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Units of Volume

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Basics on the topic Units of Volume

Units of Volume

Have you wondered how much stuff you can fit in a box? In this text, we will focus on units of volume, which is really important for understanding space and measurement. We will explore unit cubes and cubic units, and learn about different volume units such as cubic centimetres ($\text{cm}^3$) and cubic metres ($\text{m}^3$).

Understanding Units of Volume

Volume is a fun way to find out how big something is on the inside. It's not just how tall, wide, or long something is – it's all three combined! We measure volume in special units called cubic units.

A cubic unit is how much space is inside a shape with each side the same length. It's like a box made out of blocks, where each block is the same size.


To measure volume, we use cubes because volume is about filling space in three dimensions: length, width and height. A cube has all three (length x width x height), making it perfect for measuring volume. We write this as ³, which means cubed. Think of a cube (like a dice or a Rubik's cube). If each side of this cube is 1 centimetre, then we call it a cubic centimetre and write it as cm³. This is great for measuring small things like a toy or a chocolate bar.

Before progressing, let’s check your understanding so far.

What kind of shapes is volume often used with?
What does a cubic unit represent?
Why do we measure volume in cubes?

Units of Volume – Types and Differences

When measuring volume, we often use different units depending on the size of the object. It is important to consider what unit of volume makes most sense when measuring objects. These units are all based on cubes of different sizes. Here's a look at the main types:

  • Cubic Centimetre ($\text{cm}^3$): This unit is used for small objects. It's a cube where each side is 1 centimetre long. Imagine a tiny sugar cube, that's about a cubic centimetre.
  • Cubic Metres ($\text{m}^3$): This unit is used for larger items or spaces. A cubic metre is a cube where each side is 1 metre long. Some storage boxes will be roughly this size.

You may also come across volume measured using imperial units such as cubic inches ($\text{in}^3$) and cubic feet ($\text{ft}^3$).

Units of Volume – Table

Below is a table of the different units of volume measurement and their common uses. It is important to remember that this is a partial list of measurements that can be used with volume.

Unit of Volume Size of Each Side of the Cube Common Use
Cubic Centimetre ($\text{cm}^3$) 1 cm Small objects like a dice
Cubic Metres ($\text{m}^3$) 1 m Larger spaces like a swimming pool


Relationship between Litres and Centimetres in Volume

A litre and a cubic centimetre ($\text{cm}^3$) measure volume, which is how much space something takes up. Think of a $\text{cm}^3$ as a tiny box. A litre is a much bigger box. To fill this big box with tiny boxes, you would need 1,000 of them. So, 1 litre is the same as 1,000 cubic centimetres. This helps us understand and compare the size of different things easily! A bottle of lemonade often contains 2L so this would be 2,000 $\text{cm}^3$.

Units of Volume – Guided Practice

When working with units of volume, it is important to apply logical thinking and reasoning skills. The steps you can use to think this through are:

  • Step 1: Understand the size
  • Step 2: Know the unit you will use
  • Step 3: Apply the unit

Let’s have a go together by applying this logical thinking and reasoning to a swimming pool.

Why do we use cubic metres ($\text{m}^3$) to measure the volume of water in a swimming pool?

Units of Volume – Application

Consider various objects like a sugar cube, a delivery box and a room. Think about which unit of volume would be most suitable for each and why.

Which unit of volume would you use for a sugar cube?
Which unit of volume would you use to measure a room?

Units of Volume – Summary

Key Points from this Text:

  • Cubic units are fundamental in measuring volume.

  • Common units include cubic centimetres, cubic inches, cubic feet and cubic metres.

  • Choosing the right unit depends on the size of the object or space.

Volume is an important concept, and your journey in understanding units of volume today is just the beginning! You may want to explore how to calculate the volume of rectangular prisms, spheres, cones or cylinders where you can begin applying your learning about units of volume!

Units of Volume – Frequently Asked Questions

What is a cubic metre?
Can volume be measured in litres?
Is a cubic yard a common unit of volume?
How do you visualise a cubic unit?
Why are different units of volume used?
Are cubic units used in everyday life?
Can cubic units be converted to other units?
What do I do if the question gives me measurements in different units? For example length = 3 m, height = 2 m and width = 80 cm.
What is the significance of the cubic centimetre in medicine?
How are cubic inches used in engineering?
What is an improvised unit of volume?

