End Punctuation — Let's Practise!

Basics on the topic End Punctuation — Let's Practise!
Do you know the different ways we can end a sentence? Practise end punctuation with Goopaw!
Transcript End Punctuation — Let's Practise!
Goopaw says get ready to practise End Punctuation. When we write a sentence, we have to make sure we end it properly. We can do this with a dot called a FULL STOP, with a squiggle and a dot called a QUESTION MARK, or a line and a dot called an EXCLAMATION MARK. Here is a sentence. The ball is red. What is this punctuation mark called? This is called a full stop. Let's look at another sentence. Oh no! What do we call this punctuation mark? An exclamation mark! Let's try the next sentence. Who is it? Name THIS punctuation mark. This is a question mark. Here is a new sentence. We did it! What's this punctuation mark called? It's an exclamation mark. Here's the last sentence. The cat sat. Which punctuation mark is this? This is a full stop. Great work! Goopaw had so much fun practising with you today! See you next time!
End Punctuation — Let's Practise! exercise
What are these punctuation marks called?
HintsLook at the punctuation mark at the end of this question.
Will it rain today?
Look at the punctuation mark at the end of this exclamation.
Oh no!
Solution- . Full stop
- ? Question mark
- ! Exclamation mark
Which punctuation mark should we use?
HintsDoes the sentence ask a question? If it does, you will need a question mark.
Is the sentence exclaiming how great something is? If it is, you will need an exclamation mark.
Solution- Is it snowing today?
- Wow, what an amazing story!
- It's a stripy tiger.
- I like music.
Which punctuation mark should we use at the end of this sentence?
HintsWhat type of sentence is it? A question, an exclamation or a statement? Which punctuation mark comes at the end of each sentence type?
Choose one of these options:
- .
- ?
- !
If you are working on a phone or tablet, you will need to access the number keyboard to find the punctuation marks.
If you are working on a computer:
- You can find the full stop at the bottom right of the keyboard.
- The question mark is also at the bottom right of the keyboard and can be typed with the shift key held down too.
- The exclamation mark can be typed by holding the shift key and the number key on which it appears.
SolutionA full stop goes at the end of this sentence. It is a statement.
Today I am going to the park.
Find the correct punctuation marks.
HintsIs it a statement, a question or an exclamation?
Choose one of these options:
- .
- ?
- !
If you are working on a phone or tablet, you will need to access the number keyboard to find the punctuation marks.
If you are working on a computer:
- You can find the full stop at the bottom right of the keyboard.
- The question mark is also at the bottom right of the keyboard and can be typed with the shift key held down too.
- The exclamation mark can be typed by holding the shift key and the number key on which it appears.
Solution- Is it lunch time? This is a question.
- What wonderful news! This is an exclamation.
- How many ducks are there? This is a question.
- She is painting. This is a statement.
Which punctuation mark comes at the end of this sentence?
HintsWhat sort of sentence is it? A statement, an exclamation or a question?
Remember, these are the names of the punctuation marks.
- . full stop
- ? question mark
- ! exclamation mark
SolutionThe correct punctuation mark is a question mark.
When is your birthday?
Can you add punctuation to complete the story?
HintsLook at each sentence carefully. What type of sentence is it?
Is someone asking a question or exclaiming something?
Choose one of these options:
- .
- ?
- !
If you are working on a phone or tablet, access the number keyboard to find the punctuation marks.
If you are working on a computer:
- You can find the full stop at the bottom right of the keyboard.
- The question mark is also at the bottom right of the keyboard and can be typed with the shift key held down too.
- The exclamation mark can be typed by holding the shift key and the number key on which it appears.
SolutionOne day, Sam was going to the dentist. He went with his mum.
"Have you been brushing your teeth?" asked the dentist.
"Yes," answered Sam. "How fantastic!" replied the dentist.
Sam was happy. The visit had gone well.

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