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Order of Operations

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Learning text on the topic Order of Operations

Order of Operations – Introduction

Exploring mathematics can sometimes feel like navigating a vast ocean of numbers and equations. To journey through these waters, one essential tool is understanding the order of operations. Just as a ship uses a compass to reach its destination, we use the order of operations to find the correct solution to mathematical problems.

Understanding the Order of Operations – Explanation

The Order of Operations is the agreed-upon standard that dictates the correct sequence for calculating expressions, avoiding ambiguity and ensuring consistency across all mathematical calculations.

Exploring mathematics involves understanding essential concepts such as the order of operations. We often liken this to navigating through complex pathways, where each step must follow a specific sequence to reach the correct solution. Let's consider the acronym BIDMAS to simplify the Order of Operations:

Step Operation Type Description
1 Brackets (B) Complete all operations inside bracket symbols first.
2 Indices (I) Calculate powers and roots next.
3 Divide/Multiply (DM) Perform multiplication and division, from left to right.
4 Add/Subtract (AS) Finally, handle subtraction and addition, from left to right.
What is the Order of Operations?
Why do we need the Order of Operations?
My teacher refers to the Order of Operations as BODMAS or GEMS. Are these the same?

Order of Operations – Example

Let's solve an example problem to demonstrate the Order of Operations using the BIDMAS method.

Calculate: $5 + 2 \times (3^{2} - 1)$

Here's how it breaks down using a table:

Step Description Calculation
Bracket Symbols Solve the expression within the brackets first. $3^{2} - 1$
becomes $9 - 1 = 8$
Indices There are no more indices to calculate after the first. -
Divide/Multiply Carry out the multiplication next. $2 \times 8 = 16$
Add/Subtract Finally, perform the addition. $5 + 16 = 21$

So, $5 + 2 \times (3^{2} - 1) = 21$.

What would be the result if we did not follow the Order of Operations and simply calculated from left to right?

Order of Operations – Guided Practice

Now, let's solve another problem step-by-step:

Calculate: $6 \times (2 + 4) \div 3^{2}$

What is the first step according to BIDMAS?
What do we do next?
How do we finish solving the problem?

Try solving the following expression by applying the BIDMAS Order of Operations:

Calculate: $4^{2} - 3 \times (8 \div 2 + 5)$

What is the solution to the given expression?

Order of Operations – Summary

Key Learnings from this Text:

  • The Order of Operations is crucial for solving maths problems correctly.
  • BIDMAS stands for Brackets, Indices (like powers and roots), Division, Multiplication, Addition and Subtraction.
  • Operations inside bracket symbols always come first, followed by exponents (or indices).
  • Multiplication and division are performed from left to right, as are subtraction and addition.
  • Following this order ensures that everyone arrives at the same correct answer.

To strengthen your understanding and become proficient at maths problems, explore our interactive practice problems, videos and printable worksheets! Have a look at Writing Numerical Expressions next!

Order of Operations – Frequently Asked Questions

What does BIDMAS stand for?
Why is the Order of Operations important?
Do multiplication and division have the same level of importance in BIDMAS?
Can you give an example of when you might use the Order of Operations in real life?
What happens if you don't follow the Order of Operations?
Are there any exceptions to the Order of Operations?
Can the BIDMAS rule be applied to equations with variables?
What should you do if there are multiple layers of grouping symbols?
Is there an easy way to remember the Order of Operations?
Does the Order of Operations apply to all mathematical operations?

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