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Different Types of Matter: Solid, Liquid, Gas

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Learning text on the topic Different Types of Matter: Solid, Liquid, Gas

Different Types of Matter: Solid, Liquid, Gas – Introduction

Have you ever noticed how water can be ice, liquid or steam? These are different types of matter called solids, liquids and gases. In this text, we will learn about these types and why they are important.

What is Matter?

Matter is everything around us that takes up space and has weight.

Matter can be in different forms, known as states of matter. The three main states are solids, liquids and gases.


Let's test your understanding so far!

❓What is matter?

❓What are the three main states of matter?


Solids are things that have a definite shape and size. Examples of solids include rocks, books and ice. The particles in solids are packed closely together and don't move much.

Properties of Solids:

  • Definite shape (keeps its shape)
  • Definite volume (amount of space it takes up)



Liquids are things that can flow and take the shape of their container. Examples of liquids are water, milk and juice. The particles in liquids are close together but can move around.

Properties of Liquids:

  • No definite shape (takes the shape of its container)
  • Definite volume



Gases are things that spread out to fill any space. Examples of gases are air, steam and helium in balloons. The particles in gases are far apart and move freely.

Properties of Gases:

  • No definite shape
  • No definite volume (spreads out to fill space)



Plasma is a special state of matter not usually seen every day. It's like a gas but with charged particles. We can see plasma in things like the sun and neon signs.


Phase Transitions

Matter can change from one state to another. This is called a phase transition.

Change Description Example
Melting Solid to Liquid Ice to Water
Freezing Liquid to Solid Water to Ice
Evaporation Liquid to Gas Water to Steam
Condensation Gas to Liquid Steam to Water

Understanding Particle Movement

The movement of particles changes with each state of matter.

State of Matter Particle Movement
Solid Particles vibrate in place
Liquid Particles move around each other
Gas Particles move freely and quickly
Plasma Particles move freely and are charged

Matter Science Experiment

Let's make a simple model to understand the different states of matter and how they change! Make sure you have adult help and supervision for this experiment.

Matter State Change Experiment

How Well Do You Understand Matter?

Test your knowledge of different types of matter!

❓What is a solid?

❓What is a liquid?

❓What is a gas?

❓What happens during melting?

Fun Facts About Matter

Different Types of Matter – Summary

Key Learnings from this Text:

  • Matter is everything around us that takes up space and has weight.
  • The three main states of matter are solids, liquids and gases.
  • Matter can change from one state to another, like ice melting to water.
  • Plasma is a special matter; it’s like a gas with charged particles.
State of Matter Particle Movement
Solid Particles vibrate in place
Liquid Particles move around each other
Gas Particles move freely and quickly
Plasma Particles move freely and are charged

Now that you know more about different states of matter, go and see if you can identify different types of matter in your daily life! Learn more with Water in Different Forms.

Different Types of Matter – Frequently Asked Questions

What is matter?

What are the main states of matter?

What is a solid?

What is a liquid?

What is a gas?

What is melting?

What is freezing?

What is plasma?


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