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Sort and Count— Let's Practise!

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Basics on the topic Sort and Count— Let's Practise!

Sorting and Counting – Introduction

Get your fingers ready because today we're going to sort and count! It's time to begin! Sorting and counting helps us to organise objects and understand quantities better. Ready? Let's go!

What Does it Mean to Sort and Count?

Sorting and counting means organising objects into categories based on their attributes, and then counting the number of objects in each category.

Let's start with some fun activities to help us sort and count!

Sorting and Counting – Step by Step

We'll sort objects into different categories by their colour and then count how many objects are in each category. Notice the patterns as we count and sort the objects.

Ready? Let's start by sorting slowly. You can use coloured objects like toys, sweets or pictures to help you visualise.

Example of Sorting and Counting – Red Apples

Find all of the red apples in the illustration below. How many red apples are there?


One, two, three!

There are three red apples. Did you also find three apples? Well done!

Example of Sorting and Counting – Yellow Sweets

Now find all of the yellow sweets in the illustration. How many yellow sweets are there?


One, two

There are two yellow sweets. Did you also find two yellow sweets? Awesome!

Example of Sorting and Counting – Green Leaves

Let's find all of the green leaves. How many green leaves are there?


One, two, three

There are three green leaves. Did you also get three? Excellent!

Example of Sorting and Counting – Blue Bears

Now, find all of the blue bears. How many blue bears are there?


One, two, three, four

There are four blue bears. Did you also get four? Fantastic!

Example of Sorting and Counting – Purple Mushrooms

Let's practise one more time! Find all of the purple mushrooms. How many purple mushrooms are there?



There is only one purple mushroom. Did you also find one? Super!

Sorting and Counting – Summary

Key Learnings from this Text:

  • Sorting and counting means organising objects into categories based on their attributes and then counting them.
  • Use visuals to help see the patterns in sorting and counting.
  • Practise sorting and counting slowly first, then try doing it faster with different objects.

Keep practising sorting and counting to become a maths whiz! Check out more fun counting activities and exercises on our website, such as counting to 10, counting to 20 or counting to 50.

Sorting and Counting – Frequently Asked Questions

What is the first step in sorting and counting?

Why is sorting and counting important?

Can I practise sorting and counting with different objects?

What should I do if I make a mistake while sorting and counting?

How can I make sorting and counting more fun?

Is it okay to count faster after practising slowly?

What comes after sorting the objects?

How can I check if I sorted and counted correctly?

Where can I find more sorting and counting activities?

Transcript Sort and Count— Let's Practise!

Razzi says get your fingers ready because today we're going to "Sort and Count". It's time to begin! Sort these objects into categories by colour!
Let's start by finding all of the RED apples.

How many red apples are there? There are three of them. Did you also find three red apples? Let's tackle the next problem! Now find all of the YELLOW sweets.

How many YELLOW sweets are there? There are two of them. "Did you also find two yellow sweets?" Let's find some more! Find all of the GREEN leaves.

How many GREEN leaves are there? There are three of them. Did you also get three? Let's try another! Find all of the BLUE bears.

How many BLUE bears are there? There are four! Did you also get four ? Let's practice one more time! Find all of the PURPLE mushrooms.

How many PURPLE mushrooms are there? There is only ONE! Did you also find one? Razzi had so much fun practicing with you today! See you next time!

Sort and Count— Let's Practise! exercise

Would you like to apply the knowledge you’ve learnt? You can review and practice it with the tasks for the video Sort and Count— Let's Practise!.
  • How many of each object is there?


    Here you can see the name of each fruit.

    Choose one fruit and find all of them in the image. How many are there?

    For example, if we were were finding out how many strawberries there are, we would find the strawberries and then count them. 1...2!


    The totals are: Strawberries: 2

    • We can see them circled in blue.
    Bananas: 1
    • We can see it circled in pink.
    Apples: 4
    • We can see them circled in purple.
    Oranges: 3
    • We can see them circled in black.

  • Can you answer the questions?


    Count the shapes first of all. This is what they look like.

    Compare the amounts.

    • Which shape occurs the most?
    • Which shape is there fewest of?

    • If there are more, that means there is a greater number of that shape.
    • If there are fewer, that means there is a smaller number of that shape.
    1. There are 5 squares.
    2. There are 6 circles.
    3. There are 3 triangles.
    4. I can see more circles than squares.
    5. I can see fewer triangles than squares.
  • Can you sort and count the vegetables?


    These are the names of each vegetable.

    Start by finding all of the carrots and writing how many there are. Then repeat this with the peas and onions.


    Here we can see the completed table.

  • Can you sort the items?


    Here are the names of each item.

    You could start by finding all of the sweets and filling in the total, then repeat this with the rest of the items.


    Here are the totals.

  • Can you find the total number of each object?


    Look at each individual picture and then see how many of that object is in the picture at the top.

    Here we can see all of the purple crayons circled. How many are there?

    • There are 2 purple crayons (circled in pink).
    • There is 1 pair of scissors (circled in blue).
    • There are 4 orange cubes (circled in green).
    • There is 1 book (circled in black).
  • Can Lena make a cake?


    Here you can see each ingredient labelled.

    Count the ingredient and then compare the total to what is needed to bake the cake. Is it the same or is it lower?

    Here we can see 3 bags of sugar circled. How many bags of sugar does Lena need? Is 3 enough?

    Remember, write the word yes in the last box if there is enough. Write the word no if there is not enough.

    • Lena has 3 bags of flour. Does she have enough? Yes
    • Lena has 3 bags of sugar. Does she have enough? No, she needs one more bag to make 4.
    • Lena has 8 packs of butter. Does she have enough? Yes
    • Lena has 11 eggs. Does she have enough? No, she needs one more to make 12.