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How to Write an Address

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Basics on the topic How to Write an Address

How to Write an Address – Introduction

Are you wondering how to write an address on a letter, how to write an address on a package, how to write an address on a postcard or how to write an address on an envelope? This text will teach you all about how to write an address (UK).

When sending a letter, a postcard, or a parcel, we include an address. We need to make sure it is spelt and structured properly, so the post office workers can deliver the letter to the correct location.

Addresses consist of the following:

  • person's full name,
  • house number,
  • street address,
  • town or city name,
  • county
  • postcode


On a letter or a package, the address of a recipient or a person who you are sending the mail to, is written in the bottom left of the envelope. You might also be wondering how to write a return address on an envelope. Your address, known as the return address, is written on the other side of the envelope, in the bottom right corner. It is important to include your own address, so if there is a problem with delivery, your mail can be sent back to you.



In this article, we will answer how to write an address on a letter (UK). If you are wondering how to write an international address, check online how to write out an address to the country you want to send your letter to.

How To Correctly Write an Address – Formatting

When we write an address on the front of an envelope or a package, we split it into five lines. Have a look at the example below:

Address Contents Example
full name Sarah Smile
house number
& street name
123 Grassy Road
town / city Leeds
county West Yorkshire
postcode LS31 3LN

The first line of an address includes a full name of a person you want to send a letter to. The second line is a house number and a street name. In the third line we write a town or a city name. The fourth line shows the county and the fifth line has the postcode.

A postcode is one of the most important components of the address. It is a unique combination of letters and numbers that tells the postal workers exactly where in the town or city to send your letter to. So make sure to double-check it before you send a letter!

To better remember the format of an address, use this graphic organiser:


It is also useful to know how to write an apartment address. If a person you are writing to lives in an apartment or flat, you need to include the flat or apartment number before the street address. For example, if you were wondering how to write an address in London, it could look something like this:

Gary Gamer
Flat 3
2 Church Street
W20 4GN

Sometimes you need to write an address inside of a letter. In this case it will include the same information, but have a different format. This is how to write an address on one line inside the letter:

Marion McMusic, 321 Sonata Street, Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire AB72 3HL

Pay attention to the punctuation for addresses and look out for commas in addresses in sentences. We always use a comma between each address part apart from the county and postcode.

Abbreviations - Address

You have probably noticed, that we use a lot of abbreviations in addresses. In street names, some parts of the name can be shortened, like avenue to ave. These are abbreviations for address words. If you are wondering, “How do you abbreviate addresses?”, our list of address abbreviations can help you:

Word Abbreviation Word Abbreviation
Avenue Ave Street St
Road Rd Lane Ln

County Abbreviations in Addresses

Counties can also be abbreviated. Have a look at the table below for some examples.

State or Territory Abbreviation State or Territory Abbreviation
North Yorkshire N. Yorks Cambridgeshire Cambs
Nottinghamshire Notts. Berkshire Berks

How to Write an Address – Summary

Let’s remember what we have learnt about writing an address.

Addresses are made up of a person's full name, house number, street address, town or city name, county and postcode.

When we write the address on an envelope, we write it like this:

Sarah Smile
123 Grassy Road
West Yorkshire
LS31 3LN

If we need to write an address inside the letter, we write in like this:

Sarah Smile, 123 Giggle Ave, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS31 3LN

Don’t forget to capitalise every word in an address, include commas in proper places and use abbreviations if necessary.

Now you are ready to send a letter to your pen pal! You know how to write an address correctly and how to use commas and abbreviations in addresses. If you want more practice, check out our video and activities including commas in addresses worksheets!

Frequently Asked Questions about Writing Addresses

How are addresses written in uk?

How do you abbreviate an address?

How do you write a UK address?

Do you put commas in addresses?

How to Write an Address exercise

Would you like to apply the knowledge you’ve learnt? You can review and practice it with the tasks for the video How to Write an Address .
  • Parts of an address.


    The postcode is made up of a mixture of numbers and letters.

    The county is found after the city or town name. It sits before the postcode.


    The image shows the parts of the letter.

  • Address scramble!


    Look at this address. What order is it written in?

    Where does the postscode go on an address?

    What comes after the name on an address?


    The correct order of the address is:

    Archie Zoom

    Grasshopper Road


    South Yorkshire

    SH43 GNZ

  • What's Tony's address?


    Remember: the name is first, then the street address.

    Do you know what comes next?

    Remember, the postcode comes last on the address.


    The correct way to write Tony's address inside a letter is:

    Tony Orchard, 102 Blossom Road, Brighton, East Sussex, BN15 3DL.

  • Reading an address.


    The city name always comes before the county name.

    Look carefully at the name of the recipient. This is the first line of the address.

    1. Name of Recipient: Jelly Bear
    2. House Number: 16
    3. Street name: Cub Street
    4. City: Oxford
    5. County: Oxfordshire
    6. Postcode: OX32 8BG
  • What is an address made up of?


    There are five correct options.

    It is important that the postal worker knows which property to deliver the letter to. They know this if you put the house number or name on the envelope.


    The correct options are:

    • The person's full name.
    • The house number or name.
    • The town or city name.
    • The county.
    • The postcode.

  • Spot the errors.


    The beginning of every word in an address should be capitalised.

    Do you see any words that Pip forgot to capitalise?

    The postcode should be made up of a mixture of letters and numbers.

    After the name comes the house number and street name.

    There are 3 errors to find.


    The errors are:

    • Alice May should be capitalised because it is a name.
    • The house number should come before the street name, to say: 17 Little Street.
    • The postcode needs a mix of numbers and letters, for example: BN37 2LD.