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Inches Feet Yards and Miles

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Basics on the topic Inches Feet Yards and Miles

Inches, Feet, Yards and Miles – Explanation

In this learning text we are going to learn about using inches, feet, yards and miles. When we want to find out the length of something we use units of length like: inches, feet, yards or miles. In this text we are going to look at the smallest to the biggest units of length as well as the conversion from one to another.

  • An inch is a very small measure of length and is represented by the abbreviation in or inverted commas ‘’
  • A foot is a bigger measurement than an inch and is represented by the abbreviation ft or apostrophe
  • A yard is a bigger measurement than a foot and is represented by the abbreviation yd
  • A mile is a bigger measurement than a yard and is represented by the abbreviation mi or sometimes m but don’t get confused with metres!

If you would like to visualise the above information on miles, yards, feet, inches, have a look at the diagram below:


Converting Inches, Feet, Yards, Miles

In the following inches, feet, yards, miles conversion chart, you can see how many inches are equal to each of the other measurements. We will also show real-life examples to each of the measurements.

Converting Measurements – Inches

An inch has been used since the 7th century and is commonly used in several countries worldwide. It was replaced by centimetres after the metric system was introduced and accepted in most countries.

We use inches in measuring small objects or precision engineering and manufacturing, as well as in graphic design and printing. Inches can be converted into feet and you can learn more about is with the video called Converting Inches and Feet, but you can also convert them into yards and miles. Have a look at the inches, feet, yards, miles chart below for an overview.

Inches Conversion
12 inches 1 foot
36 inches 1 yard
63,360 inches 1 mile

Converting Measurements – Feet

Another unit of length which is a bigger measurement than an inch is a foot. The foot was originally derived from the use of the human body as a basis for units of length.

The practical use of feet in real life is for example estimating heights and distances, building construction and architecture or we use feet in sports fields and track measurements.

Feet Conversion
3 feet 1 yard
5,280 feet 1 mile

Converting Measurements – Yards

Now we will move on to yards. A yard is a bigger measurement than a foot. The origin of the yard measure is uncertain as both the Romans and the Welsh used multiples of a shorter foot (2.5 feet Roman and 3 feet Welsh).

We can find the use of yards in fashion, such as textile and fabric measurements, tailoring and sewing.

Yards Conversion
1,760 yards 1 mile

Converting Measurements – Miles

Finally, let’s look at miles. We use miles for any long distance. A mile comes from Romans who had a measurement known as a thousand paces. A pace comprised five, possibly sandal shod, Roman feet. Using a mathematical calculation, we get around 5,000 feet per mile.

The practical uses of miles we can recognise in travel and navigation, the automotive industry and mileage, as well as sports events and marathon distances.

Miles Conversion
1 mile 5,280 feet

Inches, Feet, Yards and Miles – Examples

Let’s look at some real-life examples to have a good imagination of each of the measurements. For example, a paper clip is roughly one inch, a sub sandwich is roughly one foot, the length of an adult bike is roughly one yard and finally four laps of a standard running track are roughly one mile.


The infographic above shows some real-world examples of inches, feet, yards and miles. Now you should be able to recognise roughly each of the measurements and give specific examples if necessary. If you need more help, please watch the video explaining each individual measurement and complete the worksheets that are available for this topic.

Inches, Feet, Yards and Miles – Summary

Unit of Measurement Explanation Examples
inch An inch is a very small measure of length and is represented by the abbreviation in or by inverted commas ‘’ A paperclip, a bottle cap, a finger or thumb
foot A foot is a bigger measurement than an inch and is represented by the abbreviation ft or apostrophe A bread roll, a standard ruler, 2 litre drinks bottle
yard A yard is a bigger measurement than a foot and is represented by the abbreviation yd The distance from the tip of your nose to the end of your arm, the length of a guitar
mile A mile is a bigger measurement than a yard and is represented by the abbreviation mi A very long truck, around 2 000 steps

Frequently Asked Questions about Inches, Feet, Yards and Miles

What is the relationship between inches, feet, yards and miles?

How many inches are there in a foot?

How many feet are there in a yard?

How many inches are in a yard?

How many yards are there in a mile?

Can inches be used to measure long distances?

Which measurement unit is typically used in construction?

Are miles used internationally for measuring long distances?

What is the purpose of using standardised units of measurement?

How do you convert inches to centimetres?

Can you provide some examples of everyday objects measured in inches?

What is the significance of the mile in road signage?

Are there any countries that use yards as a primary unit of measurement?

How accurate are measurement tools like rulers and tape measures?

Can you convert miles per hour to kilometres per hour?

Transcript Inches Feet Yards and Miles

What a beautiful day for Zuri to read her magazine!

"Freddie, what are you doing?" "Oh, I heard you can measure things in feet!" "What? No Freddie, they meant like this!"

