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Water in Different Forms

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Learning text on the topic Water in Different Forms

Water in Different Forms – Introduction

Did you know that water, the stuff we drink and swim in, can come in three different forms? Water can be solid like the ice in your freezer, liquid like the water in your glass and gas like the steam from a kettle. Let’s learn all about the different forms of water.

What are the Three Forms of Water?

Water can be found in three main forms: solid (ice), liquid (water) and gas (steam or water vapour). Each form has its own properties.


When water gets very cold, below 0 degrees Celsius (32 degrees Fahrenheit), it freezes and becomes ice. Ice is hard and cold, and it floats on water. This is why icebergs can float in the ocean!


This is the water form we see and use the most. It's liquid at room temperature and fills lakes, rivers and our drinking glasses. Liquid water is essential for all living things to survive.


When water gets heated up, it turns into steam or water vapour. This is the gas form of water. You can see steam when you boil water on the stove or when you see fog on a chilly day.

Characteristics of Water Forms

Solid Water (Ice)

  • Feels Cold: Ice is the solid state of water, formed when the temperature drops below 0°C (32°F). It feels cold to the touch because it absorbs heat from its surroundings, including your hand when you touch it.
  • Hard and Can Be Picked Up: Unlike liquid water, ice holds its shape, making it hard and solid. This allows you to pick it up or carve it into shapes, making ice versatile for various uses, from sculptures to ice cubes in your drink.
  • Used in Drinks to Keep Them Cool: Ice cubes or crushed ice are commonly used to chilled beverages. The ice absorbs heat from the drink, lowering its temperature, and as the ice melts, it keeps the drink cold without diluting its flavour as quickly as other cooling methods might.

Liquid Water

  • Wet and Flows: Liquid water can move, meaning it can flow from one place to another.
  • Fills the Shape of Containers: Water's ability to take the shape of its container makes it unique. Whether in a glass, a bath, or a lake, water levels out and spreads, filling every nook and cranny.
  • Drunk by All Living Things: All living organisms need water to survive. Plants, animals and humans all depend on liquid water for hydration and life.

Gas Water (Steam or Water Vapour)

  • Invisible and Floats in the Air: When water becomes gas, as steam or water vapour, it's usually invisible to the naked eye. However, you can sometimes see steam as a mist or fog when it starts to condense back into tiny water droplets in the air.
  • Can Condense on Cool Surfaces as Water Droplets: Water vapour condenses, or cools down, back into liquid water when it comes into contact with cooler surfaces. This is why you might see water droplets on the outside of a cold glass or on bathroom mirrors after a hot shower.
  • Used for Cooking, Like Steaming Vegetables: Steam is a powerful tool for cooking because it transfers heat really well without drying out the food. Steaming vegetables, for example, helps retain their colour, texture and nutrients better than boiling in water, making it a preferred method for preserving the quality of the food.

Comparison of the Forms of Water

Sometimes you need to be able to identify different forms of water. Use these questions to help you tell these different forms of water apart:

Form of Water Solid (Ice) Liquid (Water) Gas (Steam)
Can we see it? Yes Yes No
Can we touch it? Yes Yes No
Where do we find it? In the freezer, as snow In lakes, rivers In the air, when water boils

Forms of Water Experiment

Let's explore how water can transform into its three different forms: solid, liquid and gas.

Forms of Water Experiment

Forms of Water Quiz

Let's test your knowledge about water's forms!

Fun Facts About the Forms of Water

Water in Different Forms – Summary

Key Learnings from this Text:

  • Water can exist in three forms: solid (ice), liquid (water) and gas (steam or water vapour).
  • These forms are unique because water can change between them under different conditions, like temperature changes.
  • The water cycle demonstrates how water moves through these forms on Earth, supporting all forms of life.
Form of Water Solid (Ice) Liquid (Water) Gas (Steam)
Can we see it? Yes Yes No
Can we touch it? Yes Yes No
Where do we find it? In the freezer, as snow In lakes, rivers In the air, when water boils

If you're curious about more wonders of our planet, check out our learning text on different bodies of water in an area.

Water in Different Forms – Frequently Asked Questions

Can ice turn into steam without melting first?

Why does ice not sink in my drink?

What journey does water take in the water cycle?

How can we see steam if it's a gas?

Why do we need to drink water?

What makes water boil?

What happens when water freezes?

Is drinking a lot of water ever bad?

Why can hot water freeze fast sometimes?

Does water always stay the same?

Water in Different Forms exercise

Would you like to apply the knowledge you’ve learnt? You can review and practice it with the tasks for the learning text Water in Different Forms.
  • Can you name the states of water?


    Think about what happens to water when it gets really cold and turns into ice. It is no longer a liquid.

    When liquid water is heated, it becomes a gas.


    Here we can see the correct answers.

  • What form does water take at each temperature?


    What happens to water when it gets really cold?

    Think about what happens when water boils.


    Water is a solid below 0 degrees Celsius.

    Water is a liquid at room temperature.

    Water is a gas when heated up to above 100°C.

  • What causes water to change into steam?


    Remember, there is a special temperature when water starts to bubble and turn into steam.

    Think about what happens when you boil water on the stove.


    Water changes to steam when it is heating up.

  • Matching words and descriptions.


    Think about what ice feels like when you touch it.

    What form does water take when it is in a glass?


    Ice is a solid that is hard and can be picked up.

    Water is a liquid that is wet and flows.

    Gas is steam that is invisible and floats in the air.

  • What state is water in at room temperature?


    Think about the state of water when it's not too hot or too cold.

    At room temperature, you can drink water.

    Water is solid when you first take it out of the freezer but it quickly starts to melt when you leave it at room temperature.


    At room temperature, water is a liquid.

  • Match the characteristics with the forms of water.


    On a warm day, you can add something to your glass of water to make it colder.

    Plants and animals need water to live.


    Water is wet and can flow and is drunk by all living things.

    Ice is used in drinks to keep them cool and can be carved into shapes.

    Steam is used for steaming vegetables and condenses on cool surfaces.


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