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Telling Time from Digital and Analogue Clocks

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Basics on the topic Telling Time from Digital and Analogue Clocks

In this video on telling the time (digital and analogue)

Zuri and Freddie are trying to solve an escape room! They find a digital clock and have to make the same time on an analogue clock. Let’s help them escape by learning more and digital and analogue times.

What is the difference between analogue and digital clocks?

You might wonder what the difference between analogue and digital clocks is. Analogue clocks display the time with hands that move around and point at the different numbers whereas digital clocks display the time digitally using just numbers. You might have a digital and analogue clock in your home or school. They both tell you the time, just in different ways.

Telling the time analogue and digital

For Zuri and Freddie to escape the room, they need to match analogue and digital times. They find a digital clock displaying the time 12:05. On a digital display, the hour is shown on the left of the colon and the minutes are shown on the right. This means that the hour is 12 and the minutes are 05. Zuri and Freddie need to make sure the hour hand of the analogue clock is pointing to 12 and the minute hand is pointing to 5. Finally, they must look at both the analogue and digital clock to double check they are displaying the same times. If they are, they might be able to escape the room!

Matching analogue and digital clocks- summary

  • Look at the hour displayed on the digital clock and point the hour hand on the analogue clock to that number.
  • Look at the minutes displayed on the digital clock and point the minute hand on the analogue clock to that number by counting forwards from 12 if necessary.
  • Finally, check the times on both clocks to make sure that they match.

Telling the time analogue and digital worksheets plus more further practice

To continue your learning, have a look at our telling the time digital and analogue worksheets, interactive exercises and activities.

Transcript Telling Time from Digital and Analogue Clocks

Zuri and Freddie are completing their very first escape room. "Woah, what's that stone?" They need to match the time from the digital clocks to the analogue clocks in order to escape. "Look Zuri a digital clock!" "It's the last task for this room, too!" "Now we just need to put the time on the analogue clock!" "Telling Time from Analogue and Digital Clocks" Zuri and Freddie have found the time twelve o' five. They need to represent this on the analogue clock. When representing time from a digital clock to an analogue clock, start by looking at the hour displayed on the clock. This is where we need to point the hour hand to. On a digital clock, the hour is displayed on the LEFT of the colon. What is the hour displayed on this digital clock? The hour displayed here is twelve. Zuri needs to put the SMALLER hand, or the hour hand, onto the clock, pointing towards twelve. Next, identify the minute. You can find the minute by looking at the digits to the right of the colon on the digital clock. What is the minute displayed here? The minute here is five. The minute hand should point to the exact minute. We can count forwards in ones to find the exact minute. The final step is to check the digital time to make sure it matches. The hour on the clock is twelve, which matches the hour hand, and the minute on the clock is five, which matches the minute hand. "Woohoo! We matched the first set of clocks!" "Woah, look at that Zuri, a key popped out of the clock!" "I bet if we solve the other clocks we'll get keys and escape and win!" Zuri and Freddie have just found their next clue and need to match it to the analogue clock. If their next clue is the digital time three oh seven, how can they match it to the analogue clock?

Start by looking at the hour displayed on the digital clock, this is where we need to point the hour hand to on the analogue clock. What is the hour displayed on the digital clock? The hour displayed is three. Zuri and Freddie should point their hour hand to the number three. Next, identify the minute. What is the minute displayed here? The minute is seven, so, Zuri and Freddie need to count forwards to seven on the analogue clock. Then we can put the minute hand there. Finally, they need to check the digital time to make sure that it matches the time on the analogue clock. We can do this by making sure the hour and minute are THE SAME on both clocks. "We made another match!" "I'm starting to feel like we've got the hang of this!" Freddie and Zuri have found the last clue! If their next clock shows the time six ten, how can they display this on their analogue clock? The first step is to find the hour and put it on the analogue clock. The second step is to identify the minute, and count forwards to put the minute hand in the correct place. Finally, the last step is to check to make sure the analogue and digital clocks match. Before we see if Zuri and Freddie won the escape room, let's summarise. When telling time from analogue and digital clocks, start by looking at the hour displayed on the digital clock and point the hour hand on the analogue clock to this number. Then, identify the minute displayed and count forwards that amount on the analogue clock. This is where you put the minute hand. Finally, check the times on both clocks to make sure they match. Now, let's see how Zuri and Freddie are doing. "We did it Freddie, we won!"

