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Earth Events

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Learning text on the topic Earth Events

Earth Events – Introduction

Have you ever wondered about Earth and where it came from? Earth is like a giant puzzle that's been changing its look for billions of years. From fiery balls of lava to lands filled with plants and animals, Earth has a fascinating story to explore. Let's see how Earth has changed and what events made it the place we call home today.

What Is the Evolution of Earth?

Evolution of Earth is like a huge adventure story that tells us how our planet has transformed over billions of years. Imagine Earth as a tiny seed that has grown into a vast, colourful garden full of life, land and water.

Earth has been changing for billions of years. This incredible journey of change is driven by geological events. These are big, natural changes that have sculpted the mountains, filled the oceans and even breathed life into our atmosphere.

Geological history is Earth's very own diary, filled with tales of erupting volcanoes, towering mountains and creatures as fascinating as dinosaurs walking the land. This diary has been written over more than 4.5 billion years, and it tells the story of Earth's transformation from a fiery ball of lava to the beautiful, blue planet we call home today.

Let's check your understanding so far!

❓How old is Earth?

❓What are geological events?

Earth's Timeline

The timeline of Earth is a long line that shows the history of Earth from its beginning to now. It's divided into parts that scientists call geological epochs and eras. Each part tells us a story of how Earth looked and what creatures lived here at that time in Earth’s history. We will explore each of the main parts of Earth’s timeline.

Formation of Earth

Imagine a huge, spinning cloud of dust and gas in space. This cloud was extremely hot! Over a long, long time, it started to cool down and stick together, forming our planet Earth. At this point, no life was able to exist on Earth yet.

First Oceans and Continents

After Earth became a big, solid ball, it was still very hot. But on the outside, it started to cool down. The water vapour in the air turned into rain, lots and lots of rain, which filled the low spots and made the first oceans. This was the start of the water cycle! Meanwhile, the land began to rise up, forming the very first continents, which were like giant islands.

Life Begins

In the deep, blue oceans, something amazing happened. The first tiny plants and tiny animals started to appear. These were the very first forms of life on Earth! They began what we call the chain of life, which is a long line of different living things that have lived on Earth, leading to us.

Dinosaurs Rule

Fast forward a lot, and the Earth was ruled by dinosaurs. These giant creatures walked on land, while enormous reptiles swam in the seas. Dinosaurs ruled Earth for a long time. Unfortunately, the dinosaurs became extinct due to an asteroid, a big ball of rock from space, that hit Earth and caused big events that eventually wiped out life. There were no humans at this point in Earth’s history!

The Ice Ages

After the dinosaurs, Earth went through times when it got very cold. These cold times were called the Ice Ages. During the Ice Ages, much of the Earth was covered in thick sheets of ice. This is the time on Earth where the now extinct woolly mammoth lived and thrived.

The Rise of Mammals

When the dinosaurs were gone, and the Ice Age was coming to an end, it was time for mammals to shine. Mammals are animals like us, who have hair or fur and feed their babies milk. They started to spread and become the main animals walking on Earth. Some were tiny, and some were as big as buses!

Humans Appear

Finally, a long time after the mammals took over, the first humans appeared. Humans learnt to make tools, grow food and build homes. We started creating everything we see around us today, from houses and roads to parks and cities.

Each of these steps was like a new chapter in the Earth's story, making it the wonderful planet we live on now.

Event What Happened
Formation of Earth Earth formed from dust and gas.
First Oceans and Continents Oceans and continents formed.
Life Begins The first plants and animals appeared.
Dinosaurs Rule Dinosaurs lived on Earth.
The Ice Ages Earth was covered in ice many times.
The Rise of Mammals Mammals became the main animals.
Humans Appear Humans started to create our world.

Earth Events Experiment

Let's explore how Earth's surface has changed over time with a hands-on activity!

Building Our Changing Earth

Earth Events Quiz

Test Your Earth Events Knowledge!

❓Which era was known for dinosaurs?

❓What happened during the Ice Ages?

Fun Facts About Earth's History


Key Learnings from this Text:

  • Earth's journey began over 4.5 billion years ago, transforming from a swirling mass of dust and gas into the vibrant, life-supporting world we know today.
  • Significant events like the formation of oceans and continents, the reign of the dinosaurs, the Ice Ages and the rise of mammals and humans, have all played a part in shaping our planet.
Event What Happened
Formation of Earth Earth formed from dust and gas.
First Oceans and Continents Oceans and continents formed.
Life Begins The first plants and animals appeared.
Dinosaurs Rule Dinosaurs lived on Earth.
The Ice Ages Earth was covered in ice many times.
The Rise of Mammals Mammals became the main animals.
Humans Appear Humans started to create our world.

Now that you've seen the incredible changes Earth has undergone, imagine what else there is to discover! Keep being curious and explore more about the wonders of our planet. You can dive more into the history of Earth with this learning text on fossils.

Earth Events – Frequently Asked Questions

How old is Earth?

What was Earth like at the beginning?

Did dinosaurs and humans live at the same time?

What are fossils?

Why do we have seasons?

What causes day and night?

How do mountains form?

What was the Ice Age?

Are there still dinosaurs today?

Can we go back in time to see dinosaurs?

Earth Events exercise

Would you like to apply the knowledge you’ve learnt? You can review and practice it with the tasks for the learning text Earth Events.
  • Choose the correct answer.


    They were very small and lived in the ocean.

    They were the beginning of all life on Earth.


    The first tiny plants and tiny animals started the chain of life.

  • How did the Earth form and what did humans do?


    Imagine Earth like a big ball coming together from tiny pieces.

    Think about when people started to build big towns and buildings.


    Earth formed from a cloud of dust and gas and millions of years later humans built cities.

  • Arrange the events in order.


    Start with the event that describes how Earth began.

    Remember that dinosaurs lived before people appeared.

    1. Formation of Earth
    2. First Oceans and Continents
    3. Dinosaurs Rule
    4. Humans Appear
  • Matching events and descriptions.


    Dinosaurs were giant creatures that all became extinct (died out).

    Many animals that are alive today appeared after the dinosaurs became extinct.


    Life Begins: The first tiny plants and tiny animals appeared in the oceans.

    Dinosaurs Rule: Giant creatures ruled Earth for a long time until an asteroid caused their extinction.

    The Ice Ages: Earth experienced very cold periods with thick sheets of ice covering much of the land.

    The Rise of Mammals: Mammals became the main animals walking on Earth after the dinosaurs' extinction.

  • Fill in the blank.


    Some of these animals are tiny and others are bigger.

    These animals have hair or fur and feed their babies milk.


    It was time for tiny and huge mammals to spread and become the main animals on Earth.

  • How did humans change the world?


    Think about the cities that humans built.

    Think about what makes humans different from other animals.


    It's important that the first humans appeared in Earth's history because humans learned to make tools, grow food and build homes.


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