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How to Create a Scale Drawing

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Learning text on the topic How to Create a Scale Drawing

Introduction to Scaling Drawings

Scaling a drawing is an essential skill for architects, engineers, artists, and hobbyists alike. It allows for the precise increase or decrease of an image's size while retaining its original proportions, shape, and detail. Whether you're creating a large mural from a small sketch or fitting a landscape into a miniature painting, understanding how to scale drawings is vital.

Understanding Scaling in Drawing – Definition and Importance

Scaling in a drawing refers to the proportional enlargement or reduction in the size of an image.

It's crucial in the world of art and design because it helps in visualising projects at different scales, making replicas, and adjusting the size of images to fit specific formats or spaces.

The Fundamentals of Scaling

Scaling involves mathematically adjusting the dimensions of an image using a scale factor. This could mean doubling, tripling, or halving the size, among other variations.

Accurate scaling ensures that the integrity and aesthetics of the original drawing are preserved, regardless of its new size.

What does scaling a drawing entail?
Why is it necessary to maintain proportions when scaling?
What is a scale factor?
Are scale factors always positive?

Scaling a Drawing with a Ruler – Example

Scale a 4x6 inch photo to twice its original size.

  1. Measure the original dimensions: The photo measures 4 inches by 6 inches.
  2. Determine the scale factor: The desired scale factor is 2 (twice the size).
  3. Calculate the new dimensions: Multiplying each dimension by the scale factor gives us 8 inches by 12 inches.
  4. Transfer the measurements to drawing paper: Mark the new dimensions on the larger paper and connect the dots to create the scaled-up outline.

To ensure accuracy, draw a grid over the original image and the new, larger paper with corresponding grid squares. This will help in transferring each part of the image accurately.

Scale an 8x12 inch map to half its original size using a scale factor of 0.5 or $ \frac{1}{2} $.

  1. Measure the original dimensions: The map measures 8 inches by 12 inches.
  2. Determine the scale factor: The desired scale factor is 0.5 or $ \frac{1}{2} $ (half the size).
  3. Calculate the new dimensions: Multiplying each dimension by the scale factor gives us 4 inches by 6 inches.
  4. Transfer the measurements to drawing paper: Mark the new dimensions on a smaller sheet of paper and connect the dots to create the scaled-down outline.

Scaling Up a Drawing – Exercises

What would the new dimensions be of a drawing that's 3 cm by 5 cm that has a scale factor of 3?
What would the new length be of a 6-metre stick if scaled down by a factor of $ \frac{1}{3} $?
If a drawing is 4 cm by 6 cm and is to be enlarged with a scale factor of 3, what are the new dimensions?
A model plane has a wingspan of 10 inches and a body length of 15 inches. If the model is scaled up by a factor of 2, what are the new dimensions?
How would the size of a 9-inch by 12-inch painting change if it were reduced with a scale factor of $ \frac{1}{4} $?

Scaling Drawings – Summary

Key Learnings from this Text:

  • Scaling drawings requires a clear understanding of the scale factor concept.
  • Consistency and accuracy in measurements are crucial for successful scaling.
  • Utilisation of grids can aid in maintaining proportional dimensions.
  • Different mediums and techniques may be employed based on the required scale and context.

Ensure to review other resources on our platform for additional guidance on scaling drawings and related geometric concepts.

How to Create a Scale Drawing – Hands-On Activity

Here's an activity designed to help students understand scaling by enlarging a chocolate bar wrapper, a fun and practical application of the concepts discussed:

Scaling Up a Chocolate Bar Wrapper

Objective: Learn to scale up a drawing accurately using a ruler and grid technique. This activity helps students understand proportional relationships and apply scaling concepts practically.

Supplies Needed

  • A chocolate bar wrapper
  • A ruler
  • A pencil
  • Graph paper
  • Large drawing paper
  • Coloured pencils or pens
  • A calculator (optional, for more precise calculations)

Scaling a drawing allows you to increase or decrease its size while keeping the proportions of the original image. In this activity, you will scale up a chocolate bar wrapper to understand how architects, artists, and designers work with different scale factors.

Step 1: Prepare Your Original Wrapper

  • Measure the Dimensions: Use a ruler to measure the length and width of your chocolate bar wrapper. Write these measurements down.

Step 2: Determine the Scale Factor

  • Choose a Scale Factor: Decide how much larger you want to make your wrapper. A good starting scale factor for this activity might be 2, 3, or 4. This means you will make the wrapper two, three, or four times larger than the original.

Step 3: Calculate the New Dimensions

  • Multiply the Original Dimensions: Use the scale factor to find the new dimensions. If your original wrapper is 10 cm by 15 cm and you choose a scale factor of 3:

    • New length = original length × scale factor = 10 cm × 3 = 30 cm
    • New width = original width × scale factor = 15 cm × 3 = 45 cm

Step 4: Draw a Grid on the Original Wrapper

  • Draw a Grid: Using the graph paper, draw a grid over a photocopy or a clear sheet placed over your chocolate bar wrapper. Make each square in the grid equal to 1 square cm.
  • Label the Grid: Number the rows and columns to keep track of each section.

