Make a number line to add

Basics on the topic Make a number line to add
Making a Number Line to Add – Introduction
We're diving into the world of number line adding. This method helps us visualise addition and ensure we have the correct amount of materials for our project. Get your paper and pencils ready because today, we're going to practise this together!
What Is Addition with a Number Line?
Addition with a number line involves drawing a number line, placing the larger number on the left, and then moving forwards in steps equal to the smaller number. This visual method makes it easier to see how numbers combine.
Here are the steps to follow so you know how to use a number line to add:
Step # | Action |
1 | Create an equation and draw a number line. |
2 | Put the larger addend on the left side under the first dash. |
3 | Count forwards by the smaller addend (in steps). |
4 | Find the sum by looking at the number you land on. |
5 | Check your answer to ensure it makes sense with the problem. |
Let's practise understanding addition with a number line with a few examples.
Solving Addition with a Number Line – Example
Example 1:
Mr. Squeaks has 21 wood planks and 45 nails. How many does he have altogether?
Steps to Solve the Problem:
Step # | Action |
1 | Draw a number line and create the equation $21 + 45$. |
2 | Put the larger addend (45) on the left side. |
3 | Count forwards by 21. |
4 | Break 21 into two tens and one. |
5 | Count: 45 + 10 = 55, 55 + 10 = 65, 65 + 1 = 66 |
6 | The sum is 66. |
Mr. Squeaks has 66 wood planks and nails altogether, which is enough!
Example 2:
Mr. Squeaks has 37 orange roof tiles and 43 blue roof tiles. How many does he have in total?
Steps to Solve the Problem:
Step # | Action |
1 | Draw a number line and create the equation $37 + 43$. |
2 | Put the larger addend (43) on the left side. |
3 | Count forwards by 37. |
4 | Break 37 into three tens and seven. |
5 | Count: 43 + 10 = 53, 53 + 10 = 63, 63 + 10 = 73, 73 + 7 = 80 |
6 | The sum is 80. |
Mr. Squeaks has 80 roof tiles in total.
Example 3:
Mr. Squeaks has 67 blue flowers and 25 orange flowers. How many does he have in all?
Steps to Solve the Problem:
Step # | Action |
1 | Draw a number line and create the equation $67 + 25$. |
2 | Put the larger addend (67) on the left side. |
3 | Count forwards by 25. |
4 | Break 25 into two tens and five. |
5 | Count: 67 + 10 = 77, 77 + 10 = 87, 87 + 5 = 92 |
6 | The sum is 92. |
Mr. Squeaks has 92 flowers in total.
Using a Number Line to Add – Practice
Now, let's put your skills to the test. Solve these problems on your own, and check the solutions when you're ready!
Solving Addition with a Number Line – Summary
Key Learnings from this Text:
- Solving problems using a number line can be achieved by following these steps:
Step # | Action |
1 | Create an equation and draw a number line. |
2 | Put the larger addend on the left side under the first dash. |
3 | Count forwards by the smaller addend (in steps). |
4 | Find the sum by looking at the number you land on. |
5 | Check your answer to ensure it makes sense with the problem. |
- Mastering addition using a number line is an important visual maths skill.
Keep practising these steps, and you'll become a pro at adding numbers using a number line! Check out more fun maths challenges and exercises on our website to continue sharpening your skills.
