Stating an Opinion and Supporting with Reasons

Basics on the topic Stating an Opinion and Supporting with Reasons
Learn all about stating opinions and supporting with reasons.
Transcript Stating an Opinion and Supporting with Reasons
"Thanks for the pizza Ernie! How did you know that crickets and moths are my favourite toppings!? And the crunch in the crust was just right! Your homemade pizza tastes way better because it's extra special!" "Oh golly Jane, that's nice of you to say! But I didn't..." "I have to tell all of my followers how fantastic this pizza was! Done! Ready to hear my blog post about your pizza Ernie?” “Sure, I just hope it’s not too cheesy!” “Ernie makes the best pizza, and I really enjoyed each and every slice. I love this pizza!" "Thanks Jane, but don't you think your followers might want to know why you liked my pizza?" Let's help Jane improve her blog post by learning about stating an opinion and supporting with reasons. An opinion is a person's thoughts or views on something. When writing an opinion, first state your opinion. Next, provide reasons that support your opinion based on the topic or text. Supporting your opinion with reasons is important because it gives the reader evidence that supports your view and it is as simple as asking yourself: why do I feel this way? Jane will use this graphic organiser to help list the reasons why she likes Ernie's pizza! Jane already wrote her opinion, which states the main idea and her closing sentence. Let's help Jane add some reasons that support her opinion! The first reason Jane stated was that the pizza had her two favourite toppings: crickets and moths. Next, she said there was just the right amount of crunch in the crust, so we'll add that as her second reason here. Finally, she explained that homemade pizza tastes better because it's extra special, so we'll list this as her last reason, before the closing sentence. With her opinion, reasons and closing sentence completed, Jane can put all of them together into a small paragraph! While Jane adds the finishing touches, let's summarise. Remember, when writing an opinion, first state your opinion. Next, provide reasons that support your opinion based on the topic or text. Supporting your opinion with reasons is important because it gives the reader evidence that supports your view and it is as simple as asking yourself: why do I feel this way? We can use a graphic organiser to help state your opinion, reasons and closing sentence! "I've already got three hundred likes! My followers want to know your recipe, this next post could break the internet!" "Sure thing Jane, start by turning the oven on. Next, take the frozen pizza out of the box. Then, put it in the oven and just wait patiently!" "Ernie! You never told me I was eating frozen pizza! I thought it was homemade!" "Whoops! Must've slipped my mind. Oh, and I forgot the last step: make sure to enjoy it after it comes out of the oven!"
Stating an Opinion and Supporting with Reasons exercise
Why should you support an opinion with reasons?
HintsReasons may include evidence such as, the crunchy crust made the pizza especially tasty.
Giving reasons backs up your own views and supports in more detail why you feel that way.
There is one correct answer.
SolutionYou should support an opinion with reasons to provide evidence to support your view.
What are the paragraph sections about?
HintsOpinion writing begins with you stating your opinion.
Reasons explain your view.
SolutionAn opinion-writing paragraph should first state your opinion, followed by three supporting reasons and end with a closing sentence.
Match the supporting reasons to the opinion.
HintsIf the opinion is positive, look for reasons that are positive and that support the opinion.
If the opinion is about homework, look for a reason that could be about homework.
SolutionThe correct answers are below:
Schools should have more art classes.- These classes reduce stress, spark creativity and inspire students.
- Many find it boring, it can feel like extra work, and takes up a lot of time.
- It is played by communities all around the world, teaches teamwork skills, and reminds players to try their best.
- Many find projects fun and the extra work to be helpful.
Which opinion is best supported by the reasons?
HintsLook at the three reasons, are they positive or negative about travelling?
Which opinion is best suited to the reasons that travel is inspiring and can connect people?
SolutionThe opinion that is best supported by the reasons is: Everyone should try travelling.
Opinion and reasons.
HintsHow does Jane feel about technology?
What is Jane's opinion about technology?
Highlight the opinion in green.There are three reasons that support the opinion.
SolutionThe opinion is highlighted in green and the reasons that support the opinion are highlighted in violet.
Why is football such a good sport?
HintsThe first step in opinion writing is to state an opinion.
The last step in opinion writing is to include a closing sentence.
Look at the words, To begin and Secondly. Use these to help order the reasons.
SolutionThe correct order of the sentences is:
- Football is the best sport!
- To begin, football is an active sport, so it is excellent cardio exercise.
- Secondly, football requires strategy, so it is a challenging mental exercise.
- Also, it is a team sport that teaches people to work together.
- Football is played all around the world and is for everyone!