Capitalisation: First Words & 'I'— Let's Practise!

Basics on the topic Capitalisation: First Words & 'I'— Let's Practise!
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Capitalisation: First Words & 'I'— Let's Practise! exercise
Help Goopaw identify the capital letters.
HintsA capital letter is when you write a letter in its upper case or bigger form.
You use capital letters for the first letter of the sentence, and when you are talking about yourself.
We also use capital letters when writing people names, and days of the week.
Solution- The cat ran fast.
- Can I play with you?
- I want a dog.
- Do you like cake?
Which letter is it?
HintsA capital letter is when you write a letter in its upper case or bigger form.
Here are examples of upper case or capital letters in words:
- I
- The
Solution- Can I read a book?
- The bird flew high.
- Can we go to the shop?
- Let the dog play.
Complete the sentences.
HintsA capital letter is when you write a letter in its upper case or bigger form.
Here are examples of upper case or capital letters used in words:
- The girl ran fast.
- He is hungry.
Solution- Am I late?
- I can run fast.
- Can I eat a snack?
Upper case and lower case challenge.
HintsA capital letter is when you write a letter in its upper case or bigger form.
Here are examples of capital letters:
- M
- K
- i
- b
SolutionLower case letters in upper case form or capitalised:
- X
- B
- M
- D
- g
- f
- a
- e
Find the capital letters.
HintsA capital letter is when you write a letter in its upper case or bigger form.
Here are examples of upper case or capital letters:
- I
- F
SolutionCapital letters:
- A
- R
- D
- E
- P
- G
- B
More sentences.
HintsMake sure to spell each word correctly as shown in the sentence above.
A capital letter is when you write a letter in its upper case or bigger form.
Here is an example of an incorrect sentence:
- i like snow.
- I like snow.
- He is cold.
- He is cold.
Make sure that when you are re-writing the sentence you include the punctuation, as well.
Solution- Can I go to the park?
- I picked a flower.
- He is nice.
- You are happy.

Lower case Letters

Capitalising Words

Capitalisation: First Words and 'I'

Capitalisation: First Words & 'I'— Let's Practise!

Capitalisation of Names

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