Organising Data Into Graphs

Basics on the topic Organising Data Into Graphs
Join Gus and Nari and learn how to display data in a graph.
Transcript Organising Data Into Graphs
Nari and Gus are on a quest to clean the earth and pick up rubbish that they find on the ground. "Gus, do you notice a pattern of the items we are finding?" "We can recycle them!" "We should put a graph here of all the items, so that nobody throws them away!" "Nari? What's a graph?" Let's help our friends learn all about organising data into graphs. You can use a graph to show different pieces of information all in one place! A graph, or a chart, shows information that is easy to read. We often use graphs to compare and contrast data, or pieces of information. When we compare and contrast, we look at the similarities and differences. Now that we have learnt a bit about graphs, let's help Nari. When organising data on a graph, always start by creating a title, this tells the reader what your graph is about. Nari's graph is all about the items he has found that are recyclable, so his title could be 'items to recycle'. Then, label the bottom based on what information you are showing on your graph. Nari found plastic, paper and cartons, so he can use those symbols to label his graph! Next, show your data using bars by filling in how many of each item you have. Nari found six plastic bottles, seven pieces of paper and four cartons. Finally, label this side of the graph to show how many of each item there is. How many plastic bottles did Nari find? Nari found 6 plastic bottles! Now, let's help Gus make their graph. Remember to start by creating a title. Gus chooses 'recycling in the community'. Then, label the bottom based on what information you are showing on your graph. Gus also found plastic, paper and cartons, so they can use those to label their graph too! Next, show your data using bars. Gus found four bottles, eight pieces of paper and two cartons. Finally, label this side of the graph to show how many of each item there is. We can learn a lot from Gus and Nari's graphs. For example, how many plastic bottles did Gus find in comparison to Nari? When we compare and contrast items, we can use words like more or fewer. Gus' graph shows four plastic bottles, and Nari's shows six. So, Gus found fewer plastic bottles than Nari. How can we compare how much paper Gus found in comparison to Nari? Gus' graph shows eight pieces of paper, and Nari's graph shows seven. So, Gus found more paper than Nari. Let's review! Today we learnt all about organising data into graphs! We learnt some very important things about a graph such as the title, labels and how to show the items using symbols. We also learnt how to compare items on graphs. Now, let's see those signs! Way to go Gus and Nari, reduce, reuse and recycle!
Organising Data Into Graphs exercise
Which of these pictures shows a graph?
HintsRemember, a graph shows information or data in a diagram that you can read easily.
Graphs organise different types of data.
SolutionA graph or chart shows information that is easy to read, like this graph that shows how many people enjoy which ice cream flavour.
Read the data on this graph.
HintsRemember to look at the graph for your answers. Look at the category, then see how many people play that sport.
How do we read a graph? We look at the numbers on the left side. Look at how many children play rugby. What number does the bar reach?
SolutionMost played sport: Football
Least played sport: Basketball
2 people play: Rugby
1 person plays: Basketball
Look at the graph to answer the question.
HintsLook at the graph. Which bar is higher, red or yellow?
Nari was asking what colour their friends liked best. Look at the numbers on the left - which colour is more popular?
SolutionNari's graph shows that her friends like red more than yellow. This is because the graph shows that 10 friends said they preferred red, while only 5 friends said they preferred yellow.
How do we label a graph?
HintsRemember, the first thing we have to do is think about what the title should be.
Remember, the numbers go on the left side of the graph. They show how many of each item there is.
SolutionGus labelled this graph "Ice Cream Flavours", because the categories were vanilla, chocolate and strawberry! Then, he added numbers to the left of the graph, starting at 0 and going up to 6.
Which title makes sense?
HintsRemember, Gus made a graph of the pets in his neighbourhood. The title of a graph should match its data.
It could not be "Animals In My House", since this is a graph of animals in the neighbourhood.
SolutionThe title would be "Pets in the Neighbourhood", since it describes the exact data it shows.
Compare and contrast the two graphs.
HintsThe images in the graphs are: sandwiches, pizzas and salads.
Use the numbers on the left side of the graph to help you read how many classmates had which lunch.
To find which food is the most popular, look for the highest bar.
To compare sandwiches, look at the number of sandwiches eaten by each class, then decide if Gus' class ate more or less.
SolutionIn Nari's class, the most popular lunch was salad. We know this because Nari's graph shows 6 classmates ate salad, while 5 ate sandwiches and another 5 ate pizza.
In Gus' class, the most popular lunch was pizza. We know this because Gus' graph shows that 7 classmates ate pizza, while 6 ate salad and 2 ate sandwiches.
Gus' class ate more pizza than Nari's class. This is because Gus' classmates ate 7 pizzas, while Nari's classmates ate 5.
Gus' class ate fewer sandwiches than Nari's class. This is because Gus' classmates ate 2 sandwiches, while Nari's graph shows their classmates ate 5 sandwiches.