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What do Animals Need to Survive?

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Learning text on the topic What do Animals Need to Survive?

What Do Animals Need to Survive?

Have you ever wondered what animals need to live and grow? Animals, including humans, have some basic needs that must be met for them to be healthy and happy. In this text, we'll learn about these important needs and how they help animals survive.

Understanding Animal Needs

Basic needs of animals are the things animals must have to stay alive.

Animals need certain things to survive. These needs are food, water, shelter and the right environment to live in. Each type of animal has different needs depending on where they live and what kind of animal they are.

Understanding what animals need helps us take better care of them. It helps us protect wild animals and ensure pets are healthy and happy. Knowing their needs also helps us understand how animals live and survive in different environments.

Animal Needs – Food

Food is important for animals because it gives them energy to move, grow and stay healthy. Different animals eat different kinds of food. Below, we will explore different kinds of diets that some animals have.


Herbivores are animals that eat plants. They eat leaves, grass, fruit and vegetables.

Examples of herbivores:

  • Cows
  • Deer
  • Rabbits


Carnivores are animals that eat mainly other animals. They hunt and eat meat to get their energy.

Examples of carnivores:

  • Lions
  • Eagles
  • Sharks


Omnivores are animals that eat both plants and animals. They have a mixed diet, which gives them the energy they need to be healthy and survive.

Examples of omnivores:

  • Bears
  • Humans
  • Pigs

Because humans are also classified as animals, they can be herbivores, carnivores or omnivores based on the choice of their diet.

Animal Needs –Water

Water is important for all living things, and this includes animals. Animals need water to stay hydrated and to help their bodies work properly.

When an animal has enough water in its body, they are hydrated.

Why water is important because:

  • It helps animals stay cool.
  • It helps animals digest their food.
  • It keeps their bodies clean.

Animal Needs –Shelter and Habitats

A shelter is a place where animals can rest, stay safe and protect themselves from bad weather. Shelters can be very different depending on where an animal lives.

Natural habitats are the places where animals live in the wild. These can be forests, deserts, oceans or grasslands.

Natural habitat is the natural home of an animal.

Type of Habitat Example Animal
Forests Deer
Oceans Dolphins
Deserts Camels
Grasslands Elephants
Mountains Mountain Goats
Wetlands Frogs
Arctic Regions Polar Bears
Rivers Otters

Artificial habitats are places made by humans where animals live. These can be zoos, farms or aquariums.

Artificial habitats are places made by humans for animals to live.

Type of Artificial Habitat Example Animal
Zoos Lions
Farms Cows
Aquariums Fish
Wildlife Reserves Elephants
Pet Shelters Dogs and Cats

Animal Needs Experiment

Let's explore how animals meet their basic needs with a simple experiment!

Animal Habitat Creation Experiment

Animal Needs –Quiz

Let's see what you have learnt today!

What are herbivores?
Why do animals need water?
Why do animals need shelter?
What is a natural habitat?
Fun Facts About Animal Needs

Animal Needs: Summary

Key Learnings from this Text:

  • Animals need food, water and shelter to survive.
  • Different animals eat different kinds of food: plants (herbivores), other animals (carnivores) or both (omnivores).
  • Water is crucial for animals to stay hydrated and healthy.
  • Shelters help animals stay safe and comfortable.

Now that you know what animals need to survive, you can better understand how important it is to take care of animals and their habitats! If you enjoyed learning about what animals need to survive, then check out the video on animals and plants at the pond .

Animal Needs –Frequently Asked Questions

What do animals need to survive?
What is a herbivore?
Why is water important for animals?
What is a habitat?
What are artificial habitats?
What do carnivores eat?
Can animals build their own shelters?
What is an omnivore?
How do fish breathe underwater?
What is camouflage?

What do Animals Need to Survive? exercise

Would you like to apply the knowledge you’ve learnt? You can review and practice it with the tasks for the learning text What do Animals Need to Survive?.
  • What do animals need to live and grow?


    Think about what you need when you're hungry.

    What gives animals energy to move around?


    Animals need shelter, water and food to survive.

  • A natural habitat is the natural home of an animal.


    Forests and deserts are natural places where animals live in the wild.

    The ocean is the natural home of dolphins.


    It's true that a natural habitat is the natural home of an animal.

  • Why do animals need to drink water?


    Without water, animals can become unwell.

    Animals can't live without water.


    All animals need water to stay hydrated and healthy.

  • Different animals eat different kinds of food.


    A cow is a herbivore.

    Some animals, such as lions, only eat other animals. They hunt and catch their food.

    Humans and bears are both omnivores.


    Cows are herbivores and they eat plants.

    Lions are carnivores and they eat other animals.

    Humans are omnivores and they eat plants and animals. Some humans choose not to eat animals.

    Bears are omnivores and they eat plants and animals.

  • All animals need a place to live.


    It's something that gives them a place to rest.

    Think about where you feel safe and comfortable.


    A shelter helps animals stay safe and comfortable.

    You live in a house to stay safe and comfortable too.

  • Imagine you are creating a home for a pet.


    Where will the pet sleep?

    Think about what pets eat.

    It would be nice to give your pet toys to play with, but think about the things that a pet needs to stay alive.


    You need to make sure your pet has water, food, shelter and safety in your home.


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