The Number 2

Basics on the topic The Number 2
Join Skylar and Henry and learn all about the number 2!
The Number 2 exercise
How many bananas are in the image?
HintsThere are two bananas in the image.
Which choice shows the number two?
The number two looks like a swan.
SolutionThere are 2 bananas in the image.
The number two is written as 2. It is shown above.
The different ways to show 2.
HintsThere are 3 examples of the number two.
Can you find them all?
The number 2 is also written as Two.
Can you find this word in the image?
SolutionThe examples of 2 are:
- The two dots in the 10 frame.
- The number 2 in the middle of the image.
- The word Two.
How do you write the number two?
HintsYou should start writing the number 2 just below the top line.
Next, make a curve to the middle line, then keep going to the bottom line.
Then, draw a line along the bottom line. It should look like a little tail!
SolutionTo draw the number 2:
1) Start just below the top line.
2) Make a curve that reaches the top line and ends at the dotted line in the middle.
3) Continue down from the middle line until the pencil reaches the bottom line.
4) Draw a short line to the right along the bottom line. It will look like a small tail!
When you're done, it should look like this: 2
2 or not 2?
HintsThis is an example of 2 sweets.
Can you find the other images that show 2 items?
There are 3 examples of the number 2.
Remember, we can write 2 as a number AND as a word.
Can you find an image that shows how to write 2 as a word?
SolutionThe examples of 2 are:
- Two fish
- Two trains
- The word Two
Spot the items that show 2.
HintsDo you see the mittens on the table?
There are 2 of them!
Can you find the other items that show two?
Here are two apples!
Solution- There are two beds.
- There are two mittens on the table.
- There are two apples on the shelves.
- There are two flip-flops on the floor.
Counting stars.
HintsHere are two ways to show the number, three.
Where in the image can you find a group of 3 stars?
Place a 3 next to this group.
Here are two ways to show the number, one.
Where in the image can you find 1 star?
Place a 1 into the blanks with only one star.
The number two is shown here.
Where in the image can you find groups of 2 stars?
Place a 2 next to these groups.
SolutionThe correct number of stars in each group is shown in the image above.
There are:
- two groups with 2 stars
- two groups with 1 star
- one group with 3 stars