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How do Humans use Natural Resources?

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Learning text on the topic How do Humans use Natural Resources?

How Do People Use Natural Resources? – Introduction

Have you ever wondered where the things we use every day often come from? They come from natural resources! Natural resources are things we find in nature that we use to make our lives better. In this text, we will learn about how people use these resources and why they are important.

What are Natural Resources?

Natural resources are materials or substances found in nature that people use.

Natural resources can be things like water, trees and even the air we breathe. These are all important resources, as we use them for many different reasons.

Let's test your understanding so far!

❓What are natural resources?
❓Can you name a natural resource we use every day?

Using Water

Water is one of the most important natural resources. We use water for drinking, cooking, cleaning and growing plants. Without water, we couldn't live! Imagine brushing your teeth without water or trying to grow flowers in a garden without watering them. Water is essential for all living things, including humans, animals and plants.

Using Trees

Trees give us wood to build houses and furniture. They also give us paper and clean air to breathe. When you sit in a wooden chair or write on a piece of paper, you are using products that come from trees. Trees also play a big role in keeping our air clean by taking in carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen. This helps us breathe better and keeps our planet healthy.

Using Air

We use air to breathe, which keeps us alive. Every time you take a deep breath, you are using air. Air is also important for many other things, like helping birds fly and making windmills turn. Windmills can be used to create energy for power! Clean air is crucial for our health and the health of the environment. We need to keep our air clean by reducing pollution and protecting our natural surroundings.

Using the Sun

The sun gives us light and warmth. It helps plants grow by providing the energy they need to make food. The sun also gives us energy that we can use in solar panels to create electricity. This electricity can power our homes and devices, making the sun a powerful and important natural resource. Without the sun, our planet would be very cold and dark.

Conservation of Natural Resources

Conservation means taking care of our natural resources so they last a long time. It's important to use them wisely and not waste them, as we often only have so many resources to use before we run out. Here are some simple ways we can conserve natural resources:

Action How it Helps
Turn off the water Saves water
Plant trees Provides more trees and clean air
Use both sides of paper Reduces the number of trees cut down
Walk or ride a bike Reduces air pollution
Turn off lights Saves energy

By doing these simple things, we can help protect our natural resources for the future.

Natural Resources Science Experiment

Let's do a simple experiment to understand how plants use water from natural resources!

Plant Water Experiment

How Well Do You Understand Natural Resources?

Test your knowledge of how people use natural resources!

❓What is one way we use water?
❓What do we get from trees?
❓Why is the sun important for plants?
❓What can we do to conserve natural resources?
Fun Facts About Natural Resources

How Do People Use Natural Resources? – Summary

Key Learnings from this Text:

  • Natural resources are materials or substances found in nature that people use.
  • Water is used for drinking, cooking and growing plants.
  • Trees provide us with wood, paper and clean air.
  • Air helps us breathe and makes things like kites fly.
  • The sun gives us light, warmth and energy.
  • Conservation is important to make sure our natural resources last a long time.
Action How it Helps
Turn off the water Saves water
Plant trees Provides more trees and clean air
Use both sides of paper Reduces the number of trees cut down
Walk or ride a bike Reduces air pollution
Turn off lights Saves energy

Now that you know more about how people use natural resources, think about ways you can help take care of them! Learn about how to take care of these natural resources with learning texts on How Can We Protect Our Air?, How Can We Protect Our Plants? and How Can We Protect Our Water?

How Do People Use Natural Resources? – Frequently Asked Questions

What are natural resources?
How do we use water?
What do we get from trees?
Why is air important?
How does the sun help us?
Can you name a natural resource we use every day?
What is one way we use the sun's energy?
What is the main gas in the air we breathe?
Why do plants need sunlight?
How can we take care of natural resources?

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