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Greater than / Less than

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Basics on the topic Greater than / Less than

Understanding Comparing Numbers

Let's dive into the exciting world of comparing numbers using greater than, less than and equal to! These concepts are essential for understanding how numbers relate to each other. Whether you're comparing your favourite numbers or solving maths problems, knowing which number is bigger or smaller can be very helpful!

Understanding Greater Than and Less Than – Definition

Greater than (>) indicates that the number on the left is larger than the number on the right. Less than (<) indicates that the number on the left is smaller than the number on the right. Equal to (=) means both numbers are the same.


We always read number sentences from left to right. Let's explore how to compare numbers effectively.

What does the symbol > mean?

How do we read number sentences?

What does the symbol < indicate?

Using Greater Than and Less Than Symbols – Example

Let's look at an example to understand how to compare numbers.

Is ten greater than or less than fourteen?

Step # Process Step Description
1 Compare Ten and fourteen.
2 Determine Ten is smaller than fourteen.
3 Conclusion Ten is less than fourteen.

In number sentence form, we would write: 10 < 14

Using Greater Than and Less Than Symbols – Guided Practice

Take a look at these numbers: Is sixteen greater than or less than twelve?

Compare the numbers.

Determine which is larger.


Using Greater Than and Less Than Symbols – Application

Now it's your turn. Compare the numbers on your own.

Using Greater Than and Less Than Symbols – Summary

Key Learnings from this Text:

  • The symbol > means greater than, and < means less than.
  • Read number sentences from left to right to determine the relationship.
  • Comparing numbers helps us understand which is bigger or smaller.
  • Sometimes, the two numbers are the same, so we would say they are equal.

Keep practising comparing numbers with fun activities and interactive problems. Explore other content on our website, such as interactive practice problems, videos and printable worksheets to support your learning journey!

Using Greater Than and Less Than Symbols – Frequently Asked Questions

What symbol, or sign, is used for greater than?

How do you know if a number is less than another number?

What does equal to mean?

Is 10 greater than 5?

How do you compare 7 and 12?

Can the greater than and less than symbols be used with any numbers?

Is 15 equal to 15?

Which is larger: 12 or 14?

How can I remember the symbols for greater than and less than?

Are there any tricks to help remember the order of numbers?

Transcript Greater than / Less than

"Henry, it's almost time for Dundee to get here, are you ready?" "Of course I am!"

"Hi, Dundee!" "Wait, I thought you were bringing food." "That's okay, we have some salad we can share with you!" While Skylar and Henry show Dundee the salad, they can use "greater than, less than" to talk about the amount of food. We compare numbers by talking about how big or small they are with the phrases greater than, or less than. Instead of writing the words greater than or less than, we use these symbols. Greater than is a way to talk about a number that is bigger than another. Less than is a way to talk about a number that is smaller than another. These symbols look like the opening of a crocodile's mouth, and the opening of the symbol ALWAYS points to the GREATER number. Just like Dundee always opens his mouth up for the bigger plate of food! Let's see what Skylar and Henry bring to Dundee first. Skylar brings Dundee fifteen carrots while Henry brings twenty-six. Is fifteen greater than, or less than twenty-six? Fifteen is less than twenty-six When we compare two numbers, we create a maths sentence and can read it. Just like when we read sentences in books, when we read maths sentences we read from left to right. If we compare fifteen and twenty-six, we would read it as fifteen is less than twenty-six. It looks like Dundee has requested even more food! Skylar and Henry bring out some cucumbers to impress Dundee. This time Henry brings out thirty cucumbers while Skylar brings out twenty. How can we compare their plates of cucumbers? We can compare using greater than or less than. Is thirty greater than or less than twenty? It's greater than! That means we will use the greater than symbol. If we read our maths sentence we would say thirty is greater than twenty. Before we get to that party, let's summarise. Today we learnt about greater than and less than. It's a way to compare numbers using symbols. Greater than is a way to talk about a number that is bigger than another. Less than is a way to talk about a number that is smaller than another. We also learnt about the symbols used when creating a maths sentence with greater than and less than. Remember that the opening of the symbol ALWAYS opens towards the bigger number like Dundee opening their mouth towards the greater plate of food! Now, let's see about that party! "What do you mean, they ate all of the food we gave them?" "It's okay, we'll order a pizza for the party!" "Next time, let's give him fruit so he doesn't eat all of it!"

Greater than / Less than exercise

Would you like to apply the knowledge you’ve learnt? You can review and practice it with the tasks for the video Greater than / Less than.
  • Show which number is greater.


    Count the images to work out which number is larger.

    Remember, the greater than and less than signs are like hungry crocodiles. The opening faces the larger number.


    16 is the larger number, so we use the greater than symbol to say 16 > 12.

    The opening faces the larger number.

  • Which symbol fits in the gap?


    Think about which number is greater. The opening of the symbol always faces the larger number.

    When we write the greater than sign, it faces the greater number: 65 > 44.

    When we write the less than sign, it faces away from the smaller number: 44 < 65


    11 is less than 38.

  • Which sentence matches the picture?


    Read the number, the sign, and the other number out loud to find your maths sentence.

    Remember, the maths sentence is read from left to right.

    For example, this reads fifty-three is greater than twenty-two.


    The sentence that matches 61>12 is sixty-one is greater than twelve.

    We read the first number, sixty-one, followed by the sign, greater than, and the last number, twelve. The maths sentence is sixty-one is greater than twelve.

  • Which maths sentences are correct?


    Remember, the two numbers are 7 and 14. Which number is greater?

    Try saying the maths sentence out loud.


    The numbers were 14 and 7. Since 14 is greater than 7, we write it using the greater than symbol (14 > 7).

    Since 7 is less than 14, we write it using the less than symbol (7 < 14).

    Dundee is going to eat the 14 cupcakes, since that is the greater amount!

  • Complete the sentence.


    Remember, the symbols (< >) look like a hungry crocodile's mouth!

    Look at the example 10 > 2. Is the opening towards the bigger or smaller number here?


    The opening of the symbol always faces the bigger number!

    Just like Dundee opens his mouth towards the biggest pile of food, the symbol opens towards the bigger number. Example: 5 > 3, 3 < 5.

  • Match the number sentence to the symbol.


    Remember, the symbol faces the larger number like a hungry crocodile.

    Read the number sentence from left to right.


    We place the corresponding symbols by looking at which number is greater.

    The greater than symbol is represented by > and the less than symbol is represented by <.

    The crocodile mouth faces the greater number.