Transcript Units of Volume

You may not even realise it, but volume is all around us, shaping the very essence of our existence. But how do we measure this captivating concept? Let’s dive right in, and learn about, units of volume. Volume is a measure of how much space an object takes up. It helps us understand how much of something can fit inside a particular object or container. Therefore, volume is an essential concept in our daily lives. Now, when it comes to measuring volume, we use different units for liquids and solids. Let's explore them further! When we talk about measuring the volume of liquids, we can use metric units like millilitres and litres. Millilitres are used for smaller amounts of liquid, like a small cup of juice. Litres are used for larger amounts of liquid, like a jug of water. In the UK, we can also use units such as fluid ounces, pints and gallons. Fluid ounces are for smaller volume measurements like a cup of juice, and pints are for medium measurements like cartons of milk. Gallons can also be used to measure greater volumes of liquid, like fuel in a car. Now let's take a look at volumes of solid objects. For measuring the volume of solid objects, we can use metric measurements such as cubic centimetres and cubic metres, and customary units such as cubic inches and cubic feet. Cubic is represented by this exponential three we see next to the measurements. The smaller units of measurement for both metric and customary can be used for smaller objects, such as a die or a sugar cube. The larger units of measurement for both metric and customary can be used for larger objects, such as a big box, or even a pool of water. You might be wondering, ‘Why do we measure the volume of solid objects in cubic measurements?’ Well, it's because volume is a three-dimensional quantity. It takes into account the length, width and height of an object. Cubic measurements allow us to consider all three dimensions together, giving us a more accurate measure of the space inside an object. This is important to remember as you dive deeper into the concept of volume, eventually learning how to solve for volume. Now that we have explored units of volume, let's wrap it up. To summarise, volume is a measure of how much space an object takes up, and can be measured using the metric or customary system. Liquid volume and solid volume have their own ways of being represented. Liquid volume uses measurements such as millilitres and litres. Solid volume measurements include the term cubic, which relates to the length, width and height of the volume an object has. So the next time you take a swim in a pool, think about how much volume you are observing being taken up within that space!

Units of Volume exercise

Would you like to apply the knowledge you’ve learnt? You can review and practice it with the tasks for the video Units of Volume.
  • What is volume?


    Volume helps us to understand, for example, how much liquid can fit into a container.

    We can use the cubes to measure the length, width and height (volume) of an object.


    Volume is the measure of how much space an object takes up.

  • What do we use to measure solids and liquids?


    This solid dice could be measured in cubic centimetres.

    The water here might be measured in millilitres.

    You can buy a pint of milk at the shops.



    • cubic centimetres
    • cubic metres
    • cubic inches
    • cubic feet

    • millilitres
    • litres
    • fluid ounces
    • pints
    • gallons
  • How would we measure the volume of each item?


    Which items/liquids are the smallest and which units are the smallest?

    Which items/liquids are the largest and which units are the largest?

    Think about which units measure solids and which units measure liquids.


    The most appropriate units are:

    • millilitres for the lemon juice.
    • litres for the milk.
    • cubic centimetres for the maths block.
    • cubic metres for the shed.
  • Can you complete the table?


    Remember, we are only looking for metric measurements to complete this table.

    Cubic metres are larger than cubic centimetres.


    Here we can see the completed table.

  • What would be the most appropriate unit of volume to measure the lemonade?


    The lemonade is a liquid.

    We usually use cubic centimetres and cubic metres to measure solids.

    Gallons are used to measure large volumes of liquid like petrol.


    The best unit of volume to use here would be litres.

  • Demonstrate your understanding about volume.


    Some common units of volume for measuring solid objects are cm³ and .

    The ³ means cubed.

    To calculate volume, multiply the length by the width by the height.


    We measure the volume of solid objects in cubic measurements because volume is a three-dimensional (3D) quantity.

    Volume takes into account the length, width and height of an object.

    If an object has a length of 2 cm, a width of 3 cm and a height of 4 cm, the volume would be 24 cm³.