Solving Addition with a Number Line – Frequently Asked Questions
Transcript Make a number line to add
"Okay, we've got it, the PERFECT treehouse." "Now all we need to do is get the materials and BUILD it!" Mr. Squeaks is ready to work, but first, he needs to add his materials to make sure he has the right amount of everything. "Make a Number Line to Add." Mr. Squeaks can use a number line to add his materials together. First, he has twenty-one planks of wood and forty-five nails, but he is unsure if he bought enough. He needs to add the number of planks and nails together using the number line. When adding using a number line, start by drawing the number line. Then, put the larger number that you are adding, or larger ADDEND, on the LEFT side under the first dash. We need to put FORTY-FIVE on the LEFT side since it is the largest number. Next, we can count forwards by different amounts depending on the other addend. Here it is twenty-one. We can break twenty apart into two tens and then count forwards in steps of ten. Let’s count. Ten more than forty-five is fifty-five and ten more than fifty-five is sixty-five. Then, we add smaller amounts for the rest. We only have one left, so we add one more. Finally, we can find our sum by looking at the number that we ended on. Mr. Squeaks has sixty-six planks and nails all together, which is enough! Next, Mr. Squeaks is adding his roof tiles. He wants to make a pattern out of the two different colours, but he needs to see how many he has altogether. If Mr. Squeaks has thirty-seven orange roof tiles and forty-three blue roof tiles, how many does he have in total? Start by creating an equation and draw the number line. We create thirty-seven plus forty-three. Next, put the larger addend on the LEFT side. The larger addend in this equation is forty-three, so, we'll put it on the LEFT side. Finally, count forwards by small amounts of the other addend. Thirty-seven has three tens, so we can count in steps of ten three times until we reach seventy-three. We can then add on the final seven. The last step is to find the sum by looking at the number we ended on eighty. That means Mr. Squeaks has eighty roof tiles. Finally, Mr. Squeaks also has some flowers to decorate with. If Mr. Squeaks has sixty-seven blue flowers, and twenty-five orange flowers, how many does he have altogether?
Remember, we can put the larger addend on the LEFT side. Then, we need to count forwards by the other addend, twenty-five. If we count forwards by small amounts of twenty-five, what number will we land on? We will land on the number ninety-two. Mr. Squeaks has ninety-two flowers altogether. Before we see that treehouse, let's summarise. When making a number line to add, remember: first, create an equation and draw your number line. Next, put the larger addend on the left side. Then, count forwards by the smaller addend. Finally, the number that you land on is your sum! Now, let's see that treehouse! "Hmm, where did all of my nails go?" "Imani!"
Make a number line to add exercise
How do we make a number line to add?
HintsWhat do we need to do before we put the larger addend on the left?
What do we need to do with the smaller addend in order to find our sum?
Solution- First, we draw a number line.
- Next, we put the larger addend on the left. In this problem, 43.
- Then, we count forwards by the smaller addend. In this problem +10 three times, and then +7 (making 37).
- Finally, we find our sum, which is 80 in this problem.
What is 56 + 32?
HintsHere you can see that 56 + 10 is 66.
Keep counting up to find your sum!
Finding your sum is the last step, so look for the last number on the number line to find your solution.
SolutionThe answer is 88!
- We put 56, our larger addend on the left.
- Next count up by tens and then two, in order to fill in our number line.
- Finally, we can see our sum.
- 56 + 32 = 88
How many seeds does Mr Squeaks have to plant?
HintsRemember to start by counting up in intervals of 10 to reach your final answer.
After the steps of ten, how many more do you need to count forwards by?
Solution22 + 34 = 56
- We put 34 to the left of our number line because it is the larger addend.
- Then we count up by 10 two times: 44, 54.
- We have 2 more seeds remaining, so we add those 2 to get our final answer, 56.
How many nails does Imani have?
HintsMake sure that you put the larger addend on the left.
Remember that you need to count forwards in intervals to find your solution.
Use the number line below to help.
Solution- First we find our larger addend, 57, and put it on the left of our number line.
- Then we count by 10 three times and reach 87.
- We still need to add 5 more, which gives us our answer: 92 nails.
Solve the word problem.
HintsIf Mr. Squeaks has 13 fewer cookies than Imani, that means that Imani has 13 more cookies than Mr. Squeaks, so we need to add these numbers to find Imani's total.
Remember to add all of the cookies. Here we can see, 10 have already been added. How many more need to be added to find the sum?
SolutionImani has 58 cookies!
- First, we identify our larger addend, 45 cookies.
- Next, we count forwards by 10 and then 3 to add the 13 more cookies Imani has.
- Finally we have our sum. Imani has 58 cookies in total.
- 45 + 13 = 58
Solve the word problem.
HintsYou can separate this problem into two separate number lines on your own if it makes it easier to solve.
Start with 25 and + 10 three times. You count by 10 three times because you're adding 2 tens from 20 and 1 ten from 12.
Solution- First, we identify our largest addend, 25 bracelets.
- Then we count in tens to add the 20 more bracelets Imani made.
- This leads us to 45 bracelets.
- We then count again by 10 to reach 55 bracelets.
- We need to add 2 more.