Step 5: Transfer the Grid to Large Drawing Paper

  • Draw a Larger Grid: On your large drawing paper, draw a grid that scales up from the original. If your scale factor is 3, each square on your new grid will be 3 cm.
  • Use the Same Number of Squares: Ensure that the number of squares on the large grid matches the number of squares on the small grid, just at a larger scale.

Step 6: Copy the Wrapper

  • Transfer the Image: Copy what is in each small square on your original wrapper to the corresponding large square on your new grid. This helps in maintaining the proportions and details accurately.
  • Colour: Once all details are transferred, use coloured pencils or pens to colour your scaled-up wrapper.

This activity not only teaches you how to scale drawings accurately but also allows you to appreciate the importance of maintaining proportions in design and visual arts.

Scaling Drawings – Frequently Asked Questions

What tools are needed for scaling a drawing?
How do you calculate the scale factor?
Can you scale a drawing without a ruler?
What is a common mistake to avoid when scaling?
Why might an artist need to scale a drawing?
Is it easier to scale up or down?
How does scaling affect the level of detail in a drawing?
Are there any digital tools that can help with scaling?
Can scaling affect the drawing medium?
How do grids help in scaling?

How to Create a Scale Drawing exercise

Would you like to apply the knowledge you’ve learnt? You can review and practice it with the tasks for the learning text How to Create a Scale Drawing.
  • Understand how to create a scale drawing.


    Here is an example of a scale factor: $10\:\text{ft}:1\:\text{in}$

    A scale factor can be applied or used to solve problems involving two similar geometric objects.

    When using a scale factor of a shape, we can compare two similar side lengths. These are called "corresponding sides".


    The ratio of any two corresponding side lengths of two similar geometric objects.

    The scale factor is a special rule we use when comparing the sides of two similar shapes. It tells us how much bigger or smaller one side is compared to the same side on the other shape. It helps us understand how shapes are related to each other.

  • Identify a missing value given a scale factor.


    To find the missing measurement, use cross-multiplication.

    To cross-multiply, first multiply one numerator by the other denominator, and vice-versa. Next, you solve the one-step equation to find the value of the missing variable.


    $\frac{1\:\text{cm}}{4\:\text{m}} = \frac{3\:\text{cm}}{\textbf{12\:\text{m}}}$

    $\frac{2\:\text{cm}}{3\:\text{m}} = \frac{\textbf{8\:\text{cm}}}{12\:\text{m}} $

    $\frac{2\:\text{cm}}{5\:\text{m}} = \frac{6\:\text{cm}}{\textbf{15\:\text{m}}}$

    $\frac{1\:\text{cm}}{3\:\text{m}} = \frac{\textbf{4\:\text{cm}}}{12\:\text{m}}$

  • Solve a proportion for a missing value.


    To Cross-Multiply:

    1. Multiply each numerator by its opposite denominator and set those values equal to each other.
    2. Solve your one-step equation to arrive at a solution.

    Remember you can always check your answer by substituting the solution in for the variable, and checking if it makes the equation true.

    To check your solution, cross-multiply to confirm the equation is true.



    The first step is to cross-multiply.



    And then solve for the variable.


  • Identify the measurements of a scale drawing.


    Steps to find the measurements of a scale drawing:

    1. Identify the scale factor
    2. Identify the actual measurements
    3. Convert

    Here is an example where the scale factor is used to help find a measurement of the scale drawing. Be sure to match the units up when setting up a proportion.


    The scale factor of the actual pieces of cargo, to the scale drawing is: $2\:\text{cm}:5\:\text{m}$, and the measurements of the cargo are 10 m by 15 m.

    Set up the first proportion.


    Solve for x.


    Set up the second proportion.


    Solve for x.


    The dimensions of the scale drawing of the piece of cargo are: $\bf{4\:\text{cm} \times 6\:\text{cm}}$

  • Determine a scale factor.


    A scale factor is a ratio. Ratios compare two quantities and can be written in three different ways:




    The scale factor of $5\:\text{cm}:9\:\text{m}$ can be rewritten as $\frac{5\:\text{cm}}{9\:\text{m}}$.


    A scale factor is a ratio. Ratios compare two quantities and can be written in three different ways:





  • Calculate the dimensions of a scale drawing given a scale factor.


    Follow these steps from the video to create a scale drawing.

    To convert the actual measurements using a scale factor, set up a proportion and solve for the missing values.

    Notice here, a proportion is set up to find the height of a scale drawing of the actual building.



    To find the scale drawing length for $10\:\text{ft}$, this proportion will be set up and then solved for $x$.


    $x = \bf{2\:\text{in}}$

    To find the scale drawing length for $25\:\text{ft}$, this proportion will be set up and then solved for $y$.


    $y = \bf{5\:\text{inches}}$


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