opinion – Summary

Key Learnings from this Text:

  • Opinion: What you think or feel about something.
  • Steps to form an opinion:
    1. Think about things you like or dislike.
    2. Decide which of these things you will share an opinion about.
    3. Explain your choice by using the word because.
    4. Write your opinion down.
  • Subordination words: Use when, if, that or because to explain your opinion.

By understanding these steps and using subordination words, you can clearly express their opinions and understand those of others.

Frequently Asked Questions about Opinions

What is an opinion?

How is an opinion different from a fact?

Can opinions be different from person to person?

Why is it important to explain your opinion?

What word can you use to explain your opinion?

Give an example of an opinion using the word because.

What should you do first when forming an opinion?

What is a subordination word?

Why should we respect other people's opinions?

What Is an Opinion? exercise

Would you like to apply the knowledge you’ve learnt? You can review and practice it with the tasks for the learning text What Is an Opinion?.
  • What does an opinion tell us?


    The correct answer is related to expressing personal feelings about something.

    When we express an opinion, we use words such as I like, I dislike, My favourite or I prefer.

    I like the unicorn cupcakes!

    This is Jane's opinion.


    An opinion tells us what someone likes, dislikes or feels about something.

    I like the unicorn cupcakes! This is Jane's opinion.

  • What is the opinion and what is the reason?


    What does Jane say she likes? This is her opinion.

    The word because links the opinion with a reason.


    I like cooking is Jane's opinion, it is fun to experiment with different ingredients is her reason.

  • If you were to share your opinion about your favourite outdoor activity, how would you start your sentence?


    The question is about expressing your opinion about your favourite outdoor activity.

    Recall how Jane and Ernie expressed their opinions.

    Apply a similar structure when sharing your opinion about your favourite outdoor activity.

    An opinion often begins with phrases such as I like or I prefer.


    I prefer to spend my time outdoors zip lining because it makes me feel like a superhero.

  • What are the steps for expressing an opinion?


    Before we make a decision about our opinion, we have to think about what we are going to say or write about.

    You need a reason for your opinion before you can write it down.

    • Think about things you like or dislike.
    • Decide which of these things you will share an opinion about.
    • Explain your choice by using the word because.
    • Now you are ready to write your opinion down.
  • How does Jane explain her choice of liking the unicorn cupcakes?


    What word does she use to link her opinion with a reason?

    I like pizza because it's yummy and cheesy!

    This is an opinion.


    I like the unicorn cupcakes because they are sweet and cute!

  • Can you help Jane?


    Why might Jane like to eat pizza?

    Imagine telling your friend why you enjoy rollerblading.

    What makes it fun for you?

    1. I like pizza because I like the different toppings.
    2. I prefer to drink water because it keeps me hydrated.
    3. I enjoy writing because it is fun to put my thoughts and ideas down on paper.
    4. I like to rollerblade because I can go fast down the hills.

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