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How to Write Expressions

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Learning text on the topic How to Write Expressions

How to Write Expressions

Writing mathematical expressions is a fundamental skill that helps translate real-world situations into manageable mathematical problems. It involves identifying key quantities and their relationships and then using symbols and numbers to express these relationships succinctly. This guide will explore the basics of constructing mathematical expressions, equipping you with the tools to solve problems efficiently and accurately. These expressions use variables so have a look at this text if you’d like a refresher.

How to Write Expressions – Definition

An algebraic expression is a mathematical phrase containing numbers, variables, and operation symbols. In business planning, algebraic expressions can model financial scenarios, calculate costs and predict growth.

Here's a table summarising common keywords associated with each of the basic mathematical operations, which can help in identifying what operation to use when writing mathematical expressions:

Operation Keywords
Addition add, plus, increase, total, sum, together, more than
Subtraction subtract, minus, less, decrease, fewer, less than
Multiplication multiply, times, product, doubled, tripled
Division divide, divided by, quotient, per, ratio

How to Write Expressions – Step-by-Step Process

Here's a concise step-by-step guide on how to write an algebraic expression, followed by two simple examples to demonstrate the process:

Step-by-Step Process of Writing an Algebraic Expression

Step Description
Step 1: Identify the Variables Determine what the unknowns are in the problem and assign a variable (like $ x $, $ y $, etc.) to each.
Step 2: Determine the Operation Based on the keywords or problem context, decide which mathematical operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) are required.
Step 3: Formulate the Expression Combine the variables and numbers using the operations identified to create an algebraic expression that represents the problem.

Let’s look at some examples.

Example 1:: Suppose you have 5 counters and you receive $ x $ additional counters from a friend.

  • Identify the Variables: Let $ x $ represent the number of counters received.
  • Determine the Operation: The problem involves adding the counters you received to the ones you already have.
  • Formulate the Expression: The algebraic expression for this situation is $ 5 + x $.

Example 2:: You buy $ y $ pencils, and each pencil costs 3 dollars.

  • Identify the Variables: Let $ y $ represent the number of pencils.
  • Determine the Operation: Since each pencil costs a certain amount, you multiply the number of pencils by the cost per pencil.
  • Formulate the Expression: The algebraic expression for this situation is $ 3y $.

How to Write Expressions – Real-World Application

Example: For Mateo's taco catering business, he has a simple pricing model. He sells each taco for $£2.50$ and charges an additional service fee of $£200$. An algebraic expression to represent Mateo's total charge for 't' tacos is:

$2.50t + 200$

With '$t$' representing the number of tacos sold, we can calculate Mateo's revenue by substituting the value of '$t$' into the expression.

If Mateo sells 100 tacos, how much money will he make?

Mateo serves three tacos per person and needs to account for kitchen accidents that usually cost him 10 tacos. To calculate the number of people Mateo can serve, we use the following expression:

$(t - 10) \div 3$

This expression takes the total number of tacos '$t$', subtracts the $10$ accident-prone tacos, and divides by $3$ since each person gets three tacos.

If Mateo prepares $100$ tacos, how many people can he feed after accounting for accidents?

Mateo projects that his company's value will double each week. To model this exponential growth, we use the following expression:

$10,000 × 2^{w}$

Here, 'w' represents the number of weeks, and the entire expression predicts the company's value after 'w' weeks.

What will the company's value be after 4 weeks?

How to Write Expressions – Guided Practice

1. Hannah makes and sells handmade necklaces. She charges $£15$ for each necklace and a fixed shipping fee of $£5$ per order.

Algebraic Expression: The total charge for 'n' necklaces would be: $ 15n + 5 $

With '$n$' representing the number of necklaces sold, we can calculate Hannah's revenue by substituting the value of '$n$' into the expression.

If Hannah sells 30 necklaces, how much money will she make?

2. Alex tutors students and charges $£20$ per hour. Additionally, he charges a one-time material fee of $£10$ per student.

Algebraic Expression: The total charge for 'h' hours of tutoring would be: $ 20h + 10 $

With '$h$' representing the number of tutoring hours, we can calculate Alex's total earnings by substituting the value of '$h$' into the expression.

If Alex tutors for 12 hours, how much money will he make?

How to Write Expressions – Practice

Lisa runs a bakery and sells cupcakes for $£3$ each. She also charges a flat delivery fee of $£12$ per order.

Mike offers lawn mowing services at $\$$25 per lawn and a $\$$15 service fee for equipment use per visit.

Jenna sells handmade bracelets for $\$$7 each and offers a discount of $\$$10 on orders that have more than 20 bracelets.

Tom provides freelance graphic design services at $£50$ per hour. He also includes a setup fee of $£30$ for new clients.

Carol teaches piano and charges $\$$40 per lesson. She offers a package that includes 5 lessons and a one-time book fee of $\$$20.

How to Write Expressions – Summary

Key Learnings from this Text:

  • Algebraic expressions can simplify financial calculations in business planning.
  • Translating business scenarios into algebraic expressions is essential for strategic planning and forecasting.

Engage further in exploration of the interplay between algebra and real-world applications like business planning, through our engaging content, interactive practice problems, and additional learning resources on our platform.

How to Write Expressions – Frequently Asked Questions

What is the importance of algebraic expressions in business planning?

How can algebraic expressions be applied in revenue modelling for a business?

Can algebraic expressions be used to model business expenses?

What does the expression 2.50t + 200 represent in Mateo's taco business?

How do you calculate the number of people Mateo can serve with a given number of tacos?

How does the expression $10,000 × 2^{w}$ help in predicting business growth?

What is the role of variables in algebraic expressions for business?

Are algebraic expressions exact or estimative in business planning?

How can the concept of algebraic expressions be applied in cost analysis?

In what way can understanding algebraic expressions benefit an entrepreneur?


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