Capitalising Words

Basics on the topic Capitalising Words
Do you know which words need capital letters? Help Koko with her letter and make sure all of the correct words are capitalised.
Transcript Capitalising Words
Sweet summer time, the air is warm, the sun is shining and Koko is at summer club! Whilst at her painting club, she wants to write a letter to Pip to tell him all about what she's been up to. There's just one problem though, she's not sure what needs to be capitalised. Let's help her by learning all about capitalising words. You may already know that there are two different sizes of letters that we use when writing. One type is called capital letters, or upper case letters. These letters are bigger and sometimes slightly different than the smaller lower case letters. We can use capital letters to make some words stand out! Let's take a look at Koko's first sentence in her letter to see more. She wrote, 'how are you? I miss you so much!' You might already know that we always capitalise the first letter of the first word in a sentence. What is the first letter of the first word in this sentence? The first word is 'how', starts with the letter H and it looks like this! Let's look at Koko's next sentence. Can you think of any words that we would want to make stand out because they are important? Her next sentence says, 'The club is so much fun, I paint a new picture every day!' The next word we always capitalise is the word I. The word I represents you, and since you are important it needs to stand out! Koko's next sentence says, 'you would have so much fun here, pip'. Are there any words you think we should capitalise here? We should capitalise any names, because they are important and need to stand out, too! That means Koko should make the P in Pip a capital! Take a look at Koko's next sentence to see if there are any other words to capitalise. I can't wait to see you at friends day on Sunday the thirtieth of July!' We also always capitalise the date which includes the day of the week, here it's Sunday and the month is July! Let's check Koko's final sentence to see if she needs to capitalise any words. It says, 'see you soon, Pip!' We need to capitalise the S in see and the P in Pip! Before we see how Koko's letter turned out, let's review. Today we learnt all about capitalising words. We learnt that we capitalise some words to make them stand out. We always capitalise the first letter of the first word in a sentence, the word I, people's names and dates! Now, let's see about that letter. "I hope this gets to Pip in time." "Surprise! Happy International Friends Day!" "Oh, Pip, friends day is next week!"
Capitalising Words exercise
Can you find the capital letters?
HintsCapital letters are often bigger than lower case letters.
Capital letters are found at the beginning of names. For example; Ted.
Here we can see the alphabet in capital letters.
There are five capital letters to highlight.
SolutionThe capital letters here are: L, N, W, R and F.
The other letters are lower case: h, b, y, a and t.
Which words do we need to capitalise?
HintsThis sentence has capital letters in the correct places:
Sally and I went to the park on Saturday.
There are four correct options.
SolutionWe always use capital letters for:
- the first word in a sentence.
- the word I.
- names of people.
- months and days.
Where should the capital letters go?
HintsDays of the week need capital letters.
We don't need to use a capital I if it is part of another word like in, if or is.
SolutionHere are the correct pairs:
- koko is my friend : Koko is my friend.
- i like to paint with koko : I like to paint with Koko.
- on friday, i am going to a sleepover : On Friday, I am going to a sleepover.
- it might snow in january : It might snow in January.
Can you find the mistakes?
HintsNames always begin with a capital letter.
Letters at the end of a word don't usually need capitalising.
For example, we would highlight this sentence like this.
It should be:
I am reading with Sally.
SolutionHere we can see the correctly highlighted sentences. The sentences should be:
- I am going to the shop with Koko.
- Pip is going to get some bananas.
- We often go to the shops on Thursday.
Which sentences are capitalised correctly?
HintsWe always start a sentence with a capital letter.
We use capital letters for names, days and months.
There are two correct answers.
SolutionThe correct answers are:
- I am chatting to Polly.
- Bill's birthday is in March.
- sam Is seven. This should be: Sam is seven.
- Can i go swimming on monday? This should be: Can I go swimming on Monday?
Can you write the sentence correctly?
HintsListen to the sentence as many times as you like.
Remember, names and days of the week need to start with capital letters.
Don't forget to finish your sentence with a full stop.
Here is the sentence without capital letters:
koko and pip are going camping on saturday.
SolutionThe correct sentence is:
Koko and Pip are going camping on Saturday.

Lower case Letters

Capitalising Words

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