Let's join Freddie in learning all about Inches, Feet, Yards, and Miles. Inches, feet, yards, and miles are measurements, or units, of length sometimes used in the to measure things like height or distance. An inch is a very small measure of length and is represented by the abbreviation OR a quotation mark. A foot is a bigger measurement than an inch and is represented by the abbreviation OR an apostrophe. A yard is a bigger measurement than a foot and is represented by the abbreviation . A mile is a bigger measurement than a yard and can be represented by the abbreviation . We can compare measurements using a chart. Let's start by taking a closer look at inches! Twelve inches make up one foot. Thirty-six inches make up one yard. Sixty-three thousand three hundred and sixty inches make up one mile. Now let's take a look at feet! Three feet make up one yard and five thousand two hundred and eighty feet make up one mile. Now let's take a look at yards! One thousand seven hundred and sixty yards make up one mile. And finally, let's look at miles! A mile is the biggest unit of length here. Long distances are typically measured in miles. What are some items or objects that are roughly the size of each unit? A paperclip is roughly one inch. A footlong sub sandwich is roughly one foot.

The length of an ADULT bike is roughly one yard.

For one mile, there isn't a specific item that is one mile long, but FOUR laps of a standard running track is equal to one mile! While Freddie finishes up learning about these units of length, let's review! Remember, inches, feet, yards, and miles are all measurements, or units, of length. An inch is a very small measure of length and is represented by the abbreviation OR a quotation mark. A foot is a bigger measurement than an inch and is represented by the abbreviation OR an apostrophe. A yard is a bigger measurement than a foot and is represented by the abbreviation . A mile is a bigger measurement than a yard and can be represented by the abbreviation . Finally, it looks like Zuri can REALLY relax and read her magazine!

"Freddie! What are you doing this time!" "I'm using this foot long sandwich to measure your face!" "What? No Freddie, I think you completely misunderstood!"

Inches Feet Yards and Miles exercise

Would you like to apply the knowledge you’ve learnt? You can review and practice it with the tasks for the video Inches Feet Yards and Miles.
  • What are the units of length?


    An abbreviation of a word just means a shorter version of the word.

    Sometimes the letters chosen from the abbreviation come from the beginning and end of the word.


    An inch has the abbreviation in and is the smallest unit of measurement.

    A foot is next in line and the abbreviation is ft.

    After a foot comes a yard. The abbreviation is yd.

    Finally, the largest unit of measurement is the mile and the abbreviation is mi.

  • How big is each unit of length?


    Use the image here to help you remember the smallest to the largest units of measurement.

    The metric system is used in most places in the world to measure length. However, the United States of America uses inches, feet, yards and miles.


    1) The smallest unit of length is an inch.

    2) The largest unit of length is a mile.

    3) A foot is made up of twelve inches. Just like a ruler!

    4) A yard is larger than a foot but smaller than a mile.

    5) Inches, feet, yards, and miles are used mostly in the United States while the metric system is used in most other countries.

  • Can you convert to a different unit of measurement?


    Remember, a foot is equal to 12 inches. If the bench is two feet long, it can't be 6 inches!

    Remember, a foot is made up of twelve inches. So if the bench is two feet long, the problem is just 12 + 12.

    • The bench that Freddie sees is 24 inches long.
    • The bench is 2 feet long. A foot is 12 inches.
    • Since the bench is two feet long, we just add 12 inches + 12 inches.
    • Therefore, the bench is 24 inches long or two feet long.
  • Can you match the lengths that are equal to each other?


    Remember the pyramid to help you with the lengths of each unit. The inch is the smallest and the mile is the biggest.

    Use the partial chart pictured here to help you match some of the units of measure.


    We can use many of the units of measurement to measure the same distance. The number depends on which unit of measure is being used!

    12 inches = 1 foot

    36 inches = 1 yard

    1 yard = 3 foot

    1,760 yards = 1 mile

    5,280 feet = 1 mile

  • Which are units of measure?


    Remember, units of length are not actually objects. We can use objects as examples and visuals of a unit of length!

    We can also use a ruler as an example of how long a foot is.


    The actual units that can be used to measure length are an inch, foot, yard and mile. The inch being the smallest and the mile being the longest.

    The adult bicycle, paper clip, sandwich and four laps of a running track are all just ways we can visualise, or see the units of length as a reference.

  • Can you convert to a different unit of measurement?


    Remember, one yard is equal to three feet

    Remember that 1 yard equals three feet. The problem is 3 feet x 3.


    The ball that Freddie kicked is 9 feet away.

    • The ball is 3 yards from Freddie.
    • Each yard is equal to three feet.
    • If we add each yard (3 feet), we get the problem, 3 feet + 3 feet + 3 feet.
    • 3+3+3= 9 feet!