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Positions in the First Quadrant

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Basics on the topic Positions in the First Quadrant

What are positions in the first quadrant?

A coordinate grid is made up of four quadrants. Here we will focus on the first quadrant. A quadrant is a 2d grid. We need to know about the horizontal x axis, and the vertical y axis, which intersect at the origin. We need to know about these axes to mark and read coordinates in the first quadrant.

How do we read coordinates?

First we read the x coordinate, then we read the y coordinate. We can use the rhyme, ‘Along the corridor and up or down the stairs’.

For each location here, first we need to identify the location on the map. Then, read along the x axis and write this down, next read up the y axis and write down the number the location is lined up with.

How do we write coordinates?

Finally, we write the coordinates as a pair within brackets, separated by a comma to show they are for separate axes. For example, if we read along to 7 and up to 3, we would write (7, 3).

More practise

For more practise on reading and writing coordinates in the first quadrant, take a look at the worksheets on this website.

Transcript Positions in the First Quadrant

"Now where is that..ooohh, what's this?!" "Looks like a treasure map! It says, go to each location to find a part of the secret key!" "But Nia, what do all these numbers mean?" Let's help Nico and Nia to find the parts of the secret key by, "Reading coordinates in the first quadrant." But what is a quadrant? Quadrants make up a coordinate grid, which is made up of four quadrants in total. This is the first quadrant. It is made up of 2 lines. The horizontal x axis which goes from left to right and the vertical y axis, which goes from the bottom up. These axes intersect at the origin. The x axis is numbered in equal steps. This one goes up in ones. The y axis is also numbered in equal steps. Let's look at Nico and Nia's treasure map and work out how to read the coordinates of the first location. Before we read the coordinates, locate the point you want to identify. First we find the x coordinate, then we find the y coordinate. After we have found the coordinates, we write these as a pair, inside brackets. The first location we want to find is the lighthouse. To read the coordinates, first we need to read along the x axis, until we are in line with the lighthouse. Let's see what number we get to. One, two, three. We have counted three along the x axis, so our first co-ordinate is three. Write three as the first number in the brackets. Next we need to count up the y axis, until we reach the lighthouse. Let's count, one, two, three, four, five. On our y axis, we have reached five, so our second coordinate is five. Write five as the second number in the brackets. We separate the numbers by a comma, to show that they are for the separate axes. Nico and Nia have found that the coordinates for the lighthouse are three, five. "Yes! We have found the first part of the key!" Next, let's help Nico and Nia find the coordinates of the second location, the forest. First locate the forest, then read along the x axis until we are in line with the forest. We have counted along seven, so our first coordinate is seven. Next we count up the y axis until we reach the forest! Let's count one, two. We have counted up two... so the SECOND coordinate is two. Next, write these in brackets, the coordinates of the forest are seven, two. "Hooray, we have found the second part of the key! Just one more part to find!" Finally, let's help Nico and Nia find the co-ordinates of the castle. What do we do first? Locate the point you want to identify. To find the x coordinate, count along the x axis until we are in line with the castle. We have counted along two, so the x coordinate is two. What do we do next? Count up the y axis, until we reach the castle! We have counted up six, so the y coordinate is six. How do we write this? We write this as two, six, within brackets. "We have found the final part of the key! Let's open the treasure!" Before we see what Nico and Nia find in the treasure chest, let's recap. To read the co-ordinates in the first quadrant, locate the point you are finding co-ordinates for. Read along the x axis, then read up the y axis. Finally, write your coordinates as a pair in brackets, separated by a comma. The first coordinate is always the x and the second coordinate is always the y. "Let's see what's in the chest." "Bananas and cheese! What an adventure!"

Positions in the First Quadrant exercise

Would you like to apply the knowledge you’ve learnt? You can review and practice it with the tasks for the video Positions in the First Quadrant.
  • Which of these images shows the first quadrant?


    The x axis always goes across and the y axis goes up and down. Check that these axes have been labelled correctly.

    The first quadrant is made up of two lines. These look a bit like an 'L' shape.

    The numbers go up in steps of 1, starting from zero.


    This is the correct image of the first quadrant.

    The x axis goes across from left to right, the y axis goes up and down and these meet at 0.

    The intervals go up in positive numbers from 0 for the first quadrant.

  • Where is each item?


    To find the coordinates of each item, first read along the horizontal x axis.

    Then read up the vertical y axis.

    Here we can see the star is at (6,8). First we read across to 6, then we read up to 8.


    The coordinates for each item are shown in the image.

  • Reading coordinates.


    Remember to first read along the x axis.

    Second, read up the y axis.

    Here, a cross has been marked at (6,2). That is because we go across 6 and up 2.


    The coordinates that should be highlighted in the colours are shown in the image.

    • (2,7) is green.
    • (5,8) is yellow.
    • (1,3) is pink.

  • What is the location of each letter?


    Begin by locating the letter on the map. Then, read along the x axis to find the first coordinate in the pair.

    Second, read up the y axis to see what the letter is in line with. This is the second coordinate in the pair.

    • a = (2,5)
    • b = (4,2)
    • c = (4,5)
    • d = (6,3)
  • What is the image at (3,4)?


    First, read along the x axis until you reach 3.

    Next, read up the y axis until you reach 4.


    The icon at (3,4) is the tree.

  • What are the coordinates of each letter?


    The first coordinate is the number on the x axis.

    The second coordinate is the number on the y axis.

    Make sure to write each coordinate either side of the comma.

    • a = (1,2)
    • b = (2,4)
    • c = (4,2)
    • d = (0,5)