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Flowers in Spring

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Basics on the topic Flowers in Spring

Join Newton and learn all about the flowers that bloom in spring.

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Flowers in Spring exercise

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  • Which flowers are early bloomers?


    There are 3 correct choices, and one false choice.

    Sunflowers are often enjoyed throughout the summer and into the early autumn.

    • Snowdrops, daffodils, and crocuses are all early bloomers.
    • Early bloomers are flowers which bloom especially early in spring, sometimes as early as late January!
    • Early bloomers grow before the trees have grown their leaves and sometimes while there is still snow on the ground.
  • Sort which flowers bloom earliest to latest.


    Sunflowers are often enjoyed throughout the summer and into the early autumn.

    Snowdrop flowers can bloom as early as late January!

    Daffodil flowers grow mostly between March and April.

    Crocus flowers typically bloom between February and March.

    • Snowdrop flowers bloom the earliest, often as early as late January!
    • Crocus flowers bloom next between February and March.
    • Daffodil flowers bloom next between March and April.
    • Sunflowers are NOT early bloomers and usually bloom in June or July. The blooms last into the early autumn.
  • Find the true sentences.


    Early bloomers tend to flower early on in a year, not towards the end of a year.

    There are 3 correct choices and 1 incorrect choice.



    • Early bloomers are important for animals that use pollen and nectar for food.
    • People often like early bloomers for their colours and because they grow before other plants.
    • Early bloomers are poisonous to humans, and you should never put one in your mouth.
    • It is NOT true that early bloomers can bloom as early as November. We tend to see the first ones in late January.

  • Matching pairs.


    Flowers produce nectar and pollen, which many insects use as food.

    Petals on flowers are colourful to attract insects.

    All of these flowers are early bloomers.

    Newton is a bumblebee!

    • Petals are a part of a flower, usually very colourful.
    • Early bloomers are flowers that bloom earlier in the year than other flowers, sometimes when snow is still on the ground! Snowdrops, crocuses, and daffodils are all early bloomers.
    • Bumblebees are a type of insect that flies and eats nectar. Newton is a bumblebee!
    • Nectar and pollen are sugary fluid and powder produced by flowers, which is used as food by many insects.
  • When do early spring flowers bloom?


    Early spring flowers bloom early in a year.

    Which month comes first in a year?


    Early spring flowers typically bloom from late January - April.

  • What do you know about flowers in spring?


    Flowers produce nectar and pollen, which many insects use as food.

    Here are the petals on these flowers.

    Newton is a bumblebee!

    All of these flowers are early bloomers.


    There are flowers that bloom very early in the year. Blooming is when a flower's PETALS grow. Flowers that bloom early in the year are called EARLY BLOOMERS. These flowers can bloom when there is still snow on the ground! These flowers bloom early so they can catch the light from the forest floor. Once the LEAVES on the trees have grown, the light is blocked, and flowers on the forest floor can no longer bloom. Early bloomers are very important to BEES and other insects, who use the NECTAR AND POLLEN from the flowers as food.