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Observe and Predict the Weather

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Basics on the topic Observe and Predict the Weather

That looks like a delicious picnic, Uma! But there are clouds in the sky; will it rain? Let's take a closer look at how to observe and predict the weather. Meteorologists are weather experts who watch the weather every day. To create weather forecasts for the next day, they use weather stations or weather satellites. They even use different weather tools, such as a weather balloon!

Transcript Observe and Predict the Weather

That looks like a delicious picnic, Uma! But there are clouds in the sky, will it rain? Let's take a closer look at how to observe and predict the weather. Meteorologists are weather experts who watch the weather every day. To create weather forecasts for the next day, they use weather stations or weather satellites. They even use different weather tools, such as a weather balloon! In the past, when there were no weather stations, people depended on observing nature closely. Farmers were able to recognise the behaviours of animals or plants as weather changed. They wrote down their observations in so-called farmers rules. For example: if the swallow flies high, the weather will be dry! That even rhymes! Swallows fly lower to the ground when it is damp, or might be about to rain, because that is where insects, their food, like to be! Plants, like daisies, often close their flowers in rain to protect themselves. Even though farmers do not observe weather like this anymore, it reminds us that we can observe nature for clues. We can do this by looking closely, listening or smelling! Let's watch the clouds in the sky. What can you see here? The sky is cloudless, the weather will be beautiful! What about here? The clouds are denser, so the weather might be about to change! If there are many dark clouds in the sky, like this, there will probably be rain, or even thunderstorms! Look outside, how does the sky look where you are? Let us know in the comments! Clouds are not the only way you can observe weather. To know which way the wind blows, you can wet your finger with water, and hold it in the air! The side where the wind blows will feel colder than any other side. However, you can only approximately sense the temperature without measuring devices. For example, you can use your nose. It might feel cold or warm, depending on the temperature! But, to read the exact temperature, you will need to use a thermometer. You can make your own weather diary with all this data from your observations on clouds, wind direction and temperature. You can also add if it rains, so you can become a weather expert yourself! I wonder if Uma's picnic will still happen? Of course, Uma has found some cover from the rain, and she even has company!

1 comment
  1. Cloudy

    From Finn, 9 months ago

Observe and Predict the Weather exercise

Would you like to apply the knowledge you’ve learnt? You can review and practice it with the tasks for the video Observe and Predict the Weather.
  • What is another name for a weather expert?


    A cardiologist is a doctor who treats heart diseases.

    A geologist is an expert who studies the history of the earth through rocks.

    A pharmacist is an expert who prepares medicines in a pharmacy.


    Meteorologists are weather experts who watch the weather every day.

    To create weather forecasts for the next day, they use weather stations or weather satellites.

  • What might these clouds suggest?


    If there are no clouds in the sky, the weather should stay fine.

    If there are dense, grey clouds in the sky, it could mean rain and storms.


    Here we can see the correct answers.

  • What might the weather be like?


    Use your sense of sight to observe the sky in the picture.

    Do you see any clouds?

    If not, what does this mean?

    If there are dark clouds in the sky, it will probably rain.


    Using your sense of sight and looking at the picture, you will see a clear, cloudless sky. You can predict that the weather will probably be sunny with no rain.

  • How can your senses help you to predict the weather?


    Your eyes help you to see the world around you.

    Your nose can sense cold.


    When you see a cloudless sky, you know it is unlikely to rain.

    Your nose might feel cold or warm depending on the temperature.

    To tell which way the wind is blowing, you can wet your finger. The side where the wind blows will feel colder than the other side.

  • What is the weather like on Monday?


    Look at the clouds row. Are there any clouds on Monday?

    Remember the points of a compass:

    • N stands for north.
    • E stands for east.
    • S stands for south.
    • W stands for west.


    On Monday, it was cloudy, the wind was blowing in a north direction and the temperature was 15°C.

  • What was the weather like?


    Uma recorded dense clouds on Wednesday, but no clouds on Saturday.

    There was no wind on Tuesday. Does this help you know about the wind on Saturday?

    1. On Tuesday, Friday and Saturday, there were no clouds in the sky.
    2. Which direction was the wind blowing on Thursday? west
    3. On Wednesday and Sunday, the temperature was 14°C.
    4. On Saturday, the sky was cloudless and there was no wind.