Telling Time from Digital and Analogue Clocks exercise

Would you like to apply the knowledge you’ve learnt? You can review and practice it with the tasks for the video Telling Time from Digital and Analogue Clocks.
  • What's the time?


    Remember the hour hand is the shorter hand on the analogue clock. We write the hour on the left of the digital clock.

    The minute hand is the longer hand on the analogue clock. We write the minutes on the right of the digital clock.

    You can count forwards by ones, starting at 12 and ending at the longer hand, to find the minutes.


    The hour to the left of the colon is 7. The shorter (hour) hand is on 7.

    The minutes to the right of the colon is 05. The minute (longer) hand is on 1.

    If you count forwards by ones, starting at 12 and ending at the longer hand, you will get 5.

  • Which clock shows the correct time?


    Remember, the hour hand is the shorter hand on the analogue clock. We write the hour on the left of the digital clock.

    The minute hand is the longer hand on the analogue clock. We write the minutes on the right of the digital clock.

    You can count forwards by ones, starting at 12 and ending at the longer hand, to find the minutes.


    This was the correct analogue clock showing 10:03.

    The shorter, hour hand is pointing to the 10.

    If you count forwards by ones, starting at 12 and ending at the longer minute hand, you will get 3.

  • What time is it?


    Remember, the hour is shown by the shorter hand on the analogue clock and the numbers to the left of the colon on the digital clock.

    The minutes are shown by the longer hand on the analogue clock, and the numbers to the right of the colon on the digital clock.

    You can count forwards by ones, starting at 12 and ending at the longer hand, to find the minutes.


    For 3:08:

    • The hour to the left of the colon is 3. The shorter (hour) hand is on 3.
    • The minutes to the right of the colon is 08. If you count forwards by ones, starting at 12 and ending at the longer hand, you will get 8.
    For 8:05:
    • The hour to the left of the colon is 8. The shorter (hour) hand is on 8.
    • The minutes to the right of the colon is 05. If you count forwards by ones, starting at 12 and ending at the longer hand, you will get 5.

  • Match the same times.


    Remember the hour hand is the shorter hand on the analogue clock. You need to match this to the number on the left of the digital clock.

    The minute hand is the longer hand on the analogue clock. You need to match this to the number on the right of the digital clock.

    To find the minutes on the analogue clock you can count by ones around the clock from 12.


    For the first clock:

    • The hour to the left of the colon is 4. The shorter (hour) hand is on 4.
    • The minutes to the right of the colon is 08. If you count forwards by ones, starting at 12 and ending at the longer hand, you will get 8.

    For the rest of the clocks:

    • The hour is shown by the shorter hand on the analogue clock, and is shown by the number to the left of the colon on the digital clock.
    • The minute is shown by the longer hand on the analogue clock, and is shown by the number to the right of the colon on the digital clock. You can count forwards by ones, starting at 12 and ending at the longer hand, to find the minutes on an analogue clock.

  • Label the parts of the clock.


    For a digital clock, the hour is read first.

    On the analogue clock the numbers represent the hours and the small lines represent the minutes.


    The hour on both clocks is 7 and the minutes on both clocks is 6.

    On a digital clock, to the left of the colon shows the hour and to the right of the colon shows the minutes.

    On an analogue clock, the shorter hand shows the hour and the longer hand shows the minutes.

  • What time is it?


    Remember, the hour hand is the shorter hand on the analogue clock.

    You can count forwards by ones from 12 to find the minutes on an analogue clock.


    For the first clock:

    • The hour to the left of the colon is 4. The shorter (hour) hand is on 4.
    • The minutes to the right of the colon is 05. If you count forwards by ones, starting at 12 and ending at the longer hand, you will get 5.

    For the rest of the clocks:

    • The hour is shown by the shorter hand on the analogue clock, and is shown by the number to the left of the colon on the digital clock.
    • The minute is shown by the longer hand on the analogue clock, and is shown by the number to the right of the colon on the digital clock. You can count forwards by ones, starting at 12 and ending at the longer hand, to find the minutes on an analogue clock.